[Honoring Remains Necklace :: sterling silver, 23 karat gold, Idaho mule deer antler, various chalcedony briolettes, tourmaline]

Holy smokes.  It’s a wild and brambly thing.  This one is like when the snow melts away and spring comes creeping in and the waste of autumn is revealed and laying thick on the forest floor.  It’s sunshine strong and hot on the rim rock; chukar on the wind.  It’s a boozy sunset of sangria hues and the thickening of a daytime sky.  I want to rake up those rainbow shards, musty with sleep, tattered about in the toss of the grimy cold.  I want to peel the earth up off the ground and gaze at the cracks in the bedrock.  I want to build my nest like a violin bow, strung tight with horse tail and waxed with mud.  I want the eager tune of gravity, the humility of creek flow, the meadowlark song sifting through the sagebrush, the bluebird perched easy on a thread of barbed wire.  I want to find all the antlers and carry them home.


Happy weekend to you all!  Put on your cowgirl boots, here’s a song to carry you home:


  1. gasp!
    holy coyote!
    this blows me away. totally.

  2. Gorgeous necklace!!!

  3. I love the combination of detritus and color… very much like autumn remains turning in to bright happy spring!! Great song!! Happy weekend!!

  4. I have only just encountered your blog. You make such beautiful things. Someday I’ll be quick enough to get one!

  5. “…I want to find all the antlers and carry them home…”
    i don’t think i will ever forget these words. ever.

  6. It’s almost time (here) for the big bull elk to drop theirs. You’ll find me on the shoulder of the mesa. Love the image in my mind of you out on the land gathering all the antlers and carrying them home. beautiful. xoxo

  7. Oh the beauty I miss when I take a break from the interwebz! Really, really lovely.