After the Weekend

We had a lovely work-filled weekend here.  Again!  I laughed out loud when Robert told me, “Going to work for the summer is going to feel like a long holiday!”  So true.

On Saturday I drove North to Idaho Falls where the best bead shop on the planet exists.  The owner had just arrived home from a buying trip to Shanghai and the strands of beads were as rich and unique as ever.  A trip to the bead shop is something I consider work but it’s really such a pleasure.  I stocked up on a few really interesting strands of beads for the summer months and then, a little later, promptly bought myself three new and darling dresses.  Fear thee not, they all came off various sale racks and so Rob and I weren’t doomed to eat rice and beans for dinner for the next week.  I also wrote out the bones for two nice poems I have high hopes for.

Yesterday, I spent most of the day behind the scenes at my Getty photo contributor account doing the final submission work on about thirty of my images.  Golly, it’s been really hard to find the time to do that work but now it’s done and I feel really great about it.  Most of the images were self portraits and required a lot of scanning and uploading of model release forms which is slow and mindless work.  I really like Getty.  I like what they do and how they do it.  I’m so glad they asked me to be part of their little family.

Then came the evening, we found ourselves out wildflower picking and the coming night looked so beautiful as the day faded away.  Things are blooming in a most berserkers fashion here, about two weeks earlier than usual.  I don’t mind so much as it means I get to enjoy the indian paintbrush a little sooner than later.  The dogs were in a frolicsome mood and it was nice to feel the wind in my hair and see the slanted shafts of sunset lighting up the sagebrush as far as I could see.  I get better and better at being able to step away from the tornado of life details that never seem to dissappate, no matter how hard and long I work.  To be able to disconnect myself from that weight and steady effort, to step out, with all of myself, into wild spaces and to be fully present to witness the flight of bees and the song of the meadowlarks is one of the greatest gifts I can give myself and others.  Those moments do more than exercise my body, they relax my mind and untether my soul.

::Update On The Airstream Shenanigans::

Brilliant.  Just brilliant.  Robert ordered our flooring last night and the interior has full power as well as two newly installed ceiling fans and a skylight over my work area.  While we’re waiting on our flooring, Rob has been working on completing the belly pan which is the aluminum shell that continues down and under the trailer to completely enfold and protect the undercarriage of the rig.  Once the belly pan is finished, the Airstream will be road worthy and ready to haul!  Additionally, we have renamed her.  More on that later, at the official champagne christening of our dear little Land Yacht.

I should also let you know that we found a new place to live in Winthrop!  How delightful!  This house is situated on 40 acres, has a barn and a place for the hens to do their laying.  It’s very close to the North Cascades Smokejumper Base, which Robert is quite glad of, and I think it’s going to be a truly wonderful place to root myself this summer.  To say I am looking forward to it is an understatement of grand proportions.  How full this summer will be with the good and glorious company of all our Winthrop friends, the promises of visits from friends and family to our little abode, a fully functional studio space in my little tubular-road-home, and my gosh!  When the cherries come ripe in the Methow and the Columbia River valleys, won’t I be in seventh heaven?  If you see a skinny blond girl with a pair of bird dogs and one strawberry colored weenie dog in the front seat of her gigantic silver truck, driving down the road in that town, spitting cherry pips out the window while listening to this song, well, that’ll be me.  Make sure you wave.

Have a gorgous Monday, all you wild beauties.



  1. 😉 well that answered several of my questions 😉

  2. A hearty amen to stepping outside the hulla-baloo of the busy work details. Worthy of the effort, soul healing, vital.
    I’m so very excited for you both about the new Winthrop property!
    Love to you, lady. Be well.

  3. Will wave for sure if I am there : ) Love those flowers! xx

  4. Such a beautiful and happy post!!
    So excited for you… and it’s gonna be fabulous place to spend your summer! lucky you & Rob 🙂
    Can’t wait to read about all your adventures in your new place, and see your lovely photos!!
    xx Juli~

  5. Would the best bead shop on the planet be Pandora’s Baubles & Beads? I’m always looking for online sources. So happy that you’ve found a summer place. It sounds delightful.

  6. Whoa. Whitehorse. Gave me goosebumps!

    • I know…right when they slide into that last drawn out, countrified note, I get the shivers. I’ve been spinning this album for five months now. It’s an addiction.

  7. lovely lovely lovely
    all of it!!!!

    and OF COURSE I will be waving
    I will be the girl hobbit, minus the hairy feet, with the mane of curly auburn hair,with the stunning black lab with tongue hanging out (that would be the dogs tongue hangin’ out, not mine) driving her won gigantic silver truck with who knows what blaring from the speakers ♥

  8. Im so happy you mentioned the chicken ladies! I was wondering if they would be adventuring with you for the summer of if you were having long term house-sitters to tend to the feathered beasts! I am so excited for you and a bit jealous about that PNW summer living, especially the cherries, there’s nothing quite like Washington in the summer!

    • Yes! The henny pennies are coming with us, unless there’s some sort of disaster between now and our departure date. As for house-sitters, we are actually renting out our house for six months to a girlfriend of ours. She’d have been a great chicken-sitter too.

      I know.


      Oh, the fruit.

  9. I love the arrowleaf balsamroot/Okanagan sunflower! I’m originally from Kelowna, BC and actually have a floral tattoo on my thigh that includes arrowleaf balsamroot – it’s my hometown’s official flower! Turns the hills yellow in May and June, and smells like chocolate too. You can eat/cook the roots as well. Just fabulous. Glad to see other people appreciating them too!

    • It’s a beautiful little flower! The leaves press up really nicely too. It makes our mountains so merry here, I can’t help but love it! Ours is blooming quite early this year, but so is everything!

  10. i feel each word here beating out of your chest

  11. Work or play? Is there a difference? 🙂 Love the video choice — that piece of work is pure play…looking forward to your summer fun in another neck of the country.

  12. ….i’m waving….

  13. mashed potatoes says

    Love your post. So happy about your new summer plans! Love that amazing song.
    ciao bella

  14. That video and song are divine! Thanks for sharing!

    (and congrats on all things happy!!!)

  15. oh you are just brilliant!

    wishing you merry adventures!


  16. yay for dresses and Airstreams and Winthrop! so excited for your upcoming plans- thanks always for sharing with us.

  17. All of this is just so wonderful! Thank you for sharing your news with us and I adore that song. Could their voices meld any more beautifully together? I don’t think so. Can’t wait to see the final touches on the airstream!