Beautiful, courageous, innovative creative work — I am utterly inspired.  Everything he says in his moments of self-doubt, in his times of failure and frustration, are things I have said to myself on discouraging days.  Bless him and his work.  Bless mine, too.  And yours.  Let’s never give up.


  1. love it

  2. inspirational

  3. Truly beautiful! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. “I built a time machine.” He really did. And what a time machine! More than anything right now, hearing of the deconstruction and reconstruction process of other creative souls is exactly what I need as I begin my own reconstruction phase. It’s bloody daunting, but so good to be reminded that it’s doable! So glad you shared this. xxx

  5. Game on, Babe!xxo

  6. I saw The Secret Life of Walter Mitty – no spoilers, but it centers around film and photography. There was a Leica and a Nikon (with a long lens) in it and I thought about the Leica my Dad had when I was little. It shot the most beautiful pictures in concert with my father’s exquisite eye. And there were negatives and frame letters with numbers- all things seemingly in the past now. I love what this photographer/maker/artist has made and am sharing it with my Dad. Thank you for posting it!xo

  7. never give up.
    shout it loud!

  8. Thank you, Jillian.

  9. Thank you so much for sharing this. Deeply inspired all the way to the center of me. A big yes to not giving up.

  10. Ouch this really hit me! I’m touched by his passion his courage to dream and to make those dreams come true. Sometimes creative work process just is rough& tough but then again it can be the very opposite of those things as well.
    I’ve been hitting my head to the wall a few times during last Fall with my photographing,it hurt. But I learned so much about the process of creating, getting inspired and finally making it happen and about me when doing so. A great realization was also to see just how badly I want to do what I’m studying.. So sometimes hardships make you stronger and make you more determined.
    A lovely share many thanx Jillian!

  11. Beautiful. I want to watch again and again and again and go out and DO.

  12. Oh my goodness…Tears in my eyes and a full heart. Not only is this video beautiful to look at, but so incredibly ripe with inspiration and not just about the creative work itself. In the scenes where he’s questioning, doubting, and feeling the “I suck at my art” feelings, I wanted to give him a hug! Those feelings are like a pit deep in my stomach, and I know them all to well sometimes. In theory I know other artists must feel them too, but sometimes it feels lonely and scary…Sorry long rant, but I just loved this so much. Thanks for sharing this Jillian, it absolutely made my day! Aloha 🙂

  13. OooF.
    For him. For me. For us.
    Thank you.

  14. ~what came to my mind first was…magically delicious…lol! i have watched this video over and over…an absolute mesmerizing life he is living and creating…thank you so for sharing…much love light and blessings be with you and yours~