Giddy Up

A galloping appaloosa in good old American *red white and blue* graces the handle of this spoon — he’s a real buckaroo on the backside in zany chartreuse with red polka dots.  Dang old crazy mustang!

A true American peculiarity!


Thank you so much for your kind comments about the spoon-berserkers-behavior I’ve been recently displaying.  I bet some of you are saying, “Geez…can’t she just make cocktail rings and hoop earrings???”  I’ll get back to all of that soon enough, young grasshoppers, soon enough.  That said, I just want to tell you that I love your support so tremendously much and appreciate being able to explore and experiment within the realm of my craft.  Seriously.  Thank you.  It’s a huge blessing.  Tomorrow, I am going to go up the mountain, first thing, and have a good meander in the snow for a while and then I’m going to sit down and write a little bit about life, the things I’m discovering, and other great stuff because I’ve been a joyful slave to the studio lately and I haven’t really written for you (for me) (for us) in a long while.  Ok?  Ok.

Have a beautiful night.



  1. Wild perfection.

  2. My heart aches for that horse and all of them I watched your shop like a hawk to no avail… knowing I was not the only one haha… just please don’t quit going berserk on spoons…xx

  3. You beautiful little spoon freak.
    Love you.

  4. Sweet howdy do, that is one fine and dandy spoon.

  5. L.O.V.E

    those sweet spots & windswept mane & tail…


  6. Gorgeousness!!!!! Love that horse silhouette!!

  7. i really admire your knowing to balance time in the studio and time outside in the wild. myself, i could use more of both!

  8. Your spoons are absolutely gorgeous! And this one is definitely my favorite!!

  9. Keep going with those awewome spoons, Jillian … each one is almost more exquisite than the one before!! Beau weekend! XX

  10. Oh my word Jillian – just keep making whatever you want to make!
    It is all so beautiful.
    But I must say – I am on pins for your writing….

  11. Spoonful of Appy’s. My favorite! Simply delicious.

  12. oh, my.
    i’ll just let these pictures paint their thousand words,
    because i have none.

  13. AWESOME! They remind me of the painted Indian ponies in my childhood books.

  14. So talented you are! The red and turquoise blue spoon is my favorite!! Those colors together are meant to be!!

  15. holy coyote. that spoon.

  16. Love it. Vibrant colors and crazy design. Good combo.

  17. hello lovely
    just did some catching up
    the spoons are STUNNING!!!
    really spec ail and unique
    just my speed!!!

    happy to be back in your space!

    love and light

  18. Geez indeed, Plume. This spoon stuff is so hard to take. (Especially as a poor student. I am positive that my tea would taste better if I could just stir it with the second spotted one.)