The Band

I discovered a band of wild horses on the BLM land near our farm.  I drove out with a friend to see them last night.  The sky was storming in three directions, at some point my camera survived a proper deluge and my hair received a second rinse for the day, the wild flowers were blooming and the horses were magnificent — the stallion in particular watching over his mares and foals with such strength and dignity.  This herd was taken off BLM land and retained for a stint before being returned to the range so while they are wild, they have been gentled some to the presence of humans and they allow some people to approach them closer than most wild horses would.  They are curious, you know?  They want to check things out and catch a whiff of you on the wind.

I’m so excited to have this band nearby and I plan to photograph them for years to come.  I look forward to watching them, knowing them better, naming them, seeing new foals born, seeing young stallions kicked out to fend for themselves.  I look forward to watching them survive.  They do it so well.

I already have some people asking about prints of these wild horse images and I would like to get out a few more times to capture these horses with my cameras before I begin to offer such a thing, so hang tight.

This is just the beginning, my friends.