In Conclusion

It feels so small to be this huge.

It feels so huge to be this small.

I weep for the beauty of things.  Isn’t it enormously  heartbreaking sometimes? I mean, the earth, creation, the glacial lakes with their impossible blueness, the night sky, the ice and snow in the cirques, the wind in the wheat, the wildflowers and sunshine, the flax and canola side by side…the pulse of the living and the dark of the dead and decayed…it overwhelms me.  I think there are times when I suddenly feel it all, all of it, like I’m wearing cosmic goggles and not a single atom or cell goes unnoticed, and so I cry.  So much beauty!  So little time.


I’m so lucky to have called this very moment a homecoming.  In fact, I think I’m lucky to call the North Cascades home at all…they’ve put a spell on me.  I want to get homier with them.  Homier?  Yes.  Homier.  Oh…you know what I mean.

Also, a chiding is in order: if you are a resident of Washington, you should feel great shame if you’ve never driven the North Cascades highway up and down into Winthrop.  Shame on you.  Highway 20.  It’s calling your name!

More in a bit!  I have two beauties coming to stay for a few days and before they arrive I’ve got to give everything a spiffy-spiffering and mow 5 acres of lawn.  I also have some oceanic chit chat for you and some pretty images from my Puget Sound jaunt.  I can’t wait to share!  I missed you.



  1. What a lovely home coming…what a joy to love where you are! Thrive baby! Thrive!!

  2. staggering…….i know that feeling of being overwhelmed by the beauty of all of this life. sometimes – most often when i am out alone with my dog on a jaunt – i can really feel the pulse of the earth, and i have no choice but to weep with absolute joy….xoxo

  3. just stunning. the world is filled with such beauty, it is a shame that so many never notice.

  4. Sometimes I’m struck there is so much beauty even when I’m not looking. It makes me spend more time really being present and noticing the beauty, and wondering at all the places that I haven’t yet seen and explored, that stretch and languish with their own awesome and quiet power. So much to see, so much to do, it really is truly staggering, sometimes my eyes are also stung by tears.
    I hope you had a wonderful time. Miss you.

  5. Love your CANADA sweater!!!

  6. “To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour…” ~ mister w blake

  7. Sweeeeeeeeeeater love!

  8. Here’s another lovely quote to share with you, this time by the beautiful poet, Mary Oliver:
    “Instructions for living a life.
    Pay attention.
    Be astonished.
    Tell about it.”
    Thanks for sharing your heartfelt thoughts with us, Jillian. I know exactly how you feel .. it can be so overwhelming sometimes. And, moi aussi, j’adore ton chandail CANADA! XO

  9. Those photos of the mountains and you with your arms (heart, soul) flung wide before them are utterly gorgeous. I so know that feeling! As Burnsie said: Thrive, Baby, thrive!!!

  10. You are bursting at the seams with love and I love it!

  11. And there isn’t a lovelier lady to appreciate it & share it with us than YOU!
    I’m still fully absorbing my Northern California trip of last month & can’t quite put it all into words…so I look forward to reading, viewing, your select expressions of living life! You truly capture & release your life’s moments! You are wonderful, you. XO

  12. That sweater is epic! I love it.

  13. Oh, I feel it too. Nature, and all that that implies, makes me cry a river. How brilliant you look next to those humongous mountains! You’re really livin’ it up, baby! (As always). Anticipating your Puget Sound pics and the stories you will share. Now, go on…mow! And have a blast with the girls.

  14. i hope you sang to those mountains….

  15. Lemme catch me breath…I’m SPEECHLESS. By the bye, are you witnessing the twilight of magic? GUSTO! I can’t help but weep salty tears of profound joy as well. Whatta home we have, we must preserve her!

    Gurl, you’re born to trot. Much love to you!

  16. well, since a few others are quoting poetry, perhaps i will throw in another of a sort: “gravedigger, when you dig my grave, will you make it shallow, so that i can feel the rain?” – dave matthews.
    just sort of my thought on how i love to always be aware of every little bit of fantastic nature and life going on around me, to the very end.

  17. Anastasia says

    so much beauty, little time…:)
    thanks for sharing 🙂

  18. First: that sweater: represent woman! love it!
    Second: that VIEW!! Talk about the hollow of God’s hand… amazing vista… why oh why do you get all the magnificent views?! But I’m terribly delighted you share them with us!!

    Third: you’re still wonder-full, and that’s wonderful!
    needle and nest

  19. Breathtaking scenery, wow. And from one canuck to another, love the sweater!

  20. It is said that the beauty in nature opens us up to the flow of creativity. It is easy to see this in your magnificent photos. The sunlight is perfect.

  21. love

    love and light

  22. Thanks everyone, for these sweet comments!