A Lovely Little Friday Giveaway:::NOW CLOSED

Congrats to Jen, commentress number 12!

Thanks to you all for your really lovely comments, smiley faces and general sweetness.  I always enjoy doing giveaways for you.


I am, really quite simply, having such a beautiful Friday.  I slept in a little.  When I rolled out of bed I went hopper hunting for wee Mister Feathers and we ate breakfast together.  Me, a latte and a blueberry scone.   He, bugs and berries.

I cleaned house, chatted on the telly with a dear friend, and accepted two packages from the UPS man:  new hikers and an elk hide.  I began reading Freckles again, which is one of my favorite books of all time.  I just ordered a copy of it this morning and will be giving it away here, on the blog, once it arrives by post.  I’m looking forward to that giveaway.  Everyone should read this book, it’s such a treasure.  I had a handful of errands to run in town but Robert took the truck to work so I hopped on my bike, pedaled over to the jump base to get the mail key from my fella before riding the four miles into town on the country highway here.  I had my hair in a braid, a fedora on my head, my skirt hiked up around my knees and a good dribble of sweat trickling down the small of my back — it was sunny and breezy and everything that a summer bike ride should be so I was in some kind of blissed out heaven when I reached the air conditioned thrift store and found this beautiful little salmon orange Fiesta tea cup and saucer!  I knew it was meant for one of you so I snaggled it up and then purchased a bag of locally roasted coffee beans so you have something to put in the cup.

Backcountry Coffee Roasters Smokejumper Italian Roast:  A fearless blend with a strong sweet side, intense rich flavor and slightly smoky aroma –roasted right here in Winthrop!  I brew this coffee most mornings and quite love the taste of it.  The smirky name is just the cherry on top.

If you’d like to enter your name in the drawing for this little bag of coffee beans and cup and saucer, just leave a comment on the end of this post (no less, no more) and I’ll draw a winning name on Monday.  If you win and you don’t drink coffee, just let me know, and I’ll send you tea instead.  I’ll ship anywhere so if you aren’t in the beautiful USA, please do not hesitate to enter your name in this drawing.

My giveaway packages always end up being care packages, so, to the winner I say this:  Look forward to receiving a little more than you expected — teacup, coffee beans, bits of  jewelry, music, beautiful feathers, bones, sea shells, postcards…etc.  It’s merry and good fun.  And I have to confess, when I get emails from the gals who win my little giveaways, and I find out that my packages arrived at the perfect moment, right when a gal needed some soul bolstering, it feels really good to have shared and gifted.  It is my very great joy to bless you, especially since you have blessed me, by being in my world, so often and so sweetly.

Have a gorgeous weekend, you darling beauties.  Stay cool.


The Plume


  1. Sending lots of love, this Saturday morning from Oz. I’ve got some sourdough proofing in the kitchen and ooodles of love being sent your way.



  2. I can think of nothing I would like more than a care package from you. I am so glad your day has been so wonderful–so has mine. I made two jars of saskatoon jam, weeded my flower bed, read from a wonderful book and several wonderful blogs, wrote, and am just about to make some borscht and a loaf of bread.

    • Saskatoon jam.
      I could weep.
      Sometimes I have a horrible homesickness for Saskatchewan settle on me like a dark cloud.
      I’m glad that your Friday has been so beautiful, my friend. I have long owed you a letter and will try to do that this weekend.

      Also. I love borscht.
      Most keenly.

  3. Zorah Oppenheimer says

    Comment! Fingers crossed for a pinch of Methow loveliness!

  4. Catherine Chandler says

    Smoke jumper coffee?? How awesome!!! I love hearing about your adventures and goings on. Today is hot and heavy here in P-town, with the temps climbing to 100+ tomorrow. Whew! At least I won’t be sleeping cold tonight 🙂 Also, how do you hunt hoppers for the little one? We used to just walk through the field and they’d be hopping and flying all over the place!

    • Well you know, they’re kind of tricky to catch…they jump and fly and burrow down into the grass. I am certainly bragging when I say I have become a master grasshopper catcher. There’s a lot of hand eye coordination involved with grabbing them and keeping them alive — Titus prefers them squirming when he eats them so I can’t kill them when I’m catching them. Also, they seem to prefer patches of tall grass in full sun so I have to go to different areas of the property during the day to catch bugs. For being so simple, it’s really rather complicated! Have a beautiful weekend! It’s supposed to be dreadfully hot here too. I hate heat. I’ll be in the river or in a lake, trying to survive:)

  5. I’m so glad to hear you had quite a lovely day! It sounds like the perfect time to me! Happy weekend to you!

  6. I would love to win. You always have the best stuff! Plus you are a sweetheart. Glad to see your little budgie (or is that term only for parakeets?) is thriving. Happy summer to you!

  7. happy weekend indeed! that fiesta cup and saucer is the perfect spice to kick off the weekend adventures. you are savoring every moment of your methow summer. i hope to make it there soon for my annual summer visit.

    love and light to you.

  8. Kristan Shawgo says

    The coffee sounds delicious. What a lovely little care package you are putting together! Hope all is well for you and yours this summer.

  9. The beans could be the first in the cappuccino machine I am saving up to purchase this fall, once the Texas heat has given way … sometime in October …
    I am smitten with your cheeky little feathered friend.
    Have a long-overdue parcel for you – perhaps it will be launched this week now that I can catch my breath!

  10. Soul bolstering: boy, that would sure work for me right now.
    Wore one of you beautiful rings yesterday. Reading ‘I love your soul’, got me through a couple of trying moments.
    Sending you love and a whiff of Canadian air, even if it is a trifle hot and humid.

  11. What a lovely little package! You know… I actually have a small collection of orange fiestaware!

  12. A lovely thing for a Friday afternoon! The orange teacup is fantastic.

  13. such a lovely giveaway! the coffee sounds most excellent. hope you have a good weekend.

  14. Your giving and care brings a beautiful light into my soul. You know the light-the deep burnt orange that reaches into every corner of life and makes every little thing just a bit more romantic. Thank you!

  15. Your giveaways always make me smile. You come up with such cute ideas for them. And how awesome is it that the coffee flavor is smoke jumper!

  16. treasures! i do so LOVE your way with treasures. i imagine imagining you and your braid on your bike in the breeze as i sip delicious coffee from this lovely cup…and it’s GOOD!

  17. A care package would be darn well delightful right about now. I could use the good karma, I tell ya!

  18. How delightful! i love your adventures and your generous spirit!

  19. love the sobriquet on the coffee! makes me want to drink coffee!!

    wee mister feathers. tell him he needs to fix YOUR breakfast every once in a while….

    thank you for yet another sweet giveaway….you are so kind-hearted and generous in spirit….


    p.s. the sun FINALLY showed his face, after three days of pouring-down rain and new snow on the mountains. i want to put on a skirt and hike it up around my knees and hop on my bicycle!

  20. When you write about frolicking out in the summertime, it makes me wish I could know you so I could hop around with a cartwheel or two with you! Currently am bundled up as the cool, afternoon fog has blown in, over SF. -shiver-
    I LOVE that little bird. I somehow missed the part about you being a surrogate feather mom! It doesn’t surprise me one bit that you’re helping him thrive.

  21. i love how you love others! it is such a good lesson for me each and every time you pour your heart out so soulfully. thank you for that! you have put together a treasure box for sure.

  22. you have a happy soul.. and it is contagious
    i passed an airstream last night and thought of you

    smiles! :o)

  23. Sounds divine!

  24. Oh! That sounds really nifty 🙂
    Crossing my fingers!

  25. Oh. My. How I could use some of your duende… in the form of a (soul) care package… I too want my joy to flap behind me in the wind like a cape… Take good care. j

  26. Comment (and greetings from Finland!) 🙂 Lots of love to you, you’re such an amazing person.

  27. Still loving this from Thailand and China. Helps me stay sane.

  28. Georgia Koutsoupakis says

    It is so nice to see kindness in peoples hearts.I just moved back to my home town in nyc after spending 10 months in Vermont. This it the 3rd time i moved in a year and when i am looking for an a apt in Sept (my 4th move),though i am happy i am also stressed because i have to start all over again. One thing is for sure though i am so happy to be out of Vermont, its funny/sad how in nyc people recycle more exercise more stay healthier and go on out door activities more than people who live closer. i hope i do win your care package with tea, even if i may not thank you for being sweet 🙂

  29. what a fantastic giveaway – count me in! (i’ll take tea please).

    wishing you a fantastic august weekend with more blissed out bike rides.

  30. Wow, a little baby bird??? I must have missed this! I used to raise baby birds at my former job, it truly is a special connection 🙂 Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  31. Well, hot diggity! That is a swell lil package! I love to drink local brewed coffee wherever I travel. The only consistent cup of coffee all the time is a Tim Hortons cup of coffee! No matter the province or town, a Timmy’s is sure to deliver. I love a double double and wish I had one right now. Normally I enjoy just a bit of milk in my Jo sans the sugar. But I make exceptions for a TH.

    Cheerio and thanks for the wonderful gesture of the give away!

  32. I’m a fiesta collector!! love the rainbow of color and happiness in each piece. what a lovely package to give and more importantly to receive!! fingers crossed 🙂

    • Oh, that Titus is such a spirited little sprite. I love wax wings. Can just envision the ephemera you’ll include in that lovely little package. Smoke Jumper Italian Roast sounds like a fearless blend I’d love. And finally my sincere thanks for every little package you’ve sent my way over the years!

  33. Oh, goodness! What a delightful package for the one lucky girl who wins! I adore coffee so much, and its pretty funny, because out of the blue, my 3 year old looked at me this evening and said, “Mommy, you LOVE coffee.” He’s observant, that one! (he’s also just today come down with the chicken pox – phooey!!) Here’s to 14 days of staying in with my little contagious guy! (and another 14 if sister gets it – oh, joy. Goodbye, August!)
    I’m glad you had such a great day! I’ve been wearing my little Hatch Ring and loving him! 🙂

  34. just when i thought my day couldnt get better. i had a cheery day with my coworkers, it happens to be sunny after weeks of rain, i ordered the pizza dinner already and popped open a jug of home hard cider…then this!

  35. I’m also thinking Titus may think that Airstream is actually his Mama. Do birds imprint on things or just other birds and people?

    • Georgia Koutsoupakis says

      Idk i have a mourning dove my uncle rescued for 6 yrs now (his right wing never healed properly even after being taken to a vet, so he cant fly)he knows my voice and comes to me when he gets scared, needs water, coos at me when he wants the light off lol(i let me walk around my room). sometimes though he gets scared from me if i move too suddenly, i guess its in their nature.one time in the garden i brought him out with me and this stray cat came along stalking him ready for the pounce, i picked him up hissed at the cat hahaha, it was sooo confused.

  36. You always have the best give aways! The berries are ripe, the fireweed almost spent, it is spiraling closer to fall here!

  37. I always jot down your book recommendations…I will put “Freckles” on my list.
    Your day sounded like the perfect summer day. Makes me want to hop on my bike and feel the wind on my face.
    Throw my name in the hat for your give away, I would love to be the lucky winner!
    Thank you!

  38. You’re like a Canadian Amelie. I adore that you would do something so incredibly sweet and kind. And, what a perfect day you had! I have to tell you, I too just got a pair of new hikers in the mail the other day, and gave a friend a special coffee mug just yesterday. Gifts of health and gifts to others are gifts to self. Thank you for your sweet and loving soul.

  39. Soul bolstering would be lovely!

  40. Such a neat cup and I love coffee! But I will take you cedar waxwing instead?
    Have a great aug!

  41. My goodness. I always click to the Plume’s work when I need a breath of cool mountain air and a few verses about soul. I am quite intrigued by Freckles and delighted that you’ve chosen to share some of your wonder in the physical form, with your readers. xoxox

  42. Oh my soul is sad this evening thinking of Shreve over at Daily Coyote and her loss. If I am the one drawn, I want my care package to go to her along with. Some of your wonderful poetry.


    • Patr– what a lovely idea. All of Shreve’s readers are trying to lift her up from scattered places across the globe!

  43. Sounds fun!

  44. I am in. Even just the possibility of a care package from you is exciting. I love sending packages far and wide. My friends know that I mostly just wander through my house and forest to find things to say I love them but it does the trick.

  45. What a soul-satisfying summer! Thanks for being so generous and sharing your world, and those lovely treats!

  46. always lovely and generous….i would love a happy little teacup for my cupboards.

  47. Jillian,
    Have a lovely weekend! I’m hopping so much that I win this giveaway, and if I do, it would be great to receive some tea. I’ll send you an email soon.
    Kindly, Astrid

  48. You are such a beautiful person. All of your posts bring me such a joyful peace, I don’t know how to describe it; I love the way you write and are.


  49. Simone Turner says

    Muah!!! You beautiful beauty!! Yes pick me! I also had a wonderful Friday, for it was my folks 50th wedding anniversary (How’d they do that?) And I had the utmost pleasure in treating them to dinner!! Wonderful! Feeling so blessed! At dinner he asked her if she would marry him all over again……She said yes! Love!!

  50. Ooh! Yes, please!
    Hope the weekend treats you most splendidly you beauty!

  51. Your day sounded wonderful, the coffee i can imagine tastes delicious and i’m running off to order Freckles (that is if i’m not the extremely lucky winner). Enjoy your weekend and be sure to hike some spectacular land in your new kicks!

  52. Weeee!!!

  53. What a darling little lovely Friday giveaway! That Fiesta teacup is such a fabulous colour! I have an old turquoise one sitting by my bedside right now, filled with water for my cat Henry (he has good taste, that cat, only drinks water from the finest of cups).
    Oh, and that coffee sounds marvelous! I can practically smell it in the air.

  54. Shaloha,(shalom/aloha)Plume! This makes me want to send care packages to all my best homies, sprinkled around the country. I havn’t sent a package for “no reason” forever, and that seems like the best reason to do it! Thanks for the inspiration…Too bad I can’t send papayas and mangos.

  55. that cup just looks like summer. what a treasure it will come november, when all we crave is a few rays of sunshine (here in the rainy willamette valley, at least). thanks for sharing your images and wonderful spirit! happy summer!

  56. Thanks for a chance to win! Wishing you a weekend filled with all things bright and beautiful!

  57. What a darling little cup and saucer. I was just thinking today about all the lovely mugs and teacups that i have seen on your blog. What a sweetie you are to add lovelies to your packages.
    How i would LOVE to receive one.
    Been loving all your work of late, very inspiring

  58. Happy Weekend! I hope you’re enjoying yourself! 🙂

  59. Plume, you never stop being amazing. Thank you for this!

  60. Oh my goodness how on earth does that great big heart fit in that tiny body 🙂 such a sweet thing to do. I love your soul too Ms. Plume. Thanks for giving me a smile today.

  61. Happy Weekend, Jillian! I am starting my weekend off with baking zucchini bread (just got the most mammoth zucchini from my mother-in-law’s garden!)and reading The Anthropology of Turquoise. I am loving the book so far and believe that I learned about through one of your blog posts- so thank you!

  62. Oh, I would love to win!
    Happy Saturday,we are going to do some blueberry picking today.

  63. I, too, had sweat trickling down the small of my back, a beautiful day weeding the garden!

  64. I am loving your summer. What a gift it must be. Just let me know if you would like to trade and hang out in my office cubicle.

  65. the way you write…

    i can just feel it as if i was riding my bike, skirt hiked up, partial shade by my fedora, trickle of very own sweat.

    you have a gift.

    have a happy restful fun-filled weekend. x

  66. I love coffee so i just have to leave this comment here ^^

  67. When I was younger, my school friends and I would make these small packages for each other and give. Giving is truly one of the mist wonderful things us humans can do. Wether it be love, care, or simply some sweet hearted coffee! Your give away has inspired me to give more to my own friends. Both love & coffee!

    Peace & Love From the north

  68. I love riding bike in summertime. I wish you have a happy weekend!

  69. Be still my heart! This post/giveaway is all kinds of fabulous!

  70. I missed one of the lovely necklaces…again. Hoping I’ll be able to get a piece soon. Happy weekend Jillian! 🙂

  71. dearest jillian, you are such a blessing. an inspiration on how to live a life beautifully well.

    just read the plot summary of ‘freckles’ on wikipedia.
    sounds wondrous.
    all kinds of romantic.

  72. Oh, I live down in Australia, am some kind of book nerd that has not heard of this Freckles (!) and would love to try your smirky coffee in a salmon cup!

  73. The way you write about your life is so beautifully visceral that I can feel it sink into my bones in the best way. Thank you for sharing such wonderful glimpses into your days, and thank you too, for the chance to receive such lovely and thoughtful goodies. Much love across the oceans from New Zealand. xo

  74. lorelei eurto says

    What a sweet gift giveaway! That coffee looks amazing- I am imagining my cuppa joe with a “smoky” taste. yum!

  75. Give aways are in the air! I have a give away going on my blog too. I really should turn it into a care package. What a brilliant idea! You are just the sweetest thing. Oh how I wish we lived closer than opposite sides of the country. I think we would be friends 🙂 I’m loving how much you love summer too. I dread summer and love the snow of winter best… but reading how you see it makes me stop complaining for a few minutes and look for some good in the day. Thank you for that!

  76. Angela (journeyswithasimplegirl) says

    i LOVE this kind of kindness like i love my toes being lapped by the ocean!! what a shining soul you have dear one…thank you for making me smile this morning.

  77. What a lovely blog! I like your “soul bolstering” way with words and your plucky writer’s voice!
    I have a fiesta ware coffee set (it’s little!) and it brings great cheer.
    Must find Freckles. Sounds like a keeper!

  78. Dearest feather,
    You are a peach, a plum, and ginger! Your summer sounds fantastic, and I am so happy at how gloriously happy you are!

    Love to all the two legs and the four legs.


  79. I always want to say something deep when I post on your blog because your way with words is so inspiring, but I’m going superficial and stating, “I love those hiking shoes!” 🙂 Laura

  80. plumeria, my sweet! here’s to a good morning cuppa’ joe, a book in the lap, and a feather in yer’ cap!

    it is most humidiful (new word) here today..the cats have decided that the best place to be is in a tent fort on the deck! no lie!..one day i made a tent fort (i didn’t know it at the time, of course) with towels and sheets across the deck chairs to dry them in the beautiful sun and every day thus far because they think it is the “cats meow”…my little cleopatra kitties lounge under there with tiny bowls of currants and mice decked out in gilded collars waving feathery fans on their bellies

  81. Oh golly, what a morning treat! The Barista in me is quite curious about that roast… and that delectable cup – LOVE 🙂 We all adore your esthetic (obviously) but what makes everything you do/create so lovely is that you embody true sincerity, love, passion and soul!

    You and this space has been such a light in my life, a gift. Thank you, Jillian!

  82. Jillian, what a kind and heart-felt gift to give someone 🙂
    I hope your summer is going spectacularly- by the looks and words of it, it is! I’m constantly inspired here… and this summer I find myself trying to save a little time and space to open up in nature. merci!

  83. Drinking my morning cup (…ok, cups) now, but the supply is destined to dwindle!

  84. Little Bird is looking quite well! He’s lucky to have such a good carekeeper. Sounds like a truly lovely morning (the way you write I can imagine your bike ride down to the last breeze). I hope the rest of your weekend is as equally charming!

  85. Oh Jillian, you’re just the sweetest.


  86. Dreamy! A lovely treasure of words and coffee! Thank you for the tip on the book!

  87. I can only imagine the excitement of a wee package arriving on my doorstep from you…a lovely treat indeed! Thank you for such a thoughtful giveaway & this space that I love to visit so.

  88. What an awesome post!

  89. Weekend, weekend, weekend!!! Hoping for many things right now in life!! Enjoy the sunshine : )

  90. Fingers and toes crossed! XX It sounds like a most lovely and generous gift 😉

  91. Is it me, or are you just the sweetest and most inspiring!? Vraiment, you are too adorable! Thanks so very much for this amazing giveaway that i would be so excited to win! Gros calins to you xo

  92. Happy Saturday to you!
    I woke up before everyone and stepped outside to find our two dogs hyper and grinning. So the first hour or so of my day was spent throwing tennis balls and chasing dogs around the front yard.

  93. Such fun…as always!!!

  94. Love your blog and fabulOus jewelry. HoPe you are having a wonderful summer

  95. Jillian, a brilliant and generous gesture. I’m a follower and a fan as you know. And it is fun to participate 🙂 Much admiration!

  96. What a delightful giveaway- you are a dear one!! I almost choked on my lil lunch bagel when I saw how many comments were here- I thought, “My goodness! What are my chances?” And, then it was like, leave some love, you never know. 🙂 xoxo

  97. Happy soul, what a beautiful day you had what with bird fostering, new hikers (I love them),elk hide and a glorious poppy red teacup.
    Here it is a thundery afternoon, the dog and I watching the lightning and rain through the window, There’s beer bread and lemon polenta cake in the oven and the world will smell fresher after the storm.
    Thank you for sharing your world with us your posts make my day 🙂

  98. I am loving your summer! The weather, the biking, the fishing, the outsideness of it all – for someone who has to work inside 5 days a week, its always a refreshing burst of nature in my day when I read your posts. Sitting here with my morning coffee and the pup and kitten, sending thoughts for more outdoor summer adventures for you (that I can then read about) and hoping to win a little piece of summer from where you are.

  99. You’re the sweetest!!

    It’s kind of amazing how many comments are up already for this one — these giveaways are becoming epic! In a good way. 🙂


  100. What a lovely find!

  101. You are oh so generous, and as much as I would like this giveaway, I think I’d be interested even more in a book called Freckles! I think I need to head on over to Amazon and check it out!

  102. Absolutely lovely. I hope your weekend shines <3

  103. I love coffee!

  104. Your work here – all of it – is bright inspiration always. Words fail, but God knows just how much I could use some TLC down here in this hole.

  105. This post cheered me so much!

  106. winning is not as important as letting you know how sweet and generous you are! 🙂
    you are wished a blessed and beautiful day and rest of summer.

  107. ::le sigh::

    sometimes i could just burst when i read your posts. so sweet, so lovely, so wonderful, so generous.

    thank you!

  108. Hi! I’ve been reading your blog for quite a long time and I enjoy your perpetive on things so much! I never commented, because my English is not so good, but I was moved by your idea o a “care package”. I think I am going to prepare some of those too for friends and familiy!

  109. I agree with pencilfox~blessings on your generosity. And thank you for the lovely ring that arrived this week!

  110. Ryan Ranger says

    Your blog is pure inspiration and delight! Thank you from Central Washington!

  111. What a lovely weekend giveaway! It’s a long one here, hot and busy. Harvest has begun. 🙂 Jamming plums and freezing peas is on the list of to do’s! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Love your little waxwing.
    Reflecting your love and kindness back to you!

  112. b (wildfennel) says

    hi jillian, it’s saturday night here in milan. hot sticky and warm breeze wafting through the open windows. i had a lovely morning too in my new flat where i have moved to just under a month ago. there’s a market just outside my doorstep on saturdays. and i bought a packet of italian coffee too today – it’s one of my favourite things to do in the mornings, getting the smell of ground coffee from the tin. i just wanted to say thank you that you have been keeping me company with your beautiful posts for the past two years, first in the uk and now back in italy. i am happy like i hadn’t been in years and give thanks each day for my present life. and wanted to share it with you too. take care, b

  113. OH! OH! OH!

  114. Reading about your joy makes me happy also! It is contagious!

  115. Lindsey G. says


  116. what a delightful cup!

  117. Oh golly gee! That sounds delightful!

  118. Awwww! LOVE!

  119. You’re amazing! You always have such fun giveaways but it’s really the zesty excitement in your announcement of it that is the real cherry on top! The cup is a delicious colour. Thanks for the opportunity. Kisses!

  120. thank you for your generosity 🙂
    I have not very long ago came across your blog and I always enjoy dropping in. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and snippets of your everyday life – I love reading them!

  121. ..since it took the whole night to scroll to the bottom of this page… I NEED COFFEE!! har-har
    You’re a true bountiful bevy of blessing you are… fun giveaway, keeping my fingers crossed!
    Mel ;o)
    needle and nest

  122. Sounds blissful and enchanting!

  123. austin is a warm and sweaty embrace this eve with nag champa burning on the porch, a bit of monk’s ale in my cup and some correspondence to catch up on.
    hope your weekend is full of light and unfurling!

  124. Seeing a new post on your blog is like receiving a present. I live in a city so vicariously live your wide open country life.

  125. this is a lovely treat. may one find its way to you.

  126. Cristina A says

    Wow Miss Plume,
    You have got to be one of the sweetest people on God’s green earth. I would love to have a bit of the smoke jumper brew to keep me going on my night shifts. But really, just sharing your life and experiences is such a generous gift already! Seeing your beautiful pics and reading your lovely writings always puts a smile on my face, and renews my soul. Thank you!

  127. Whooooo-hoooo!!! Ava great weekend xx

  128. Big good storm today bringing much needed rain. Have never experienced such drought. Such extremes. Looking for some regularness. Hope I’ll be on the receiving end of a package from you. Thanks for the good reads.

    KEH Jewelry

  129. I love your blog and I love your giveaways!

  130. oh goodness, that teacup and saucer set is DIVINE. if my soul had a color, it would be precisely that one. happy saturday to you!!

  131. Bones!… Oh, to ride bikes, go to lakes, and feed birds. I daydream through your existence. NYC is melting! I can’t wait for fall and your pictures of it. xx

  132. I need a bit of soul bolstering.

  133. Erin Casserly says

    loving every photo of your life in winthrop! and loving daydreaming that im swimming in that lake too! and surrounded by those mountains.. and biking down country roads.. and… well, you get the idea ; )

  134. I love the photo of that orange cup and saucer, and I REALLY loved your post about riding bikes to Thai food – it was moving. We all live our lives through you a bit, strange but true. Carry on!

  135. I have also been sending many many care packages out lately! It is exciting to receive one also! i am about to get on my bike and ride to fetch some coffee! have fun!!!

  136. Fabulous!! Mister feathers is a lucky little chap, and nothing beats riding a bike around town – I ride my bike to work at least a few times a week. The luscious tea cup would cheer my miserable office work days of which there seems far to many! *fingers crossed* 🙂 xxx

  137. Hi! I just found your blog recently and just wanted to express how inspiring and creative you are! Sending you love from Nova Scotia!

  138. love it ! the area looks amazing.

  139. Anne Lichtenstein says

    Well if I can’t have my own smokejumper the coffe will have to do.

  140. Oops my comment posted before I finished my contact information, should be on this post.

  141. Love your blog – so inspiring!
    Thank you for sharing your lust for life!

  142. love the little tea cup, but i’m more looking forward to the other little bits! thanks for being you 🙂

  143. what an exciting possibility. thanks for being so generous with your soul 🙂

  144. You have such a loving spirit. Reading your blog always encourages me to try harder. thank you 😉

  145. yes. care packages are the best. especially when they contain little bits of wonder from a place i’ve never been.

  146. Beautiful loving rays of sunshine your way beautiful soul!!!

  147. Hey sweets~

    I predict I will be seeing you within the year…

    muah xo!

  148. Your blog is a delightful read, I’ve been a fan for a while now. And I’m a sucker for a cup of coffee. Look forward to reading more here and admiring your beautiful works.

  149. Still not enough words. Just love.

  150. The idea of your giveaways as care packages is just lovely. I love your blog-you are my outlet to the NW! Have a wonderful Sunday.

  151. oooh needing the coffee big time these days with 2 babies! Can you believe that i have 2 babies now?

    sounds like you guys are having a nice summer. nice to be together more often 🙂


  152. sounds like an excellent summer afternoon adventure! i miss having a bike, but really what i would like is a longboard (my version of summertime snowboarding i guess…).

  153. Hooray for fridays! Hooray for giveaways!
    What a sweet little bird you are.
    Thanks for the contest!

  154. i love your caring spirit and i would love this care package!

  155. Sarah Breitenstein says

    hello love, lucky for me my blood flows with coffee on most days…lets see if I’m lucky with the random number picker…but if not, I’m lucky to know your spirit and share this hot summer with dreams of cool fall breezes. Crossing my fingers…

  156. What a FAB idea! I’m reading this as i myself post a gift to a buddy back home in vancouver that needs to walk on clouds for a bit – i am sending her my very favorite reef dreams sandals – the pillowy ones that i love so much i think i’m wearing right through my own pair and may have to buy a third! They are like walking on clouds! And i agree – there is nothing more satisfying and amazing than posting a care package in the mail to a lovely soul who needs it! xoxoxo I think you’re fab just absolutely FAB!
    xo Sherry

  157. My goodness, that coffee looks wonderful! I’d love to sip some. Thanks for offering such a sweet giveaway!

  158. If I win, will you come out here and let me make you a cup of that Smoke jumper special through the Chemex? I know you like that. I’ve got some dark, wildflower WY honey and non pasteurized creamy milk to froth. We’d go sit outside and listen to the birds. And I’d light an incense.

  159. What a lovely giveaway!

    I have a heavy work load outside of my jewelry going on atm, and some days
    it just feels like more than I can bear; but you’ve inspired me to keep moving
    and get stronger… I’m feeling a little stronger each day, and you have no idea
    how much I thank you for that. =)

    I just found out a few weeks ago, my 26 year old baby is going to have a baby in Feb!
    That ‘cuppa’ sure would be nice!
    And that color is so uplifting!


  160. What a sweet and lovely gesture! Thank you 🙂

  161. Anastasia C says

    You already continually feed my soul dear Jillian, and perhaps now you’ll feed my small-batch coffee bean and pretty coffee cup addictions too :). Love your soul back, always


  162. care package! what an awesome idea. I’m already thinking of the gifties and goodies I’m gonna package up and send off to my pals. Yes Please! enter me!!

  163. I’ve recently discovered your blog courtesy of Alicia Paulson, and have been enjoying every bit of reading and discovering the beauty here. I spent a couple of my childhood years living in Canada, and would love to someday return – if not to live, then certainly for an extended stay! 🙂

  164. What a delightful giveaway – and jolly good fun! Just like you dear Plume : )
    My brand new still-in-its-box cafetiere would love some new Smokejumper beans and a new Fiesta cup and saucer –
    My soul would love the other lovely items 🙂

  165. What a sweet giveaway. :o)

  166. Ohhh the lazy days of summer, with small signs of fall approaching us here in Mn. A lovely cup of coffee in a sweet coffee cup and and a scrumptious yummy on the side. Oh la la. I likey!!! Happy days ahead. xxx kimberly

  167. wishing on a star that one day a little plume pkg will take flight to my doorstep! squeee!

  168. I love stopping by your blog, it always makes me feel better, thanks for sharing your soul.
    xo Helen

  169. I would love to win!! All your goodies look awesome 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

  170. I hope im not too dreadfully late in entering. Id love to tote your goodies to work with me. 🙂

  171. ohpleaseohpleaseohplease!

  172. Two of my favourite things, coffee and anything the colour orange! Have a wonderful day, you sweet soul.


  173. You’re so cute.

  174. i would love a care package from you! how wonderful it would be!

  175. I need to take care package making pointers from you. It all looks lovely and inviting.

  176. i’m probably too late to comment, but i just have to say that you’re the darlingest tiny bird.

  177. Ooh la la! How perfectly lovely 😉

  178. hope i’m not too late — but should have said thanks a long time ago. xx

  179. hope i didn’t miss it! looks so delicious!

  180. Yes please! The green mountains of Vermont send light to your valley out there. It’s the perfect day for a swim under the waterfall and thats just what I’m out the door to do. Thanks for the ever inspiring surprises you bring to the world

  181. Seems like it would be a box that would bring a little bit of magic with it. Love this blog. Sigh.

  182. Love the idea of a summer bike ride, especially when it leads to treasures at the thrift store!
    Enjoy it all…

  183. 🙂

  184. That fiesta mug is a pure carmine shot of happy.

  185. Stephanie Gill says

    Just in case you haven’t drawn…I would love to enter!
    I also love giving unexpected out of the blue gifts. Here is yours for today:
    You belong among the wildflowers.
    You belong in a boat out to sea.
    You belong with love on your arm.
    You belong somewhere you feel free.
    -Tom Petty

  186. I would love to get a post from you. 🙂 I adore your photos and style.
    Especially the landscape photos in your blog writings are so beautiful. Where I live the land is flat and no mountains at all.

    Have you ever heard Finnish music? Here’s a lovely song from Johanna Kurkela:

  187. If I am not too late count me in 🙂
    packages from the plume are the best!! xoxo

  188. Miss Plume,

    Here is a haiku for you –

    Sifting Heaven’s gold
    Manifests longings for this
    Sacred place called home


  189. what a delightful giveaway! <3

  190. Debbie D. says

    oh dear! Am I late to the party?! Plume – your generosity continues to amaze me. One of these days I need to return some GSP love. Jet’s his name and he’s a whole lotta handsome spirited fun. xxooxxoo

  191. it’s all gold, isn’t it? beauty in a cup, sign me up!

  192. Hoping I’m not too late for a chance at this care package loveliness 🙂 Fingers crossed!

  193. If it’s not too late please count me in! These are the best!!! 🙂

  194. You’ve inspired me to: 1. Get on my bike ( with a cute hat and skirt ), 2. Look up Freckles on Amazon, 3. Get creative ( more so ) with my care packages! Thanks for the inspiration.

  195. blog hopping around from ‘the habit of being’ and wow! what a fun giveaway. I have fiesta ware and so far it is so cheery to eat of bright plates, no sad moments during meal times. Well now, I’m off to peruse the rest of your blog 🙂

  196. i’d love a little package of cheer from you!
    happy day to you!

  197. Renee Richardson says

    Thank you so much for the beautiful giveaway. I love care packages 🙂

    fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com

  198. Dearest Plume,
    I am jones’n for some of you lovely enamel jewelry. Is there any in the works?

    • There sure is!
      I’m working on feathers right now! I hope to have them put together as complete necklaces someday soon.
      Thanks for being interested.