Cute floors, eh?

This is us perched on a sea foam green/turquoise-esque floor in the Airstream!  In case you forget, this is what our rig looked like inside the day we set out to begin this refurb.

Rob and I both have bed head in this photo.  We had dreadful cases of insomnia last night and felt so foggy this morning we could barely dress ourselves.  I do wish you could all come over and lounge around on our new flooring with us.  The Airstream is such a lovely and tranquil space right now with a delicate echo and the shadows of the Austrian pine filtering in through the skylight.  We still have the plexiglass protective sheeting on the lower walls which we’ll strip off once Rob has the floor molding in place.  Even though that white stuff is still on the walls though, this rig really gleams on the inside.

We have five work days remaining before we shut things down to clean the house, move our boxes and bags into our big silver rig and take off down the highway.  Can you believe it?  I can’t believe it.  It’s taken so much hard work to get our lives ready for this transition and it’s been worth every bead of sweat and every consternating moment with a floppy sheet of aluminum.


My camera broke yesterday.  Within an hour I had it in a box on the way to the Canon repair center in California.  The funny thing is, I think I’m grieving for it!  I didn’t realize how much my camera has become an extension of my body.  It makes sense, sometimes I take 400 photos in a day, just for the heck of it.  My camera was a real workhorse.  I hope the Canon center can fix it for me, and soon.  I’m borrowing a friend’s camera at the moment (Thank you J+J!), but it feels funny in my hands and I miss what I know.  Don’t you just sometimes miss what you know?

Duty calls, out in the studio!



I just read over this post and I must apologize!  It is, by far, the most scatterbrained thing I have ever written and I’m a tad bit embarrassed of it.  What the heck?  Maybe I had the coffee jitters…


  1. SCREAM!!! it’s almost finished!!
    does it have lovely acoustics? have you sung to it yet?? you simply MUST sing to your airstream!!
    and get penepie to join in….

    • Yes! Phase One of Airstream refurb is almost complete!
      It has a really nice reverby echo right now. I wish I could put an old jangly piano in there and spend a week playing my favorite songs in a long velvet dress with hair like a bird nest.

      I’ll take my ukelele out this afternoon and do some waka-waka-waka-waka songs while Penelope howls.


  2. love the hoodie to match the floors. 🙂 looks awesome!

    • He planned that matchy watchy look. I laughed out loud when he told me he wore turquoise to match the floor for this picture! I’ll tell him you noticed.

  3. My jealousy has rendered me speechless.

    Unbecoming, I know. But true!

    You two are adorable and (despite my incredible airstream jealousy)I’m so happy for you!

  4. wowweeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
    love how you look cocooned in color with the reflections!

  5. Yay! And yay some more!
    Being all loaded up and on the road is really going to be a huge sigh of accomplishment and relief. Have a great day.

  6. I’m simply dying to hear the new name of your home on the range. I hope it’s Clementine. Or Maple. This is all so wonderful!

  7. HELL YEAH!!!! 🙂 Mazel Tov! Super happy adventuring and a lifetime of love in that gorgeous contraption!!!!!! Methow or bust!!! :)(can you tell I like to express myself through punctuation?)

  8. All I can say is “WOW”!

  9. #exciting everything!

    It looks like a giant shell! I can’t imagine a more fantastic home for the Plume! 🙂

    I hope your camera will be fixed soon (I understand you so very well…)

  10. I adore the new floor, and your Airstream in general! I also noticed RW’s matchy-matchy-ness straight away~~ both of you, so very cute.

  11. First of all, why are you two so damn cute? Second, that airstream looks delicious and I have actually turned apple green with jealousy!! Its truly beautiful!

  12. Simone Turner says

    Exactly what Cindy M said… Wow! WOW!! WOOW!!! Is all I can say….. No wait there’s more, What Anastasia said, Yes I see you in there all Venus like !!! Yaya!! But with all the turqoise going on, floor, your mans hoody, where are your boots?? And, I would totally just go in there to lay on the floor!! Does it smell good? Hahaha!! It looks so dreamy!! Thank you for sharing!! Love! love! LOVE!!!

    • My turquoise boots! AHHHHH!!! Well, I found these vintage Buskens and I’ve been all but SLEEPING in them this week. I hardly take them off. It’s an addiction. Everything in the airstream smells kind of new and clean…and like pancakes too. Pancakes shaped like unicorns.


  13. BE.A.Uuuuuuutiful!! You could lie on those floors and feel you were soaring in the sky – or atop some glistening iceberg… gorgeous!
    Glad you guys are getting your ‘playground’ ready for miles of fun!
    Now, about that squirrel locket – when I saw him perched in there I may have blurted “Oh Shut.up!!” .. but in a good way, as in I’m a woodland wacko too.. and I adore it! You thrill me.
    Mel ;o)
    needle and nest

    • Dear Thriller:
      Totally. That’s just what this kind of color is like, soaring or swimming….penguins and pegasus. Just divine.

      Thanks for the squirrel locket love! It’s such a sweet little PINK thing! xx

  14. Oh…all of the airstream adventures to come. (Smiling up here.)

    Everyone needs a pink pinecone. Truly.


  15. That picture is really cute! You are ecstatic and want to jump around that nice new floor, but RW is holding you from it. Not yet. No ballet leaps on the turquoise floor! That trailer SHINES doesn’t it? The pink pinecone squirrel locket is amazing. Only you could have dreamed up such a thing.

  16. Another gasp and WOW! what a gorgeous beauty, and the two of you ain’t bad, either! So happy for you and looking forward to your new adventures in Miss Maple. 🙂

  17. MEEP!!!!! STUNNING!

    here’s to a nearing adventure!

    bye the by, you two are so darn adorable I can’t take it!

  18. Yes. So cute.
    I can not tell you how excited I am to see you guys living in this beauty! Is that silly?
    Good job, well done!

  19. My mom emailed me about your Airstream and I had to hop over! How GORGEOUS! My husband and I are having a tiny house on wheels built for us, and I am dying to know the story behind the floors you so lovingly installed. Are they painted? Purchased? Bravo to you all, and best of luck on your adventure!


  20. Hi! Awesome website- I stumbled upon it while looking at flooring options for our airstream we are in the process of rehabbing- I’d love to see more pictures of yours- and please please- how did you do those gorgeous floors!!! Can you email me too? Thanks so much! Beautiful work!


  21. Also just found this site while looking for airstream inspiration… could you forward that email about the flooring to me too? haha I see its quite popular 🙂 classy color!

  22. Hello!

    Would you be able to send me information on your floors? They look amazing and great job on the airstream!



  23. Would you mind sending the floor info to me, too? It’s perfect, and so is your photography, too.
    I just got the floor out of my 1967 Safari and needed this post, at this time, to keep me motivated.

    Thank you so much!

    • I don’t really have any info for it! It’s a laminate. We ordered it from a place in CA and paid more for the shipping than we did the actual floor. Good luck looking for it!