[the good life]

Sorry for the stops and starts here, little honeys!  The Airstream suffered a power slump and it fried my computer…Robert says I may have been running too many machines all at once…I can get a little zealous, I reckon.  I’m just home from the big city where I took my hunk of computer junk to the doctor (he was super nerdy and talked like a robot) and everything is up and running again.  Thank goodness!  Let’s get together tomorrow so I can tell you all about this glorious land of summer.  Ok?  Ok.

Until then.



  1. I’m glad you’re back! I know I’ve missed hearing about your adventures….

  2. I was getting worried. Betcha didn’t know you had another mama. ;D Glad you’re settled and all is working in proper form. Yeah, tech nerds…what would we do without them?

  3. I am ridiculously happy to see you and your orange door!
    Glad you are safe and well (I was worriting)

  4. running too many machines at once – ?!! what’cha’ got in there….a small city of industry?….a colossus computer??


  5. I was just wondering what you were up to!! I’m glad you could salvage/fix your computer and I’m buckling up as a buttercup should!! 🙂

  6. So glad to see your lovely little self this morning .. missed you! XX

  7. Oh THERE you are! 🙂

  8. Tell us about that land of summer… so glad you are back on line xx

  9. Hey sweetness. Good to see you.
    Just zipped a mighty letter into the post for you!

  10. Gorgeous, glad you are safely at the summer camp! Just wanted to share that I just finished a big hiking/road/camping trip along the Appalachian Trail and on the way home i stopped in at Congaree National Park(which is *amazing* swamp-y-jungle-land) in South Carolina, and the Ranger in there was wearing *two* of your glorious rings. She was thrilled that I knew who you were. and i love that your jewelery is out in the wild, hanging out with snakes, and kingfishers, and the biggest Pileated woodpeckers, and alligators!

  11. Until then dearest Plume…glad everything panned out for you. Can’t wait to see how the beginnings of summer have treated you.