I like to spend thirty minutes of most mornings walking out to the hayfield while the sun is rising with orchard apples in my coat pockets and the dogs swirling around my tall galoshes. I present my offerings to my horses, smell their hay-sweet breath, untangle the burrs from their forelocks, and sink my cold hands into their plush winter fur. They’re very-extremely-quite-rather-busy trying to stave off the morning shivers by grazing as fast as they can so once I’m out of apples they go back to eating grass with great dedication and I stroll around the rest of the hayfield with the dogs and then head to the house for a hot cup of tea. This is a half-hour of my life I’ll never see again, but I spent it wisely so I don’t mind.


  1. Such a beautiful Morning Story.

  2. Merry Christmas, Jillian. I wanted to comment on your perfect photo and post on Instagram. God be with you this Season.

  3. Merry Christmas to you and yours! Snow makes it all the better 🙂

  4. I do the same, every weekday morning! Once the equines are fed i brave the elements and walk out to the back of the property to gaze in wonder at the front range of the Rocky Mountains, scanning left to right to see where snow has fallen (finally…) which mountains are visible and which obscured by low clouds. In winter there is a pink glow that is absolutely magical, and the moon often winks goodnight before she slides down behind the hills. It is a sacred, unspoiled time of day and I always feel richer for it!