Doe in Snow Neck Piece ::: The Quiet Ones Series
[sterling, copper, silk & enamel]

I’ve been terribly excited about returning to this series with the onset of cooler weather.  Actually, I’ve been thrilled about being able to enamel again, in general.  I missed it very much during the summer months when my un-air-conditioned workspace is simply unbearable with the added heat of a kiln.  The studio, when I’ve had moments to work these past couple of weeks, is thrumming with energy, light and that steadiness that comes with hard work.

There’s been the adventure of embarking upon a photo project with one of my best friends.
My involvement with the creative team for this incredible e-course [I promise Maddie!  I’ll have my thoughts and images to you tonight.  TONIGHT!].
There is something small and wild taking up a lot of my time…I don’t feel ready to share it with you quite yet.  But it makes me so happy.
There’s a poem I want to write about the wasps that live in my attic — the words string themselves out in my mind when I’m falling asleep at night.
There’s a cup of hot tea nearly every hour, on the hour, to warm my autumn bones.
There’s a bit of soul fire to match the red of the scrub maples as they turn.
There are twenty thousand emails for me to answer but I can’t sit still long enough to get the work finished.
All of our firefighter friends are done their work for the year and are back in town so there has been the beauteous behooving of scintillating sociality many nights of the week followed by the sudden quiet of all the boys 
leaving for their antelope hunt in Wyoming.
I can’t stop listening to this.
Very shortly, there will be some girls and I in a forest service cabin just outside of West Yellowstone for a couple of days.  
There have also been image submissions at the request of Getty Images (such a wonderful experience).  Perhaps, sometime, you might see Plum smiling on a bag of dog food at the grocery store (rest her crazy little darling soul)!
There is a stack of letters from friends that need responses, an extra quilt on the bed and plum jam on toast in the mornings.
Oh!  And this book just handed to me by the mailman — which is so beautiful and haunting!

I have a couple of details to wrap up out in the studio before I make myself lunch.  Can you believe I’m still eating from my garden every single day?
Shortly, I’ll have: roasted beets with a side of baby carrots, kale, patty pan squash, zucchini and garlic lightly sauteed in butter.

Tra la la!

…because the first was lonesome.

The Quiet Ones No.2
[sterling, copper, enamel, silk, pink coral and silk cord]
This is my current soulscape.
Did I tell you before?
Well, I’m telling you now.

I can’t stop thinking about this series.
I’m even dreaming about it.

I find myself laying in bed longer than usual in the morning, aligning my heart with bird chant and the wind in the Austrian pine out back.
There’s a stone cold emotional purge, the hopscotch of springcoming, the bowing forth of honesty — so silent in its truth.  Gosh!  Life can feel so thick with goodness and vitality even in the most crushing moments.
Mine is the dumbest tongue in all of North America right now,  sometimes these things need their quiet and their space.  

Did you ever learn to be patient with your self?
I’m learning now.

Post Scriptus:
Silvery Cotswold arrived here again today.
Ain’t she a beaut?