This and That

IMG_9215To be perfectly honest, I’ve been pregnant — CREATIVELY pregnant, for months.  HA!  Fooled you!

Ok, but it’s been horrible, at times, and I am sure that the symptoms have been similar to the real thing, in a metaphorical sense (that is to say, zero braxton hicks).  You know what I have tried to do?  I have tried to be patient and I have continued to show up, over and over again, in my studio space.  I have worked through it and tried my hardest to stay in the habit of working because I find a lot of creative power stems directly from momentum.  There have been moments of glimmerings but on the whole, metal has felt slow to me.  I must be honest though, I have been shooting skyward in other directions.  I have officially taken on a few photography gigs, on a professional level (by that I mean I am actually being paid for my pictures…).  And a shockingly wonderful rash of magazine articles have been published or are pending publishment and these are articles, not interviews — big difference, my friends, big difference.  Here’s one for you to check out, as a matter of fact.  It hit the news stands on May first!

This is all to say that maybe the pregnant nature of the metal studio, complete with musical toots, is actually just what I needed to curate the blooms in my other creative realms.  I don’t know.  All I can say is it’s been a swell winter, my sweet buddies, regardless.  A swell winter.

Tonight, while I was running, I watched the Portneuf Valley and the Bannock Range settle into the sunset hours while being scrubbed clean by blue sheets of isolated rain showers.  I was high enough on the mountain, as I ran, to see a wide horizon which is always good for me, a prairie girl who prefers a long view.  It was a spectacular night to bind up my heart in wispy, silken ropes and settle my soul.  A gorgeous night.  I ran through one of those spring showers, felt the rain curl the tendrils of hair about my face, felt my cheeks grow red in the cold, called the dogs back to my heels as we began our descent, kept an eye peeled for pheasant tail feathers, tumbled down the mountain to the rhythm and syncopation of a hundred different birdsongs — pure heavenly wildflower magic cloaking my shoulders as I passed through aspen stands, scrub maple and sagebrush.

Running is my bliss. May I run forever.

More importantly, tonight while I flowed through my regular 9 mile loop up on the mountain, I felt something, I had an idea, I had a vision, and I am going to put it to metal as soon as I can.


It’s been a long nine weeks here (has it truly been that long???).  Robert is in Green River, Utah, tonight — on his way home from his southeast deployment in a white US Forest Service truck.  I will wrap my arms around him tomorrow morning around 10AM when he lands on the front steps of our home.  Then we will meticulously plan three weeks together and probably head to Utah to do some rafting and fishing.  I can’t wait.  I need him.  I have needed him.  With all my heart.


Lastly, there’s this.  You can thank me, but you should also thank my baby sister who sent me this in the first place (she’s awesome, by the way…little Toby Beth Georgia…).  Two INCREDIBLE and unique voices.  I DIE!  You’re going to fall in love and then you will swoon and when you wake up you’re going to wish someone would “catch you in a bed sheet and rattle your chains“…aaaaand then you’ll be so sad that they don’t kiss at the end of the song.  So sad.



  1. nathalie carles says

    I am not surprised that your photographs could be on every magazine possible…on my other comment 2 days ago I said that (after your post on…changing) that change is good and opens doors!!! You deserve it big time. It is actually very nice to see your evolution (I use that word instead of “change” I find it more appropriate in your case) you are growing into an even more beautiful person, thank you again for sharing! (I will get the magazine as soon as i can put my hands on put in Canada)

  2. Can’t wait to read this article :o) and meanwhile I totally relate to your feelings – about your creative restlessness and everything else. Congratulations for the photo gigs :o) and enjoy your sweet love back.

  3. keep on running!….with body, in spirit, in your creative mind….may you run forever!


  4. thanks for the tune – a beauty moment between those two. and congrats on all your talent spreading out in the world. it is truly heartening to see real talented and creative folks shining their light and finding reward for it.

  5. This is my first visit at your blog and it has taken me by storm – I love it! Your photos are so beautiful and the atmosphere in here is amazing. Your jewelry are beautiful too 🙂 I’m glad I found my way in here..

  6. Delicious new ideas, crossroads and offers sprouting up all around you. A-ha designs fill your head and you run with it! SO thrilled for you and your new prospects, which I knew they were coming. I knew. It’s no accident that your photography is becoming more prominent in this world. You’re an outstanding, impressive shutterbug.
    Green river! One of your favorite places! He’s a comin’ home to getcha! Oh lawd, it’s rafting season again. Wheee!
    I hope you get my letter before you put in and start floating!

  7. It is a big, birthful time lately, all around and I’m glad you’re taking advantage of it. It’s the time to push, and breath deep and push again ;D I can’t wait to hear more of all of your artistic endeavors. Happy fruitfulness time!

  8. Woman, your energy, your creativity, is an inspiration. Long may you run. xx

  9. beautiful, beautiful, all of it. creativity cannot be confined to just one arena, not when it beats with your heart and pulses through your veins. i am grateful for the glorious unfolding of your opportunities, the path being made clear for your talents and gifts to bring inspiration and new life to others.
    enjoy your time with RW in the big open outdoors.
    i’m looking forward to seeing your vision made manifest in metal.

  10. What a story! Thank you so much for sharing your way. Your running as well as your creative pregnancy. You’re so inspiring.

  11. So glad Robert will be home soon! I hope you have a beautiful time away together.
    To fecundity.

  12. p.s. So are you going to tell us *who* your photography stints are with, or be all hush-hush about it?

  13. Elizabeth Waggoner says

    It’s wonderful to see that all your beautiful work is gaining the recognition you so deserve. Your photos and your writing and your jewelry are all so inspiring I think the world should be AWARE! 🙂 Good for you, Jillian!

  14. P.S.

    oh, MAN.
    that video!
    that song!!
    i’m definitely going to spend my summer in a dress with bare legs and cowgirl boots!….and stomp around and SING!

    thank you, little baby sister toby….!

  15. Love Shakey Graves. You gotta look up his other performances on video….where he’s stomping his suitcase drum. Great stuff!!!

  16. It sounds like there is a creative shift happening. I so look forward to the day I can finally get my hands on your first book!! Hopefully (my own little wish), with your photos throughout!
    Change is good, and I agree with the woman above who said it is more of an evolution. You are becoming. Truly, we are becoming our entire lives. Those who think they are done and stop at some point along the way are missing out – perhaps on the best of it!

  17. Tracey Gardner says

    Congratulations on all the writing and photography work! Have a wonderful time with your man these next few weeks. Are y’all moving soon? It seems like it’s about that time again…

  18. Restlessness is good and who knows what will come of it? Enjoy your wild ride and I can’t wait to see what comes next! And I love that Shakey Graves clip! Yahoo!

  19. THANK YOU ALL so much for these wonderful comments. You could not ever know how much you bless me when you share your thoughts with me, and each other…when you take the time to encourage and connect.

    Thanks for being in my world.
    It would be such a different place without you.

  20. WHAT A GREAT SONG!! love you!

  21. Dear Ms. Plume, oh, I’ve been DYING to see you in Artful Blogging for years! And it finally happened!!! Your writing is so clear, and inspiring, and artful. You clearly belong in that magazine on a regular basis. And your photography. Oh. My. I think my absolute fave photo is the one from 5/2 where it looks like you’re standing on the edge of the world in black and white. So happy to see you gaining greater recognition. I look at your blog as a source of inspiration and have loved following you for the last 5 years.