The Art of Egg

I just collected eggs. Judith’s offering was gloriously imperfect, perhaps even mildly abstracted.  Her approach to creating is fantastically organic.  Don’t you think?  

Yesterday, out in the studio, I was pushing myself so hard to bring something “novel” to my work that my efforts fell flat, trembled with some caustic and synthetic overtone instead of the deep, crushing, textured velvet of organic emanation…on days like that, I wish I was like Judith pushing out wonky little mildly abstracted eggs, not thinking of anything in particular while doing my work, perhaps even working involuntarily, like a heart beat or the tickled twitch of withers on a horse fending off flies in summertime sunshine…

There’s something so satisfying about the accidental and the serendipitous.  The surprise turns in creative work might be my favorite part.  The stumbled upon.  The ideas gone so wrong that turn out to be so righteous and genuine.
My hands want to speak honestly, always, and I suppose, even when I force them into foreign motions, there is good that comes from that too.
I always keep in mind that everything leads somewhere, even if it falls down, flat on its face, from time to time.

An egg can be lumpy.
An egg can be perfect.
But in the end, an egg is still an egg.

…whatever that means.

Believe it or not, this egg was NOT a double yolker!

My Chickens Are Butterballs

You won’t believe how the girls have grown!

I had them roaming free in the garden this afternoon whilst I planted a few rows of veggies. Oh how they love to scratch about in the dirt. They haven’t lost their chickie voices yet and still make sweet peeping noises and sing song chirps when they speak with each other. They seem to be learning how to fly with their new adolescent feathers since while crouched on the ground and holding Vesper, Judith managed to leap up, flap her wings and perch on my arm.

They still love to be side by side, all the time. I don’t think this urge to flock is going to reverse itself anytime soon. The girls are the best of friends. The dogs still behave in a curious manner when face to face with the chickens, but within a few minutes they lose interest and move on to their dogly duties around the yard i.e. mauling the cat and begging for treats from the mailman.

Vesper has such interesting plumage. We think she looks quite like a pheasant chick or a bobwhite quail chick (we used to raise both when living in Arizona). She’s such a wild little thing.

And true to her breed, Judith is a bit of a butterball. She’s supposed to get so plump, her feet won’t ever really leave the ground.

We’ve been having terribly chilly, snowy, sleety springtime weather here but hopefully the temperatures will jump soon and then the girls will spend their first night out in the chicken ark which I have yet to photograph for you! Next week, you can count on some snaps of the chicken chateau!

It’s been a lovely day off here, for me! RW has been strolling about in a svelte set of overhauls while painting our bedroom! That’s right. The mustard yellow sponge paint job of yesteryear has been destroyed, or at least enveloped in a fresh blanket of tranquility.

A fine, fine Wednesday.

Thanks for all the wonderful comments you’ve been leaving on the springtime giveaway post as well as the Typewriter Tuesday post from yesterday.
You’re just the bees knees!
The weather has been rather frightful today.
We’ve had thunder and lightning, sheets of rain falling like the chandelier during the Phantom of the Opera, moments when the clouds were so dark and heavy that it looked like night inside our home.
Farley has been cooped up inside and bored nearly to the point of painful death.

I tried to get him to play with me.

I tried rubbing his belly and feeding him treats.

I resorted to putting chickens on his back.

But even Judith and Vesper couldn’t crack his boredom.

The girls even used him as a trampoline!

But he didn’t care.

Poor fellow.

Vesper, Judith & Butts

The girls are starting to grow feathers! Can you believe how much they have grown since last week? I’ve also noticed that they have formed a strong sisterly bond in the past few days. They do not like to be apart from each other which makes holding them a literal handful. If I take one chick out of the brooder the remaining chick will call and call for her sister and even leap up on top of the food and water jars where she’ll stomp around in great distress. When I return the missing chick to the brooder they snuggle up, as if to say, “Oh sister, I missed you…” It’s great. Their flocking instincts have kicked in!
Dog and chick friendship continues to impress and develop! I will be sure to film the experience for you sometime this week so you can witness, in person, Farley’s boredom with the girls.
I will confess, I think Judith has a cuter butt. Who gets your number one chicken butt vote? Judith (yellow) or Vesper (black)?