IMG_0709elk good IMG_0722elk good IMG_0788elk goodIMG_0725elk goodIMG_0739elk good

IMG_0817elk good-2IMG_0827elk goodWhen we began walking, the valley was white with the frayed edges of a fog bank.  We walked long enough to watch the sun burn the clouds away revealing a brilliant sky, bluebird belly and red berries divine.

In the studio, all was warm and I built a few bare, sterling canvasses to be worked with and finished out tomorrow.  At the height of the day, I looked out the big studio window that opens to the West, saw Tater Tot sleeping in the sun and I joined him there for a bit, running my hands over the silk of his ears while hearing our heartbeats collide under the pleasant blanket of January light.

It was such a lovely day.  Now friends are coming for dinner and drinks and tea and talk.  Rob is in the kitchen making his famous sweet chili (The secret?  HONEY!) and I suppose I’ll go help out.IMG_0865elk good IMG_0922elk good IMG_0855elk good IMG_0947elk good IMG_0873elk goodIMG_0884elk goodIMG_0907elk goodI hope you are all better than well!

Items of note:

I am over here today with a dash of prose and some pretty photos — Dog Power.

I failed to mention this little interview last week.

You’ll love this, not just because the fellows strip down to their gitch for most of the film but because it’s awesome.

And how about this beautiful, online book — a quick read that will make your heart light and your soul yearn for the summer forest and the mountain meadows brimming with lupin and larkspur.

Tra la la!



  1. These little glimpses into your world make my heart soar! Thank you for sharing. xoxo

  2. so much joy and serenity and colour in this post!

    and men stripped to their gitch, walking a highwire rope. amazing.

    i love the bond you and tater share….but there’s something about old man farley’s face that robs my heart every time i lay eyes on him….

  3. divine, all of it: the singing colors, the ethereal light, the pulse of life throughout.
    you give the phrase “all in a day’s work” all new meaning!

  4. I enjoyed reading about your day as well as your interview.

    I don’t think anybody else is so honest and mystic at the same time. 🙂

    And yes, I like the ring. 🙂

  5. nathalie carles says

    Hi Jillian,
    I haven’t written to you or made any comments (I am not good at the last one) or even made you another bracelet (no time…one day I will I promise).. just want to tell you that your blog (that I read as an addict) is always amazing, beautiful, photographs, the writing part (more and more amazing), outdoor life, dogs, music, jewellery, personal life, anything and everything in this blog is a delight.
    Didn’t even wish you a Happy New year!!!! Thank you for every moment of it.
    Nathalie (from Salt Spring Island)

  6. Ring a ding ding!! (Cannot wait to see these babies)
    Working in the studio, lazying in the sun, drollery in the wild.
    It’s lovely to tag along.

  7. ~to be apart of the brilliant days of winter…january offers up such a wondrous array of light and warmth cutting through the coldness at hand…you captured the season vibrantly well…looking forward to seeing your pieces as they manifest…i adore rings that are elongated in shape…true statement pieces they become…congrats on your interview…was a wonderful read! be well and much love light and blessings be with you and yours~

  8. Looks like the perfect day 😉

  9. Great to see you dearest J…what is it about nature that cradles us all so generously and indiscriminately…I so love the synchronized heartbeats especially when one set comes from a furry one…It is amazing to me how they notice it and enjoy it much as we do.
    Your Rob is a master chef and a bit later I will read your interview.
    You have cheered me.


  10. Elizabeth Waggoner says

    Brilliant, Joyful Day! Good Times – Happy Puppies! I love your hats! I’m going to knit you one!

  11. You make my heart happy!

  12. Aww thanks for sharing the book 🙂 It belongs right here…two beautiful reads.

  13. Love the underwear commercial! Yowza! Those boys looked like they were having some chilly fun. Thanks for the share.

    Oh. You’re great too. As per usual.
    xo- beth

  14. Love-love it all!
    And Ummmmmm, yeah…thank you for sharing that spot…beautiful and amazing, in every which way!
    happy weekend, ladybird!

  15. cozy-ness, peaceful-ness and beauty come from the screen

  16. I enjoyed reading your interview!
    There is something more polished and refined about your photography and writing…
    It is all very compelling and glorious.

  17. One of winter’s greatest gifts is a clear blue sky. It’s startling in a way it simply isn’t during the summer; something about the cold clarifies the view. You FEEL the weight of it, then.