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IMG_0817elk good-2IMG_0827elk goodWhen we began walking, the valley was white with the frayed edges of a fog bank.  We walked long enough to watch the sun burn the clouds away revealing a brilliant sky, bluebird belly and red berries divine.

In the studio, all was warm and I built a few bare, sterling canvasses to be worked with and finished out tomorrow.  At the height of the day, I looked out the big studio window that opens to the West, saw Tater Tot sleeping in the sun and I joined him there for a bit, running my hands over the silk of his ears while hearing our heartbeats collide under the pleasant blanket of January light.

It was such a lovely day.  Now friends are coming for dinner and drinks and tea and talk.  Rob is in the kitchen making his famous sweet chili (The secret?  HONEY!) and I suppose I’ll go help out.IMG_0865elk good IMG_0922elk good IMG_0855elk good IMG_0947elk good IMG_0873elk goodIMG_0884elk goodIMG_0907elk goodI hope you are all better than well!

Items of note:

I am over here today with a dash of prose and some pretty photos — Dog Power.

I failed to mention this little interview last week.

You’ll love this, not just because the fellows strip down to their gitch for most of the film but because it’s awesome.

And how about this beautiful, online book — a quick read that will make your heart light and your soul yearn for the summer forest and the mountain meadows brimming with lupin and larkspur.

Tra la la!