My Chickens Are Butterballs

You won’t believe how the girls have grown!

I had them roaming free in the garden this afternoon whilst I planted a few rows of veggies. Oh how they love to scratch about in the dirt. They haven’t lost their chickie voices yet and still make sweet peeping noises and sing song chirps when they speak with each other. They seem to be learning how to fly with their new adolescent feathers since while crouched on the ground and holding Vesper, Judith managed to leap up, flap her wings and perch on my arm.

They still love to be side by side, all the time. I don’t think this urge to flock is going to reverse itself anytime soon. The girls are the best of friends. The dogs still behave in a curious manner when face to face with the chickens, but within a few minutes they lose interest and move on to their dogly duties around the yard i.e. mauling the cat and begging for treats from the mailman.

Vesper has such interesting plumage. We think she looks quite like a pheasant chick or a bobwhite quail chick (we used to raise both when living in Arizona). She’s such a wild little thing.

And true to her breed, Judith is a bit of a butterball. She’s supposed to get so plump, her feet won’t ever really leave the ground.

We’ve been having terribly chilly, snowy, sleety springtime weather here but hopefully the temperatures will jump soon and then the girls will spend their first night out in the chicken ark which I have yet to photograph for you! Next week, you can count on some snaps of the chicken chateau!

It’s been a lovely day off here, for me! RW has been strolling about in a svelte set of overhauls while painting our bedroom! That’s right. The mustard yellow sponge paint job of yesteryear has been destroyed, or at least enveloped in a fresh blanket of tranquility.

A fine, fine Wednesday.

Thanks for all the wonderful comments you’ve been leaving on the springtime giveaway post as well as the Typewriter Tuesday post from yesterday.
You’re just the bees knees!


  1. thebearaffair says

    What a delight to see how the girls are progressing. Can't wait to view the new chateau. XXOO Sal

  2. Elly Rarg says

    Goodness, what have you been feeding them?! They are gorgeous and HUGE now! Love that they are still the best of friends (and just quietly, your spring sounds like the fall here, but without the snow!)

  3. Good Girls Studio says

    They are getting soo big! Can't wait the Chicken Chateau 🙂 Pretty feathers, have you been collecting them??

  4. Snailentina says

    oh my goshhhhhhh! I squealed when I saw how big the chicks got <3 can't wait for the pics from their abode 🙂

  5. Oh I want some! I took my 2 yr old to see some the other day and of course he wanted some too. Unfortunately we live in town and I'm guessing it is not allowed. Someday.

  6. stregata says

    The girls are looking quite chic in their new plumage – and my, have they grown!

  7. sylvestris says

    Hahahaha…svelte set of overalls…heeheehee! I love it.

    Very impressive growth and featherage, but still plenty of flouncy buttfluffage, I see. Nice. Vesper DOES look beautifully wild…and Judith serenely domestic.

    Thanks for sharing your many collected shards of heaven!


  8. The girls are adorable – even in the awkward adolescence stage…but who hasn't been there?? My cousin's chickens are huge and beautiful and no doubt these ladies will be too! Love seeing their growth and evolution…

  9. Victoria Grace says

    The darker chic has quite impressive looking natural eyeliner. I think she's beautiful.

  10. angela walker jewelry says

    They are getting so big and are just so darn cute!
    Your photos are amazing!
    Health and happiness,

  11. CrowNology says

    So sweet.
    Love the last photo.

  12. ckdowns says

    I've been wondering how these two were growing…they look just marvelous, and right at home around Plume Gables.

    Have they charmed RW yet????


  13. The Noisy Plume: says

    Their rapid growth is rather shocking. Isn't it? They're both very sweet still and come when I call them with my special chicken call. They usually run toward me when I call and then stop abruptly at my feet where they wait to be petted or held. I certainly am their chicken momma.

    I could watch them for hours.

    It's kind of magical being so close to birds and being able to watch their mannerisms as they go about their routines. I mean, I see birds all the time in the wild, but rarely am able to get close enough to really witness their lives. These chickens of mine really fascinate with their bird antics, their chit chat and their habits. Raising them is akin to a science project…..of sorts.

    I'm glad to read that you are enjoying these chicken updates! I think chickens are kind of like bakeries or boutiques for women…we've all dreamed of having one of our own.


  14. Willow Branch says

    The girls are really growing. I'll bet if you're quiet, at night you can hear them growing. They are just bursting out of their fuzzy coats & getting the awkward feathers of adolescence. I love the updates & am waiting to see their new "crib".


  15. Rachael says

    Wow, the chickies are gorgeous and all fluffy! Love Vesper's colors a lot. Can't wait to see the chicken chateau. 🙂

  16. sylvestris says

    Jillian the galliform ethologist…ain't science grand? It is in fact a great wonder to really, literally discover a species for the first time, even if that species has been discovered before.

    I, for one, never really lusted after a bakery or boutique…but I'd love to have some laying hens.


  17. 90809eugeniopals says

    寂寞又無聊 看到你的BLOG 加油喔!!........................................

  18. Oh, they lovely! 🙂 so cute. Heh, I love your dogs face in an old post when you showed a chick to him. A bit crossed eyes and thinking, what is that little ball of fluff 🙂

    Happy weekend from England!

  19. Ancarol says

    wow … the feather it seens unique feather with their both lovely eye : ) expecting next shot when their growth .

  20. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA your face in the first photo. what was about to make you laugh?

    seeing these little peckettes grow up reinforces the fact that i need to find a pair of shin guards for july…

  21. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks for all the chickie love everybody!
    We'll miss that sweet little Vesper and her black eyeliner…won't we?