Smells Like Maple Syrup

Suddenly, I turned a corner and there was the terminus of yet another week, just one breath away, and the week to follow was there too, humming with possibility and the soft thrum of feathers in the wind, and every other week from here to the end, standing patiently in the aisles, waiting to run their courses.


Hello!  Hello.  Today is February 25th and I think I have finally come out of the cave, as my friend and I like to call it — times when we hunker down and disappear for a while to catch up with ourselves and to really sink down into our work for a bit.  Just this morning I have spent hours reading and responding to most of the online correspondence that landed in my inboxes for the month of February — I am sorry that you had to wait so long and am always so thankful for your patience.  It was hurly burly work, happy work!  Life this month has felt so fast and whirling, I’ve felt mostly unsettled in my day to day activities.  My work has been here, there and everywhere.  I have opted out, time and time again, of computer work in favor of spending time in my studio space which, on especially ordinary days, has felt so terribly fruitless.  But I have to hand it to myself, I kept going out there, I kept sitting down to work, I pushed through and I’m glad for that.  I did manage to break through a wall this week and produced these little enameled fellows, which you have already been introduced to.  These rings will likely mean more to me than they’ll ever mean to anyone else, this can be said for any finished piece of creative work, I think.  When I look at these rings, I see a recent month of broken confidence, one full year of carefully letting someone go and my own eventual homecoming, in from the cold of the night, to my rightful places in the arms of so many things.


In other news, the Airstream smells like maple syrup!  Robert has officially finished sealing up all the old vents and antennae holes with riveted aluminum sheet making the entire trailer weather proof until we get around to installing the kitchen and bathroom units next fall.  Just yesterday, he applied this maple leaf patch which brings a beaver shaped, luminescent tear to the corner of my sweet little Canadian eye.  I think it’s the perfect touch.  We have decided to also put a life-sized decal of ourselves locked in a passionate kiss on the back of this rig so that when we roll down the highway, people can really feel the love [JUST KIDDING].  I say this all the time, but it bears repeating, I feel so blessed when I look over my life.  Robert and I are never afraid to dream about what we want for ourselves and our family, and then we’re equally fearless when we step out and make those dreams happen.  Everything is so good, even when it isn’t.  I love that about my life.


I have been practicing reverse psychology on the weather gods.  Just yesterday I told someone that we had skipped winter here and run straight from autumn into spring.  I feel like winter never arrived.  And most ridiculously, the roses are now putting out cheery little leaf buds which is enough to make me put away my skis forever!  This said, yesterday I looked up at the heavens and exclaimed, in a most conniving tone, “My!  How beautiful this lovely springtime weather is.  I hope winter never comes.”  Wouldn’t you know it, I woke up to hideous, cold winds — swooping down off the mountains — and a dash of fresh snow on the ground this morning.  Officially, I am a weather manipulator.  I’m going to see if I can bring in a hurricane this evening or perhaps a flock of flying squirrels.


Lastly, because I was feeling sentimental and pretty yesterday morning, I made an Alabaster Bones Necklace.  What a throwback!  I still love the design, most thoroughly.  It was such a pleasure to make and a sweet, pale petal on the tuxedo tails of the week.

I hope you had a marvelous Friday night: dancing heels, gin and tonics, red lipstick and handsome sailors just off their ships with deep pockets full of jangling change.


Post Scriptus:

On the stereo.

On the bedstand.

On my feet.


  1. Welcome back to the light!

    I love that maple leaf patch with all my heart.

  2. Ah hah! So YOU’RE to blame! We’ve just had about half a foot of snow come hurtling down in big fat heavy flakes the past couple hours, blown in sideways covering EVERYTHING!

    Um…thanks…? (You can have it back, now.) =)

    Driveway shoveled.
    Neighbors still standing even after blowing all their snow into middle of street. (It was touch and go.)
    Entire season of Eureka. (I hope there’s lots of unexplained disappearances and people getting blown up. I’m just saying…)


    Love the maple leaf!!

    • What the heck is EUREKA???

      • Oh, oh…did you hear that? That’s my inner geek sighing in dismay.

        Eureka is no Firefly (but then, what is??) but it’s a quirky SyFy romp. You’ll even get to see Matt Frewer, putting on the worst Aussie accent known to wo(man). It’s awesome…mate.

  3. Looooove that leaf, lady!

  4. love this whole entire post! probably because i can relate to each and every part of it. apparently the wind that you got this morning went through a heater between there and here because quite suddenly a ferocious but warm wind blasted through here this afternoon right about the time we were putting party hats on the horses for tir’s fourth birthday…

    and yes, we put the hats on them anyway (and they were blissfully tolerant, i must say) and the wind is STILL blowing gales out there, so could you just go back outside and say something like “i just love this wind so much that i hope it is relentless????”.


  5. love that maple leaf – perfect! sounds like you are keeping busy and keeping in tune with your work, which is always beautiful. i try my best to manipulate the weather sometimes, but not sure if i’ve had success just yet.

    • Well, I’m trying to keep in tune with it. Sometimes I feel a bit like a pair of foreign hands is plonking out a discordant song on my heart strings — phantom of the opera style! HA HA! It’s all good though. Everything leads somewhere.

      Try wearing striped socks.

  6. Simone Turner says

    Dear Weather Manipulator!!!

    Please stop it! It was so cold here in the ruby’s that the witches, “uhum” Tit, is all but gone!!!
    The wind, I believe, carried it away, it was that strong!! Yikes!!! Which way to the beach?
    Lady Plume, and Mr. Plume, love the maple leaf! So cool! And thank you for the music insight, very cool. Sweet dreams, stay warm.P. S. Keep the ski’s out just for a bit longer…. she says in a quiet whispered voice!

  7. ooh…I can’t wait to see the updating of the interior! I too smile at the maple leaf patch – and think that a silhouette of two riveted lovebirds kissing would be wonderful!

    Am in awe of your creations Jillian – how beautiful they are.

  8. uh….sorry….but:
    i keep envisioning you and robert as the couple in “open season”….with all the animals….especially when “she” squeezes mister weenie and he rolls his eyes….


    • Well…it’s kind of like that. 🙂 And, for the record, we squeeze the weenie a LOT. We actually call it Pie-piping (like bag piping…but with a weenie). Our friend Jeff is very good at it. He can make Penelope squeak out Amazing Grace…in an abstract sort of way.

  9. your posts always make me smile…
    it feels like you have “new skin”…I like it
    love the Canadian mark on the airstream…thats a good man
    and I love how you and Robert dare to dream
    dreaming is so good…especially when done together
    Steve and I are are very different people in so many ways
    but we dream the same and we both journey, seek and explore…I feel it is the glue that holds us together
    a true gift

    love and light
    happy Sunday

  10. Heart you. Heart your soul. Heart the way you take note of the joy in your life…