A Little Like A Gypsy

Adding The Fullness of Dimension

[sterling, pink coral, copper, vintage angel skin coral branches]

I’ve been getting more dimensional with the lichen forms, actually curling the branches while hammer forming them and anticlastically shaping them.  The result so far has been wildly elegant in every way.  It’s amazing how substantial these earrings are while maintaining a delicate lightness and openness.  The forms furl and unfurl so tenderly, when I hold these earrings in my hands, I do so gently, with carefulness, as though they’re winged and chirping.  I don’t need to hold them that way, they’re made of metal, but something about them causes me to be easy and sweet with my hands.  The feel of them on the body is amazing, flowing.  I feel beautiful in them and as natural as can be, as if they grew there on my ear lobes.  I am loving, very tremendously, exploring this little series.  I feel like I have all the time in the world to work on it and I’m so thankful for that.  Thank you for supporting me while I’ve been working on the Lichen Series, for giving me the means to continue digging deeper into these forms.  I sure appreciate it, with all my heart.