The Fourth Annual Plum Jam Giveaway

Good morning sparrows and starshines!
It’s my complete and utter delight to announce the fourth annual plum jam give away here at The Noisy Plume.  I can’t believe I’ve done this four years in a row now!  It’s something I look forward to every fall.  The truth of the matter is that I simply love being able to give away a little piece of my property here in Idaho.  And let’s just be bare bones honest for a moment, this is some of the best jam on the planet Earth.  I make a big deal about it, true, but whenever people have their first taste, they’re eyeballs get big as a bullfrogs and they nod their heads yes and affirm the truth of my bragging.

Without further delay,
here are the details!

Last year, we did a fantastic golden ticket contest with the plum jam, as you may recall.  We sold nearly 100 jars of the stuff over in the Etsy shop — one lucky person won a pretty little necklace with their jam purchase and it was fun and a wonderful gamble.  Sadly, packing and shipping nearly 100 jars of jam nearly killed us and while we’d have loved to do it all again, we are a bit busier than usual this fall, here at The Gables, and a simple blog giveaway will have to suffice.  Forgive us for not going above and beyond this year.

As always, I love to give you a quick run down about the plums we use in this jam.  Plume Gables boasts a beautiful little, creaky old, 104 year old farm house on an original stone foundation on a piece of property that formerly spanned the entire street.  It was originally a fruit orchard!  We are the fourth family to ever own and love this property (though the first two families were the first and second generation of the same family).  Deeded with the land is a charming set of water rights to one of the spring creeks that flows down off the mountains on the West side of the Portneuf Valley.  With this water, we irrigate all of our ancient grapevines, rose gardens and fruit trees.  It’s a romantic and historical detail about our home since when this little chunk of land was originally homesteaded, the same creek water was used to feed an entire orchard, and more.

We do not spray our fruit trees with any pesticides.  
Plums are hand picked when they turn a ripe, 
deep purple on the trees.
These beautiful gems are organic as can be,
watered with holy water from a spring that wells up out of the mountains we see from the front windows of our home, and they are filled with the nutrients that only a sun ripened fruit can hold.
We hand pit these plums with old fashioned paring knives,
quarter them and then turn them into jam with the help of a low sugar recipe.
The flavor is unbelievable,
tart and sweet.
The color is like magenta rubies,
as you can see modeled on this delicious little
fluffy, hot-from-the-oven buttermilk biscuit:
I’m giving away five jars of the stuff.  
Since I couldn’t muster the golden ticket contest this fall, I am including these jars of jam in sweet little packages that will include:
 My favorite loose leaf herbal tea.
Hand picked and bound sage bundles, beautiful for sniffing and smudging…
and a few other items that will remain a surprise!

If you’d like to enter your name in this giveaway, please leave me a comment on this post.  
Tell me anything you’d like, but I’m especially interested in hearing about how autumn makes you feel and what you love most about it — if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, tell me about the shifts you’re seeing as your world moves into summer!
If you’re shy or thin on time, just say hi.

Please leave only ONE COMMENT, if you can.
And please include your email address 
so I can contact you 
if you should win.

Everyone is welcome and
I will ship internationally.
Contest closes on Wednesday at 10PM, MST.

As always, thank you so much for being part of my world and for being some of the most incredible, kind, supportive, gracious and loving people I’ve ever brushed up against.  
Happy autumn!

The Plume


  1. Autumn makes me feel like I live in a painting.

    (I hope it's not lead-based paint.)

  2. MrsLittleJeans says

    What would you do for a Klondike bar? That is the song I like to sing to obtain one of those jams. Autumn makes me feel life. Always missing one thing and looking forward to the other. I miss summer, always do and then all it takes is for that dry crisp breeze on my face, the golden red leaves that appear a little bit at a time, that smell of 'now the earth is going to rest' that takes my mind away from that gorgeous summer toward the next season…and so I wait for rain or snow or whatever the case may be depending on where I am. i feel happily torn between seasons during autumn.


  3. autumn is the season of my soul; a true reflection of the essence of me. her chill wakes my bones, and makes me feel alive, and vibrating. what i love the most about autumn is the smell of pine and smoke in the air here on my little island, and the feel of the wool that i surround myself with. thank you for the beauty that you put into this world, and many blessings! xo

  4. Andes Cruz says

    your property, and land and spring and orchid sound utterly divine. what a slice of treasure!
    I love the autumn colours, the cool crisp evening and morning air, the way the golden light slants sideways, and mostly that the time in between not and winter get one day shorter each day 🙂
    Hope I get a taste of the jam <3
    Happy autumn and thanksgiving to you <3 <3 <3

  5. oh, and my email is……
    xoxo dina

  6. HAGEBUTTE MonisMoniKate says

    yes, yes, yes, i'd like to win!
    <3 <3 <3 from germany!

  7. TesoriTrovati says

    I think that you are a beautiful soul, Miss Plume. Enjoy the day!

  8. Autumn is the song the trees sing when spiraling down toward the long cold.

    There is something profound in the way trees are (to me) at their most beautiful in the particular season they must give up their foliage and prepare for the bitterness of winter. Like walking proudly into the dark, singing all the way.

    elli (at) mbnet (dot) fi

  9. Oh, your jam and the history of the orchard sound wonderful! I certainly wish I had fruit trees, especially now in the autumn. It's my favorite time of the year, I love to see the changes happening around me, the leaves turning yellow and red, the fruit and vegetables ripening and being picked… If I only could have an apple tree and a plum tree of my own to make jam and feast on fruit!

    … Since I can't, I'm pleased to hear that you will ship abroad, and enter the contest with the hopes of winning some of your jam. My e-mail:

  10. walking here with a smile. take care.. have a nice day ~ =D

    Regards, (A Growing Teenager Diary) ..

  11. Yikes! The odds are steep this year! 😉

    I would love to have a jar if I am so lucky. I think you have my email, but it is my first and last name (no space) at gmail.

    Fall here means heaps and heaps of work and lots of rain. It's a little dreary. At least I get a new fall coat, though! 🙂

  12. beccaclimbsrocks says

    Dear Jillian. I am going to go up to Lander this weekend to nestle myself among an aspen grove and pretend that I'm laying in a big aspen hammock. And then I will go climb a rock, all the way to the top, where after sending, I will look around at all of the yellow, orange and red and I will be happy. Autumn reminds me to slow down. Please come join this weekend if you wish, and we will eat jam and fresh eggs for breakfast while the dogs run laps on the porch. Sending you hugs, hope you received the mail.

  13. Desiree Fawn says

    Yay! Autumn is by far my favourite season, and it doesn't last long here — only in my heart. This year is especially hard — my first autumn season as a single mother, knowing things are getting better each day. My heart aches for losses, but feel full of light and hopeful. And maybe I'd like to fill it with jam.

  14. I have been moving around and this is my second fall without a garden, or a big yarn of my own (meaning my parents that they let me borrow from time to time). I love the changes. In life as well as in seasons. This new place reminds me to look around, explore the world, take in the beauty, and to relish in every moment for the next might be stolen. That being said my new favorite is walking around on the leaf strewn sidewalks, examining the colors and listening to the crunch. The only downside is almost running into things because I can't get my eyes off the ground.

    Thank you for this chance to taste your assuredly fabulous jams!



  15. Lucid Moon Studio says

    I'm pretty bummed that I can't just buy a jar, but I totally understand the being too busy part! I will cross my fingers and hope to win 🙂 I was privileged enough to try some last year, and it was DELISH!! I LOVE fall here in FL because we finally get a reprieve from the heat. Ideal weather for me is 60-70 F. I also love getting pumpkin lattes in the fall when it is a little chilly out. Thanks for the generous giveaway!!


  16. Plum jam time!! Autumn always reminds me to tune into abundance when the time is ripe. And to remember that life is bountiful when it wants to be, so drink up in times of plenty! xo

  17. I love autumn for the brisk wind and the pleasure of bundling up to enjoy it!

    I sure would like some plum jam to enjoy!


  18. Oooh! Please enter my name.
    Autumn is fuzzy horses and bareback riding, smiling dogs running through fallen leaves, brisk hikes and pure reverence in my surroundings.

  19. Autumn is becoming my favorite season and I love to take walks with my dogs to enjoy the cooler temperatures and the colors of the season.

    My email is on my Blogger profile. 🙂

  20. Felicia Lynne says

    Autumn… Its my favorite season. Seriously. I know most people get depressed when it shows that winter is coming. But I love it. You get to bundle up and be close to the ones you love. The air is crisp and clean. Nature is beautiful. It is as though Mother Nature has waited all year to show her best stuff. The Rocky Mountains call to me at this time of the year, even more so then usual.

  21. I would love to win, and taste your lovely jam:):):) and i love a scent of cold autumn wind:) Best wishes from Poland!

  22. Usually I can't wait to hear the first autumnal breezes in the trees, see the clouds pushed across the sky and smell this oh so different sent of the rain-soaked earth. The colours of the leafs, how each by each slowly changes from green into warm and mysterious orange, red and brown. Autumn makes me feel the change, the movement in nature and in life. I feel like being part of it and it's moving me just like every little thing around me.

    Thank you for your wonderful glimpses inside your world, dear plume!


  23. Well then, I will tell you that autumn makes me the happiest of all of the year… to bundle up, suck cool, crisp air into my lungs, to watch long low lean shafts of amber light lean in through thee windows… the gathering of the season, too, of harvest, of friends, of woolen shawls around the shoulders. Of course I would like to "win" this giveaway but, if I don't, our budding friendship is prize enough for me. Love, Leslie

  24. mmmmm i can smell it!! delicious!

    Have a nice week! 🙂

  25. AnDeeBarrett says

    Plume~y Plumm~y Jam…


    I feel the strongest desires in October {Fall in general} to live. LIVE. Live…

    Wishes are acute.
    Actions frenzied.

    {wishes for jam, packages, postcards in the mail…}

    Much Love Jillian.
    AnDee {CrowNology}

  26. Plum Jam, Plum Jam!! International Shipping?!! Yippee!!

  27. SilverNikNats says

    Autumn makes me feel like a child, I see piles of red, yellow and orange leaves that I have to jump in and kick about, I love the crisp sound they make as they crunch beneath my feet and I am reminded of running through the woods and climbing trees.
    Have a great day

  28. Pearl and Pebble says

    Autumn makes me feel like I can breath again. The air is fresh and crisp. Cooking actually sounds like an enjoyable task and the colors are spectacular. Creativity seems to be revived and my mind is a bit more clear. Those are the prettiest little plums I have ever seen! Thank you for such a lovely opportunity here.

  29. Lilla Jizo says

    I had the luck to get to taste your wonderful jam last year! Amazing it was…
    Right now, autumn is sadness to me. I'm not sure why, but I think I don't like to part with summer this year, it was too lovely and relaxing. I have always loved autumn and didn't really like summer too much before… but now… Things are changing, constantly aren't they?
    Anyway… Autumn is also stormy seas and yellow birch leaves to me now. And that is comforting…

  30. Jillian,

    I have been a 'blog stalker' of yours for several years. My mother calamatyjane(t) corresponds with you often and I love to hear about it. Therefore, I feel that it is time that I stop lurking and begin commenting. Not just because of your jam, but because I want you to know that I teach a high school jewelry class and your work is the go-to source for me. I love to show my students the way that you approach your work and the emotion with which you create. You have certainly provided inspiration not only for me, but for many of my students and for that, I thank you.

    As for fall, I think it is my favorite season of all. (Of course, I might say that at the beginning of all of the seasons…) Perhaps the greatest reason is the cool nights and warm days. Sleep is so much sweeter during the cool nights, and the afternoon sun warms my soul in ways that summer sun does not. The change in the daylight makes every color so much more vibrant and expressive– the earth seems so alive. And, quite honestly, it means Thanksgiving is right around the corner. The beginning of my absolute favorite time of year!

  31. I'm soooo excited because I was lucky enough to taste your super delicious plum jam last year!!!
    It was gone in a week…

    It was/ is a balmy 79F and we went apple picking yesterday- amazing bounty of organic Spartan, Courtland, MacIntosh and Gala apples. Tasted some fabulous artisan organic, apple ice cider. Yum!
    The best Thanksgiving ever!

    The perimeter of the orchard was flanked by the most beautiful Fall trees in yellows, oranges and reds.
    So, so beautiful.

    I feel very lucky for days like these…

    Thank you Plume for the opportunity to take part in your 4th Annual Plum/ Jewelry Giveaway!
    Yeehaw! xo
    Good luck to all!

  32. OK, those jams (and your description) are GORGEOUS. I need to eat that ruby gel.

    As for autumn… my favorite part are the gusts. The blustery, malaise-busting gusts of cool wind that energize me to the tips of my toes. That remind me that things are changing, always changing.

  33. Kate Carpenter says

    All of my favorite traditions take place in the fall — apple picking, hiking in the crisp air, making pumpkin bread, hoarding winter squash, wearing tights. Now that I'm living in the midwest, I'm coming to love the cozy season even more; the weather is perfect, and the trees are on fire.

    But I sure would love some Idaho plum jam. 🙂

    Hope you're enjoying autumn!

    kbcarpenter (at) gmail (dot) com

  34. Amy Nicole says

    I love Autumn because it means an end to the brutally hot Texas summer, and the beginning of the Holiday season. I love the crisp air, and the leaves changing colors and floating to the ground. I love the pumpkins, the scarecrows, and the hay rides! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. The jam looks scrumptious!

  35. Elizabeth Ann Wright-Clark says

    I am new to your blog and I love, love, love your photos! Although I live in Chicago these days, in a pretty little apartment by the lake, I am from Wyoming and happen to love Pocatello! The basalt cliffs give such beautiful definition to the surrounding grasslands. Reading your blog makes me crave the smell of Aspen leaves and the cool frosty nights of October. Sometimes I miss home so much that it hurts, but we all have our 'reasons for leavin'. Fall is resplendent here too with the autumn leaves contrasting the cool blue waters of the lake. Such a beautiful and yet melancholy season.
    Thanks for your beautiful blog. It inspires.

  36. lindsay michele says

    Plum jam (and therefore, Autumn) reminds me of the prune jam the nuns made when I lived at San Lodovico convent for a semester in college. Fall always brings about thoughts of Italy for me.

  37. Cinder says says

    Hello Jillian,

    Funny thing, I was just thinking about your plum jam!
    As I was putting a coat of Watco oil on some woodwork, I was dreaming of homemade bread toasted with plum jam on top. I don't know why…(probably because it would be sooo good.)

    We are enjoying a string of unusually warm and sunny days. I am getting all those end of the season chores done without freezing my hands.

    Thank you for this lovely give away.

    Your little slice of heaven sounds so wonderful!

  38. autumn is my favorite time of the year. i feel like a kid again walking down the sidewalks kicking the piles of leaves that have gathered under the trees.

  39. Autumn makes me feel at peace. I love the sights sounds and smells that the season brings. It's also when my anniversary falls so it has a special meaning for me .

  40. Sierra Keylin Jewelry says

    I don't really get much fall out here in the tropics, it is THE thing I miss most about living in SEattle…The crackling leaves and colors, the long, long, long walks with myself in the brisk air and my favorite scarf and hat! I think I miss the outfits of fall as much as the weather. Around this time of year I seem to have the most memories of other places and times, I tend to be very nostalgic for my former home in Seattle and end up having more than the usual longing for pants and sweaters…Oh, Fall…How I've missed you these last few years, I may need to hop on a plane and get myself off to somewhere cool and breezy, bundle up in my woolies and appreciate that gorgeous light, the changing colors and the long ago moments of seeing my breath in the morning!
    Thanks for asking for faves of fall, this was a great way to remember all those things I miss and love about the changing seasons!
    Aloha, and happy rosy cheeks to you!

  41. love this – my mouth is watering from a thousand miles away. i did a post about fall last week (, but here's a bit of what i wrote:

    -as a northerner, there’s a kind of sigh, an anticipation of cold. i’m not sure that what i want is the cold itself, but its coming, and the coming in from the cold. the snow and ice and winter booming silence is beautiful, but really more like a prelude to the main event, which is getting warm. october is when we get down to business. sweaters taken out of storage, boots relocated from the garage. cool in the lungs, inside out, resolved with hot liquid and extra fabric.

    BTW, my word verification is "bless"
    jmillershaw (at) gmail

  42. Oh what heavenly treats! Fall here in interior Alaska is nearly gone. The light is golden, but all but a few of the trees are bare. In the morning I can hear the ice on top of the creek crack and complain as the sunlight hits it, or as it attempts to continue flowing a little longer. The nights feel so cold and dark after the long days of summer, but we have been treated to bright aurora lately and as I stand out there watching I remind myself that these are the temperatures to savor before it gets so much colder. Each day is one more gift before winter really arrives.

  43. Miss Crowland says

    I'm thankful for Plume!

  44. that jam looks scrumptious! autumn makes me feel a plethora of things, but mostly i feel sneezy (from seasonal allergies) and full of anticipation for the upcoming winter. i live in the midwest, and while i loathe the bitter cold we endure for a month or two each year, i absolutely love having an excuse to be a hermit and focus on things like knitting, snuggling with the cats, and drinking hot toddies by the fireplace.
    i hope this autumn finds you well! my email address is


  45. I love the smell. Here in southern California we will get a few precious evenings, sometimes only hours, of that crisp, amber scent that heralds the coming of autumn. I miss the autumn season most of all (with snow being a short second), living here in 'paradise'.

  46. Hello Miss Plume!
    Autumn! I love everything about it! I live in a beautiful little village in Québec. This lovely village is surrounded by orchards so from mid-september until the end of October, there's a delightful apple smell everywhere i go! Whenever i have the chance, i prepare a DELICIOUS apple crisp that make my house smell nice and inviting. Needless to add how fantastic the leaves are: yellow, orange, red, burgundy! Ah!

  47. Autumn is my favorite time of year. I live in the deep south, so it's still pretty hot here, but the leaves are beginning to turn. Usually by Halloween the nights get cool enough for us to light the fire.



  48. I love the smell. Here in southern California we get a few precious evenings, sometimes only hours, of that crisp, amber scent that heralds the coming of autumn. I think the autumn season is what I miss most of all (with snow a short second) living here in 'paradise'.

  49. Caren via Tea and Chickadees says

    I see Autumn as a gift; it's a glorious symphony of colour & perfect cool nights that bring us into the white stillness of winter.
    It's magical.
    caren (@)

  50. Brooke Medlin says

    This post is just all kinds of perfect. 🙂

    I'm reminded, by it, to tell you that my dad is the river commissioner in his area, and he loves it. When my husband called him to let him know were were getting married, my husband asked me, 'What should I call him?! Jeff? Mr. Medlin?' I said, 'Call him the River Commissioner.' He did, and I think this is near the top of the list of reasons why my dad loves Ian.

    Thanks for reminding me of that story.

  51. Jaime/Bella-Bijou Jewellery says

    I've entered this contest each year, and still haven't won a jar of this magically jammy goodness – could this year be *my* year!?!

    Autumn means rain here in the Pacific Northwest. Lots of it. To keep the glooms and dooms of greyness from coming inside it also means these:

    -Grandma's Beef Stew recipe (never did I meet someone who this recipe didn't warm their heart)
    -My very own Pumpkin Muffin recipe – a hit with everyone, even the ones who swear they don't like pumpkin.

    And mostly, this Autumn brings the very last time I'll ever watch my parents maple tree turn fiery golden, since the home 3 generations of my family have lived in sold recently.

    jaime {at} bella-bijou {dot}com

  52. homespunangela says

    It's harvest time and I would love some Plume plum jam!
    Here in the Sunshine State we don't have a traditional Autumn, it's much more like receiving gifts from the North whenever a cool front travels down. But the light changes and the flavors change and it really is my favorite time of the year.
    <3 Angela

  53. Jenn-with-2-n's says

    Hi babe. So sorry to hear about your pup. She was beautiful. Love you to you sweetie.

  54. autumn makes me feel so certain I could never be born reminds me to be faithful to myself and it reminds me that miracles are to come. (evermore)

    it reminds me of love

    most of all

    and i love plum jam

    very much



    i bet i would love your plum jam the MOST.


  55. Marcie Abney says

    In Alabama we lived on an old farm. The barn was well into her 70's and leaning dangerously to the left, but under her protective shadow grew the biggest bush of blackberries and one lone plume tree. Weaving between overgrown weeds and ducking under decades old fence posts to reach the juicy summer fruit is one of my most favorite memories. Thank you for taking me back to Alabama by way of Idaho. 😉

  56. Melissa Bothwell-Inglis says

    ooooh, how plum delightful! You may find it fun to know that I have been using that exact polka dot fabric for recent birthday 'prep' sewing projects for my turning 2 daughter (hint: the theme is toadstool mushrooms!!)
    Anywho…fall is the best, most beautiful season – I just love the glow.the fire.the crackle of leaves changing and crunching underfoot..
    love your giveaway too.. thanks!

  57. Autumn is my favourite season, and makes me feel like Mother Nature is reclaiming the earth (through a blast of fire and gold) for a period of quiet, muted, and subtle rebuilding. It feels restorative.

  58. i love the weather that it has a cool breeze now instead of blistering heat. I am loving pumpkins, football games, sweaters, colorful tights, corn stalks, canning, leaves falling, opening the windows, mums, beets, and i could go on!

  59. Simone Marie says

    Hello Noisy Plume and Family! First of all, 55 comments!! I'm screwed!! But now is the perfect time to introduce my self, My name is Simone, and I live in Spring creek Nev. Just right below you!! Well a couple of hours anyways!! I you found searching for blogs and you have quit literally changed me!! So much for the better, I have read thru your blog, cried with you, laughed with you, and on and on….. Love! As I write this today, it is a lovely cold a bluster day, slightly rainy, and my beloved Ruby's are getting snow capped! So exciting!! It looks like the most strangest of picture's, the trees had just started to turn, sending a river of gold down the shoots, and now the tops of the mountains are white?!?! Amazing beautiful, the duality of it all!! I would LOVE some of your plum jam, your herb tea, your beautiful jewelry….. but no mind, I finally found the opportunity to introduce myself, Hi! You are such a talent, and I so admired you! ( Will buttering you up help me win the jam?!?!?) Heehee!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful, beautiful world! much love & light…… Simone Marie!

  60. Simone Marie says

    Opps i forgot my email!! Silly Me!!!!


  61. The Noisy Plume says

    Simone! WELCOME!
    Also, we LOVE the Ruby Mountains or Nevada — you're so lucky to have a glorious view of them:)

  62. Cori Marie says

    The jam and the packaging look delicious! I shall keep my fingers crossed that some makes it way to me!

  63. Autumn means winter is on it's way! The sun angles more and more each day. I love to stand in the sun in black clothes and be warmed as if Grandfather Sky threw a blanket on me.

    tucsonblossom at gmail dot com

  64. Womanlyfire says

    if i could drift with this crisp morning air
    pieces of my skin sewn together to make this whole of me
    the flame of nature inside my mind
    the sun beneath my feet
    i am this one
    i am this morning
    so content in my creation

    Dear Ms Plume, this is how i feel as spring turns to summer in Australia. I love your beautiful creative soul and hope to create like you one day. My email address is

    xox Freja

  65. Autumn brings warm days, cool nights, snow in the mountains, rains, fog, and the wonderful bounty of the summer plantings to my neck of the woods. My favorite time of year… Jenn woodchic(at)

  66. jenn rockwell says

    this time of year is really emotionally charged for me. I moved to the south, which is gorgeous and wonderful but I miss my New England autumns. I get this intense feeling of freedom and invincibility when the nights are colder and the moon is always saying hello, sometimes it even winks at me while I am riding my bike home. There is nothing like the feeling that the season change brings. Its old and new, which is hard to explain. But i love the changes but it makes me think of old times.
    it also makes me more thankful for nature, and i dont take it all for granted. it awakens my soul and it is so refreshing.

  67. For a while I was sad that autumn was here already. London hasn't had much of a summer by NZ standards, and I'd almost forgotten to appreciate the different nuances summer had here. But in autumn? I'm loving scarves, and green jackets to hide your face in, and the wind thats slightly chilly as it blows past your face and through the streets. Fall is more dramatic in London than in Auckland. I'm beginning to appreciate the differences. 🙂

  68. I love your posts, Jillian. They are a vehicle to a sacred light.

  69. jenn rockwell says

    holy smokes i forgot my email:

  70. I would love to win the jam, and I'd even share it with my husband! ha, ha. Fall is my favorite time of year – I'm not sure why since I grew up in Victoria (BC) but maybe it's because my birthday is in Sept! Now, living in Niagara, I love the smell, the colors, the cooler nights without humidity(!!!). My husband and I always like to take vacations in the fall. After your snowy post the other day, I was thinking about the seasons and, fall is definitely no. 1!

    Despite the fact google keeps saying I am unknown… I am:

    Valerie Brown
    Firepan Jewellery Designs

  71. Wow, how sweet! I have been resisting autumn lately. Sometimes it can be so hard to just surrender to the flow of the seasons, so hard to let change just happen. And then I remember how sweet it can be to let the darkness in. Even if I am not exactly where I thought I would be, even if my life is messy and I am not always as kind, gracious, and present as I know I can be.
    Thank you so much for an opportunity to connect with you and for your generosity of spirit.
    May you receive the blessing of your life.

  72. yummy jam, yes please! Maybe post the recipe?

  73. Autumn makes me feel more vibrant and alive. There is something in the changing of the season that awakens my soul. The colors, the slight chill in the air, makes life feel fuller to me. I love how people seem to slow down, and take more time to enjoy what nature is offering to them.

  74. Mariann Monika says

    My nose! My nose is working again!

    All those delightful scents of spring are slapping me in the face here in the southern hemisphere, and I'm loving every minute!

    Yours truly from Australia with red cheeks and a very present nose,

    mariannmonika @

  75. Autumn is the springtime of my soul. Everything feels fresh and optimistic and endlessly *possible*.

  76. Biscuit Saturday says

    Autumn makes me want a hot buttered apple cider!

  77. windrock studio says

    Thank you for all the beauty you share here.
    I always, since a little girl, get excited when Autumn comes around … there is not a thing I don't completey love about it.

  78. Autumn is one of my favorite seasons. I love it so much because it is the time that I met my high school sweetheart. I was 15 years old, he was a senior and so handsome. We were together and never apart for the next 30 years when I lost him to cancer.
    Autumn always gives that the cozy feelings of holding my babies all wrapped up and in my arms while I rocked them in front of the fire. I sure do miss those times. But I still love autumn so much and the change in the air.

  79. Anastasia Cox says

    I am in a different city for this spring
    The wind shifts in strange ways
    Coming at me over new territory.
    The flowers bend their heads
    Nodding back to inland
    But I am happy here close to the ocean,
    This Great Southern Ocean so steely
    That I feel I could reach out to touch
    Antarctica across it.

    And yet I smell jasmine

    It is the time we spread arms wide
    We inhale building warm
    We put on strappy sandals
    We take them off again in
    Green park grass and we dance
    And climb and giggle wearing
    Our wide, crazy, hazy smiles.


  80. I feel alive, shedding the heat of the summer and turning into myself and my home. Nest building time is here.

  81. Anastasia Cox says

    Forgot email:

    Big Love xxx

  82. love you, plumers. you know i love autumn (i might love winter even more). i love autumn because the colors are rich, mature, and aflame. i love autumn because it means an end AND a start. i love autumn because it means scarves and cardigans and boots. i love autumn because i sleep better in a warm cocoon on chilly nights. and perhaps most of all, i love autumn because it means the quiet death of some things in order for the eventual green life of others. and for me, death ultimately means Life, and the end is only the beginning.

  83. fall makes me feel on fire!
    ( you already know where to find me!)

    pump up the jammity jam!

  84. My Perfect Sky says

    Hullo Plume momma! Autumn makes me feel homesick and sad for something beautiful and out of reach. Everything aflame and dying for winter. It makes me feel alive yet sleepy as well. Thanks for sharing your soul!

  85. Even though I am now in South Korea, I'm in awe of how Autumn affects all countries with the same fondness for pumpkin shades and tastes. It is, I think, a craving universal.

    Nknguyen3 at

  86. yum.
    today I was loving the crunch of leaves as I walked. fall is my favorite.

  87. Autumn is inspiring. The cool air breathes vitality into my body. I yearn for the woods so I can pass the day watching for deer and chickadees. Each year brings forth different colors, black bark against vibrant yellows and green moss, the pleasant smell of wood smoke… Thanks for your generosity.

  88. Hi Jillian,

    Your photography and jewelry rock! 🙂

    What I love most about fall is the crispness that I can smell in the air!

    Jessie (

  89. give me the jam. NOW.

    [HAHha! how sweet of you to host this giveaway! again!!]


  90. Happy Birthday Robert!!

    I love all things seasonal, as each has so much to offer. However, Autumn is my favorite of the 4. The colors in the Rocky Mountains are so incredibly beautiful they brings tears to the eyes. Every year. I love that I am moved like. Every year.

    During this time I like to have a ritual cocktail hour that includes music, wine, candlelight, cheese and some sort of jam to pair with said cheese. Not every night, but once or twice, and always on a weekend.

    Happy Autumn Plume Gables!

  91. It seems to me that when autumn arrives, there is an ~ease~ that comes with it.

    My mouth is watering… love the story of your Gables and its orchards!

  92. The way you spin phrases with words is just lovely. Those five winners will be lucky indeed.

    I love fall best. The crisp sounds. The cool air that brushes up against my favorite snuggly clothes. The colors in the trees and the way the light changes. And the tastes and smells of bonfires, pumpkin, apples, cinnamon. Whats not to love!?

    Brittany (

  93. oooh goodness!
    autumn has hit Ontario and the trees have all their brightest frocks on!

    Reds, yellows, oranges and the shy ones are still adorned in green.

    tis a lovely time indeed.

    it is fresh and refreshing and feels new.

  94. I'm sure that autumn is only so incredibly lovely so as to lure me away from summer. Living in central Alberta, our summers are short and sweet. Come to think of it, so is autumn! Fall brings pumpkin pie, hot chocolate, long walks in the gorgeous river valley (crunching through the leaves, and procrastinating my assignments. : )

    Should I win, fingers crossed, please contact me at

  95. Fall to me is the smell of leaves and a crispness to the air that is the most beautiful thing.

    My email is mellowmuffin (at)

  96. It's still in the 80's here but I love seeing all the pumpkins for sale at the farmers markets and I just bought pumpkin pie ice cream!

  97. ms. plume, i have been taken with your blog for over a year now. this is my first entry to anyone's blog and long to start one of my own. your blog is my inspiration and solace many a day.

    i live in sunny florida and long to reside in cold country one day; a dream of mine. i grew up in ohio and have lived in the sunshine state for over 25 years now. this is my home…for now.

    fall brings memories of my childhood, the crisp smell of chill and change in the morning as the leaves turn the warm shades of summer passing. it is the scent in the air that teases and invites us to it's pre-announcement of my favorite season, winter, the time of my birth. even though we feel a slight shift and change in the air in balmy florida, it is never the same as the comforting announcement of autumn. for now, i can only find solace in the warm, salty gulf air that i have grown to love but my heart will always lie with the sensual beginnings of autumn.


  98. Last year I bought a jar of your plum jam and it was divine! I would love a chance to be a winner this year. Thank you for being so generous with your talents!

    Autumn always makes me nostalgic, usually for primary school. I was one of those kids that kind of liked school and although I savored everyday of summer with a trip to the pool, I loved swinging at my neighborhood playground and reaching my toes toward the yellowing oak leaves in the sky in the fall. I thought if I tried hard enough, I could punch my toes right through the leaves of that tree and if felt pretty magical. I love the smell of the leaves as they fade and the season changes. There's an endless amount to write about fall, but maybe its that distinct smell that helps makes it such a powerful season.

    Thanks again!
    Jamie B.

  99. Fall makes me feel cozy and vibrant. I love when the sumac bushes turn bright red.

    Plum jam looks amazing!! One of my life goals is to own/live in a plum orchard. Best fruit ever!

  100. Catherine Chandler says

    Oh my goodness, that looks like some seriously amazing Jam.

    I will tell you a little story:
    Where I grew up, just outside the city of Portland, in a hidden little neighborhood, we had a grand house and 4 horses, plus two plum trees, at least 8 apple trees (one GREAT BIG OLD one), a cherry tree, raspberry bushes, and blackberry bushes at the bottom of the ravine. At one point we had a garden, but I think my dad got sick of the horses always bullying their way in and eating all the yummies.

    As kids, we would always "borrow" my dad's old Army tent and set it up next to our swaying hammock (much like yours)…we would make mud pie, create homes, and always…always ate plums right off the trees.

    I remember summers of my dad making raspberry and blackberry jam, and there was ALWAYS plenty of cinnamony, chunky applesauce in the freezer, and plum pudding at Christmas.

    Plums remind me of Fall, as does a good cup of Chai. I hope your Fall is full of bursts of color, the beautiful smell of fallen leaves, and crisp, cool air.

  101. calamityjane(t) says

    autumn is perfectly lovely, a turning inward time when the windows are closed more than open, the oven gets fired up again after its season of rest, sweaters, scarves, and boots are taken out of hiding, the harvest moon hangs huge and orange on the horizon, the ponies begin sporting plush coats seemingly overnight, i awaken in deep darkness, leaves crunch underfoot, i celebrate my libra birthday and take stock of where i am on life's path, the mornings are crisp and carry the smell of woodsmoke on the air… ah, yes. lovely. as is your jewel-tone plum jam.

  102. what a lovely giveaway! i love fall and it is one of the most beautiful times here in new england (and quite honestly, the most wonderful time to be one the coast and go for a swim!). i love watching the trees change colors like they are dancing a sacred fire dance. i also love the anticipation of winter, the cool crisp air which makes me feel alive and like i can really breathe, harvest time, big, harvest full moons that looks like you could reach up and kiss it, cool nights and starting the woodstove, beautiful tides and swollen marshes (big, full high tides and extreme low tides!), thanksgiving (because a traditional turkey dinner with all the fixin's is one of my favorite meals!), crunchy leaves when exploring the woods and the colors of goldenrod, tansy and loosestrife in the fields glowing golden yellow and fuchsia… i could go on, but it would most likely turn into a novel… 🙂

  103. autumn feels so bittersweet to me, i never want summer to end, i cling to every last flake of summer dust that i can, and yet i strangely look forward to the beginning of a new season and everything it brings.
    sigh. i just get so darn sad saying goodbye to summer.

    your jam is beautiful and sounds heavenly.

    fingers crossed… my email…

  104. I love every season. Every season makes my heart soar just a little bit but none so much as autumn. And this year I feel it even more. Living through the worst summer in Texas history left my body and soul feeling baked and bone weary. This October it finally rained and we all of us, the people, the farmers, the trees, the cows, and goats, and chickens heaved a heavy sigh of relief and soaked as much of the delightful stuff into our cores as would fit. I love autumn for the coming cold and retreating of the heat. For its color and calm. For baseball and new boots, scarves and gloves, knitting and cups of tea, and every other lovely thing. I love your writing and your art thank you for sharing.

  105. I love autumn. In fact I love every season in its turn and I try to find beauty in each day. But living in Texas I find that no season makes my heart soar half so much as autumn. Its signals the retreat of the scorching heat and cooler days. This year it soothed me more than I can say. It finally rained and I stood like an idiot with my barren plum trees soaking in as much as my small body could absorb, while the two squirrels brothers that live in my tool sheds attic ran across the yard in a complicated yet improvised rain dance. So yes I love autumn. I love the autumn. I love it for the trees and their color. For crazy squirrels and new boots. For pumpkins and butternut squash. For baseball and the world series. For scarves and hats. For foggy mornings and long evening by the fire. For all the wonders of this beautiful world. Thanks for sharing your beautiful life.

  106. Autumn makes me feel fresh and alive. It's hands down my favorite season! (amandyrae at gmail dot com)

  107. Autumn makes me feel like I can breathe again, after the hot mugginess of the summer. Mind you, we don't see hot here in Ontario like some people see hot in the southern states, but there is something about the autumn air that I could drink in for days!

  108. Snailentina says

    Holy comments! Good luck to us all at a chance of winning this utterly blessed jam. On to the subject of Autumn, the story can be long, but mostly since I was raised in Venezuela, for the longest time I was a tropical being. However, this is now my favorite time of the year because I do feel it is magical. I love how everything seems to shine, the cool breeze, seeing change before my eyes, layering and scarves, pumpkin coffee and the anticipation on having it on the "perfect fall day," long strolls at night. I adore it, as much as you love wintertime. Blessings Ms. Plume 🙂

  109. Autumn makes me feel cozy. The crisp air makes me feel alive. And though I no longer get to see the leaves changing in my yard, Arizona still has some wonderful fall traditions like apple picking that allows me to back pies and feed my friends.

  110. Oh it all sounds so divine! I live in the Southern Hemisphere, and daylight saving started here last week, so I can now ride home from work without the race against the darkness. I grew up in the country, and worked in wildlife research in the far north for some years, but for now I work in an office in Sydney (sometimes I wonder why) and live in an apartment and yearn to be closer to what is going on in nature. Not many native plants here are deciduous, but lots of lovely things flower around now, like bright yellow fluffy wattles and red bottle brushes and we have some exquisite native orchids. Here it gets more hazardous to ride home on the bike path too, as it’s a dogs-of-leashes zone, and people come out in droves in the evenings with dogs running wild!

    I'd love to try your jam!

  111. well i'm a huge lover of fall and all its changes…i love the turning leaves, the chillier temperatures, the light in the late afternoons, the anticipation of the first snowfall…i adore being able to go for a run and not fry like i do in the summer (i think my largely British Isle-origin blood prefers temperate conditions), i love wearing sweaters and scarves again, and i love seeing all the migrating birds mingling in the harvested fields.

    love you, love your jam!

  112. Natalia... says

    I live in Costa Rica and all my life I have been in extremely tropical places and this time of the year all we get is rain..

    This year my husband and I are settling in a little town in Spain called Benicassim, and I will experience proper Autumn for the first time 🙂

    Thank you for making the giveaway! I love how you decorated the little jars this year!

  113. Autumn in New England makes me feel like leaping in the air up towards the brightly coloured leaves swirling in the breeze at the end of ripe stems. I want to float in the wind amongst the vibrant hues of fall and feel the free falling feeling of fall.

  114. Kelly Reece says

    I'll give it a go and say: I miss the hug of my hoodies. They're some goodies 🙂

    -hope you're well

  115. L Schelvan says

    I love the fall days when warmth sneaks in and you're tricked into believing it's August again until you walk into a cool shady ravine and are reminded that it's actually October. We've had several of those days here lately — the best part of yesterday was running into all the male mountain bike posses on the trail. It was as if they'd all said, "dude, it's the last good day, let's go riding." (in the spandex bike shorts!) we did see a few gals, too, but it was the fall day of biking dudes here in Msla.

    lschelvan at gmail dot com

  116. Lizzy Derksen says

    Autumn means meaningful work, nesting, preparations for winter. Making soup and applesauce. Planning Christmas gifts. School.

    I would love some more jam. Last year, I just about died and went to heaven.

  117. happy people says

    To me autumn means fresh air (here is japan , summer is incredibly hot and humid), picnic under the golden red leaves trees and in the evening, a hot cup of tea wrapped in a blanket on my sofa with the window open .

    The jam looks soooooo good , I love the color !

  118. I love the beautiful weather and color tones of Autumn. Theres no better time to be outside

  119. You are kind and lovely and oh so generous. This package would perfect this beginning of fall.

    Right now, as the leaves turn and the clouds drop their moisture, and as the fire is ablaze in the stove, I begin my fall reflections. Fall is my personal new year–the time when I turn inward again, and it always rejuvinates.

    This season I'm enjoying Pumpkin spice candles, roaring fires, fuzzy slippers, lots of books, gingerbread tea and have pumpkin snickerdoodle cookies on the mind–oh, and soy pumpkin spice lattes.

    It is a grand time of year.

    xx, C

  120. When autumn arrives there is some sort of pressure release in my soul. Don't know if it is the cooler weather or the letting go of the demands and musts of the summertime. I was born in autumn and so was my daughter, that might have something to do with my love for the season as well! 😉

  121. Yay yay yay, thank you for this lovely giveaway!!! Autumn is birthday time, pumpkin everything, cooler weather in the desert, cardigans, scarves, and boots.

    I love YOUR soul.


  122. The Flowering Fig says

    Autumn is a season I love to sink into for the silence seems to grow thicker, contemplation feels as though it moves deeper, and creativity is eager to flow forward. You jam would make the most lovely companion for the season 🙂

  123. Autumn reminds me of high school football games, bonfires, and of my love for wearing layers of hand knits.

  124. Hi! I love autumn most of the times but sometimes it makes me feel like I'm in a weird colourful "trip".. That's the truth. 😀 It's autumn here in Finland now.

    ~Chrissie (

  125. Yippee ya yo ka yay! Thanks for reminding me that I've been pinning after that jam for 4 years now – oof! Gosh, I hope luck is on my side this year!

    The weather has turned, bringing the howling winds – metallic 'gorillas of the mist' cloud cover draped over the hills- and he sharpest peaks of cool light come 5pm. My favorite season has graced us, and I never want it to leave!

    Love to you!

  126. Linda Minou says

    Autumn is wearing socks again, making stews, fire in the fireplace and admiring the fall colours…

  127. Fall is my favorite, favorite time of year! The leaves turn amazing colors, the tempurature drops, as does the humidity! You can have windows open with fresh air blowing through! I can't get enough of it! It also means that the holidays are just around the corner!!!!

    Thank you for the chance!

  128. Autumn makes me feel like making campfires and horseback riding. Like the sticky heavy summer heat has lifted and there is room to expand to fill your surroundings. And that boots are back!

  129. I was saying just yesterday, as we were driving home from Thanksgiving at my parents' place, how fall makes me feel – like I'll explode. Like I can't contain my heart at all. Like I want to run at speeds I know I could never reach through the expansive wheat fields that break up the brilliance of autumn leaves against a startling sky. Even more in love. Ever more creative. On the road forever. Strong. Hearty. Healthy. Hopeful.

  130. Autumn makes me happy – especially the smells of crunching leaves and turkey!

  131. Autumn makes me feel, warm and soft and spicy. It makes me want to cook and bake and prepare for the winter. I love the cool crispness in the air, it's time again for wooly socks and warm fuzzy sweaters. I wish I could say I was close to the mountains, but they're hard to see from Illinois. I do visit them every year, along with the pieces of my heart, I've left there. One day I'll gather all the pieces together and stay. For now I'll just have to close my eyes to see the mountains tipped with snow and smell the sweet smell of sage.

  132. sylvestris says

    Autumn to me and my Arctic dogs is like spring to most people. The light and crisp air and colors send our spirits soaring!

    Plume Gables plum jam is delectable…my taste buds wake up at the mere mention.


  133. Autumn reminds me that change is Good and that scarves go best with change 🙂

  134. James Cade says

    Hi there,

    Autumn is wonderful, many things happen at this time to the year. Birthdays, anniversary's, remembering loved ones that we lost, weather getting cooler (thou the last few days its been 80) and in the Northeast we have such gorgeous colors to enjoy.

    It's a perfect time to harvest, a few weeks ago we turned 3 bushels of hot peppers into relish that we marinate with and 3 bushels of pickled hot peppers (delish)! Yesterday I canned 15 pints of dilly beans. Its a great time of the year.

    Love to try your jam.


  135. I love love love seasons and weather changes. I must now content myself with your pictures and perpetual summer. It's not so bad 🙂

  136. poo. senior mo

    sybilmcguire AT

  137. Thoughts from the Desert says

    I love the feel of long sleeves against my forearms after the naked freedom of summer.


  138. Oh, that just looks amazingly delicious! I do like the shift to slightly cooler weather in the fall…not too much change in Southern California but we always get the chance to travel a little bit north to enjoy the leaves changing color 🙂

  139. You make the most lovely jam.

    Autumn is making apple crisp every week and eating it for breakfast. Running in the cool damp night. The time to switch back to hot coffee.


  140. Hanna from the corner table says

    Hi Jillian,

    what did I find here, an amazing thing this is. I bet that jam is heavenly!! I love plum jam.

    Autumn makes me feel surrounded, comfortable more accepted than summer. This year it meant a return back to everyday life and routines. Autumn is good! 🙂

    Greetings from colorful Finland my friend 🙂

  141. The leaves are golden and sharp red here in Canada, they are steadily falling from the trees as the shift into winter occurs. It is a time of warmth, spirits high, looking into the future of warm cozy nights and hot chocolate snuggled with a book and my pooch. I would love to add some jam to that! 🙂 <3

  142. me me me! loved reading the bit of history on the lovely Gables.;)

  143. Your gorgeous photos and delicious description of the jam make it impossible not to enter this giveaway!

    Autumn = beautiful leaves, pumpkins, cool air, apple cider, and family celebrations, love it!

  144. ohhhh myyyy that jam of yours would
    be the perfect topping for my yummi wafflehearts!
    crossing fingers and toes : )

    i embrace every second of this season…actually i find myself embracing EVERY second of life as never before…


  145. somesortofgirl says

    I am a jam FREAK! I love it – I love making it and putting it up, but my all time favorite is eating it…on homemade biscuits.
    Oh, and 2 tiny creations of yours dangle from my ears everyday. So having plums from your home dangle in my tummy would be lovely as well!

  146. The Noisy Plume says

    On behalf of Luisa:

    dear noisy plume, its amazing to read your blog after a couple of weeks that i havent had the chance to do so. our internet connection was just established today and now i've been reding to your and some others recent articles and i really appreciate just lying here and reading although i'm tired from a long day at work and the heat. i have come to israel in the beginning of september to volunteer in a place for mentally handycapped people for one year. while europe is getting right into wintery weather now i'm still having real hot summer over here. it 35 degrees celsius still, that doesnt really create any feeling of autumn. the more i think about it the more i would love some of your homemade plum jam and i'm sure my three flatmates would love it, too 🙂

    with sun and love from herzliya, luisa

  147. MeltTogetherbeads says

    I love the warm orages, purples and browns of autumn, i love it when my daughter runs around in a big pile of brown and orage cripsy leafs, and giggles when she hears the crunch of them. The curling up on the sofa with a cup of hot chocolate and my babies sitting with me x

    Amanda x

  148. What I love about autumn is the swirling of falling leaves and their crunching about under foot.

  149. Blackberryz says

    All that fall. I love the title of that play, and autumn's here again. What joy in a leaf's dance.

    Love and a bouquet of aspen leaves to you,


  150. Oh, definitely the rain. I try not to talk about it too much as it is an opinion shared by few and which annoys many, but I just love it. Nothing better than smithing as it pours outside.


    emily AT pearleverlasting DOT com

  151. Autumn brings us a breeze here and a shift in the shadows. With autumn, home is the only place I want to be. I crave the cool nights and orange blaze of fire. I hunt for the smell of cinnamon and apples, warm bread and pumpkin pie. For me, autumn brings me home.

  152. beth + cody says

    Jam Please!

    I can't believe it's autumn already. But it looks like you've bottled up the best of summer!

    Crossing fingers,

  153. Simone Marie says

    HI Lady Plume! it's me Simone again, I was just reading all the posts again, and I'm so happy you know of the Rubys!! Yes they are right out my front door, and I visit almost everyday! So abSOULutely grounding for me, They are probably the biggest source of inspiration for me right now!! So happy you know of them, have you been here? Also, I am the worst at typing some times, and my typos are many, I noticed that i left out a T in my email address, soooo here it is again,

    Have a beautiful day!!! S.

  154. resolute twig says

    Your jam sounds amazing! I am currently enjoying the Northwest fall rains and wearing big sweaters.

  155. mmmm….sounds delicious!

    Autumn for me is…
    hikes under neon aspens,
    tights and sweaters,
    hot baths during cold rainstorms,
    apple and pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING,
    and another blanket on the bed.

    Have a splendid autumn day!

  156. the few days of autumn that we enjoy in mississippi have yet to arrive. when they do, i will remember when i fell in love with my husband when i was just a freshman in college. so far, we have survived 11yrs and 2 boys.

  157. My Art and My Soul says

    Good day friends, I posted last night but had a technical malfuncion and it didn't show up so here I am again…….Autumn is my favorite season. It is crisp and clear and ever so beautiful. It makes me want to run down the street singing zippity doo da and thank God for my beautiful life and wonderful friends like JL and RW… you guys, love your Plum jam! Hugs, Sal

  158. Wearing pants again. Sweaters. Hot drinks morning and night. Breaking out the soup pot. The warm coloured landscapes and the clean feeling air.

  159. sokerikorppu says

    I enjoy when autumn feels always welcome and inspiring after summer, even though it means a long and dark winter.

    Jam sounds incredible! Actually I've never tasted a plum jam, it would be the time!

  160. Autumn smells like change to me. Like the Aspens here in the Eastern Sierra morph from Brilliant Green to Glowing Orange and Yellow. Autumn is a time of Reflection and Immense Beauty. I truly enjoy your blog. Thank you for the inspiration.

  161. jessi sawyer says

    That jam that jam THAT JAM Hot damn!

    I couldn't possibly bo so lucky to get another jar of the most delicious stuff ever, but I sure can try.

    Every year in Autumn I feel myself wake up. I always forget how fresh and alive I feel in these few brisk months until it rolls around again. It makes me swwoooon.

  162. Autumn is the harbringer of crisp air, vibrantly blue skies, and renewal of hope, that anything is possible if you believe in yourself.

    Also, it's a great time for baking muffins and bisquits, and slathering them with butter and your sublime plum jam!


    Autumn makes me feel like eating pickles before they have had a chance to get fully pickley. I think I'll eat one now!


  164. Daughter arrived on the first day of Autumn this year, just a little over 2 weeks ago! So this year, Autumn is soft baby girl cheeks and crisp apples. [cleo_jones7 at]

  165. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    oh good gracious 🙂 i'm salivating reading about these sunshine stream plums!

    fall makes me feel most in touch with myself, and desiring connection with friends and family. i always feel more adventurous and alive.

    hope you're enjoying the season! xx

  166. " I Love Autumn in New Enland!!"
    And I Love you Dear Sweet Plume Too!!!

  167. PS…you know me as Annabelledear!

  168. hello miss plume,

    how generous and lovely of you to arrange such a contest! i live up in alberta, too far north for plum trees to grow. i don't believe i've ever tasted plum jam before, and you have my taste buds piqued! however, the boreal forest this fall is aflame with highbush cranberries and chokecherries hanging like earrings and pendants, under a sea of trembling aspen glittering like gold flecks in the blue stream of the sky.

    autumn is liminal for me, halfway between the presence of summer and absence of winter, and this year it reflects the feelings i have about my father, who passed away at the end of summer.

    how he is not here with me as he usually is, and how his absence breaks my heart every time i smell the must of the fallen leaves, the spice and sap of the woods — he should be there stream-fishing, i should be following him through the bush this year, listening to the speech of the creek flowing in the distance, picking labrador tea and rose hips, being there silent and together. but still, i feel his presence strongly, because now he is part of all of this, now he is experiencing the world in a way i can't fathom, but can only feel in the crisp breeze rustling whirlwinds down the street, the slope of a cut wheatfield rolling out into the sky, the sunwarmed juniper, the cry of southbound geese. he is in all of this, just as he is now a fish basking in the eddies of a stream, in the reddish amber-water, as leaves fall, just as he is present in me, in my legs as i run down the wooded trails, in my heart when i am still and quiet, catching my breath, here now, in this painful, gorgeous season, not waiting for anything.

    thanks for giving a space for my musings and for offering us a little of your land and your heart.

    it's jenanne ferguson, jenanne dot f at gmail dot com
    or zavoloka at etsy dot com.

  169. The layering of clothes with big, ridiculously thick scarves. Riding my bike on crunchy leaves. Backyard fires at dusk, cause even though it's dark, it's still early. Pumpkin pie. The slowness that seeps out of a busy summer.

  170. When it isn't raining (which it does a LOT in Oregon) I love the crispness of the air during fall.
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  171. Oops, my email is: redbuggirl(at)

  172. autumn always makes me feel closer to my family, bundled up and cozy,love it.

  173. Autumn is the most refreshing season! With my 12 hour work days there's too little time for the beautiful things (most, in my book, surround the fruits of the season). So many apples that need to be made into pies, root veggies that need to be roasted, and hearty soups that need to be simmered! YUM! I miss my days of making plum jam from my trees when I lived in KY. That was already a decade ago! Would LOVE to taste yours! betsyolsonhotmailcom

    ps. I love your gemstone rings!

  174. Your jam- and sage- look delicious!
    I have been waiting for this all year.

    [ j.johnmichaelmurphy
    at gmail dot com ]

  175. Bonjour Matey! says

    Autumn makes me homesick for The North, where I am from. I miss the changing fall colors and the crisp air.

    Let me tell you: I love EVERYTHING about The Gables, especially you! I cannot wait to visit your eden some day.



  176. leAutumn in the Blue Ridge is amazing, color abound. Reds and yellows in every shade imaginable. The Maple trees look like they are on fire and the smell of wood stoves fill the air. Autumn in Virgina is here and I am so lucky to be alive to see another lovely season.

    This Autumn also brings about the start of training for my first 100 mile ultramarathon. Lots of miles on the trails of my mountains, lots of struggle and strength. I think your jam would make the most excellent recovery treat! 🙂

    Love to you.

  177. In the land down under, the fruit blossoms are littering the grass with their petals, little plums are starting to form on the trees. It is an amazing time of year. Full of rejuvenation, birth and temperamental weather!!! (in Melbourne at least).

    Sending you lots of love



  178. Autumn makes me feel grateful. I'm so happy that the summer heat is fading and the cool air at the portal of winter is tingling my toes. The colors always amaze me. It's as if Yellow and Orange do not exist any other time of year. They pop out in October with a visual bang. All I want to do is go outside and wander through the change. Autumn is my favorite time of year by far.

  179. DreadedRed says

    I heart autumn. The crisp days are prefect for baking bread and sipping cup after cup of tea.

  180. Autumn is such a fleeting season up here in Alaska. As soon as the stems of the leaves weaken a bit, their color goldens, and they crisp up just slightly the greedy northern wind sweeps them away leaving the trees' naked and bony with barely any time to say goodbye to their beloveds. We enjoy the golden crispy carpet of leaves longer than the picaresque walls. It is breathtaking though. And frost and snow follow shortly. It drives me to listen to Sondre de Lerche and Fiest as I run along the river feeling the icy wind, hearing that crunchy carpet speak, and smelling the musty rotting leaves and berries.

  181. I was lucky enough to win last year, and it was every bit as wonderful as you describe! My favorite bit of fall is all of it!! Right now it is being out in the woods running. Or even just hearing and smelling the leaves…

  182. Nichole Knapp says

    I just came into a Montana Moose fur/hide in my family estate. It is gorgeous, and Autumn is the Moose's favorite season. I am told Moose is my animal spirit. I love Fall, and enjoy walking my Brussels Griffon dogs and watching the Montana native chokecherry shrubs turn deep maroon, and picking bright red rose hips for winter teas and baths. I take in the brisk air, to hold onto all winter in my lungs until spring arrives again. I follow your blog weekly. I cherish your lifestyle and your artistic abilities. I am the gal from MT who talked to you about my extensive agate and cabochon collection. I hope I can try your jam. I cried for days for little miss Plum. Blessing you, Nichole

  183. sweater weather. apple picking. crisp mornings. colourful leaves. fingerless gloves and mugs of warm apple cider. these are a few of my autumn favourites! this year, i get to spend it in the great white's capital! (also: i just bought a lovely new raincoat so i'm ready for the cool rain to brush my face.


    your generosity, as always, is so heartwarming. all my <3 to the plume gables.

    chanlindsay <[at]> gmail <[dot]> com

  184. it's been too long since i've had your plum jam. to be perfectly honest, i sometimes have dreams about it. it's my favorite on great harvest's dakota bread.

  185. I love the way the air smells and the sound that the leaves make crunching under my shoes.

  186. fall is coming here, too. thanks for sharing your love with us. xox.mas

  187. Autumn is my favorite time of year. I love the golden colors of the season. Love the crunchy sound of the leaves under my feet, hiding in the corner watching the squirrels busy as they hide their treasures for the winter months.
    Autumn holds the golden thread of yesterday summer days and tomorrows nights nesting by the fireplace. Enjoy! xo

  188. reconstructing sarah says

    I count my years from autumn to autumn. It always brings such delicious change. Beautiful change.

    Thanks, Jillian for hosting 🙂

  189. Daughter arrived on the first day of Autumn this year, just a little over 2 weeks ago! So this year, Autumn is soft baby girl cheeks and crisp apples. [cleo_jones7 at yahoo dot com]

  190. Oh we do love autumn. Riding bikes and stopping every ten feet to collect yet another incredible leaf that we see… Crisp chilly weather again that makes morning hot coffee so delightful… A change, a promise of something to come…
    aguakati at

  191. Woman of Promise says

    Hi…well its spring over here but you would never know, we have had cooler misty rainy days then sun filled ones lately, so unusual really, but hey, Im not complaining because when summer hits it will be HOT! HOT! HOT!
    THANKYOU generous hearts for this blog giveaway, the jam looks divine, perfect for High Tea!

  192. Woman of Promise says

    Oh gosh sorry Jillian I forgot my email….xx

  193. Autumn to me means that winter will be arriving soon and nothing makes me happier than walking through beautiful white snow.

  194. autumn is by far my favorite season. it reminds me of home. it reminds me of, and lets me experience, so many of the good things in life. autumn is about coziness, and family, and pumpkins. it's about sweaters, and boots, and bonfires. it's about coming back home after flitting in and out all summer, and remembering what is really important in life. it's about looking outside and seeing beauty in the everyday.

    happy autumn to you!

  195. mmmm. i like jam. i like surprises too. oh to have both! girlsanford{at}gmail{dot}com

  196. I've just returned from a merry little trip to New York and Boston. The weater was not very Autumn-y (it was in the 70s most days I was there!), there were beautiful splashes of colors in the leaves of the trees down the highway on the way to Boston. It was glorious!

    I love your jam and YOU Jillian!


  197. The Social Cellar says

    Down here in Florida we dont get many changes of seasons. Its mostly hot and humid all year round. One day Ill move to a place where there I can grow a large garden and be outside more. For now I enjoy the few cool breezes and let my chi tea file the air in my cubical. In a few short weeks I will head up to the smokeys and remember what a true fall feels like. Sending love waves your way, Leah (

  198. hello! i grew up in the pacific northwest, and though i live in northern california now, my favorite thing about autumn is the rain. the way everything smells just after the first rain… new, and green, and a little shook up!

  199. I never win anything, so I'll just say hi. Hope to have a few more things for you to critique soon.

  200. Justine Urbikas says

    when the season started to turn this year I didn't think I was ready, when typically I cannot wait for autumn's cooling breeze. But it has turned into the most beautiful fall here in Chicago and I'm ready for the season to change now.

  201. Autumn makes me feel romantic. My feelings are best summed up in this George Eliot quote: "Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."

  202. The Noisy Plume says

    I love that quote!

  203. Looking at snow while closed in my house:)

  204. Hello Ms. Plume,
    I am a lil southern belle that is fortune to live in the deep south, where tongues roll a little slower and tea tastes a little sweeter. Our seasons are slow and we get a great big taste of the lovely hot sun and the cool autumn breeze, truly a master piece 🙂 Right now it is a bit rainy and over cast, but the colors that are coming out from the trees are just heavenly! Cherry reds, pumpkin oranges, and lemon drop yellows (making me hungry :))
    Yes, Autumn makes me hungry, hungry for some of that jam you sooo deliciously described 🙂
    love to you and yours,
    Cate J~

  205. Suzy ~ lorenzstudio says

    Baby Jicama would like to try your plum jam!

  206. nova by tess says

    dear Jillian!
    I have been feeling a bit blue lately. Summer is gone. I feel like I missed it (again). It's getting colder and (and harder to get up) in the mornings. Maybe some happy plumes is exactly what I need to brighten my day and remind me to enjoy this colorful fall.

    hugs ~tess

  207. Stay at home Muse says

    Autumn to me is enlivening. The crips air, the vivid colors of turning leaves. Knowing that it is time for kneesocks and sweaters and tights, yet still early enough to avoid the chilling snow and overly heavy clothes. And the influx of pumpkin! The cookies, the pies, the cakes! Not to mention the weather is a herald of hot cocoa. I think it is safe to say Autumn is my favorite season.

  208. Autumn makes me feel alive. It is my favorite season. Hands down. I love harvesting and making something yummy with the fruits of my labor. And the smells of fall. My favorite thing 🙂 There is something about the fresh, earthy smell of autumn. Yep, favorite season.
    I hope I win 🙂 I love jam. Especially your jam, I know it'll have a little bit of Idaho and you in it. (I'm origially an Idaho girl, you know.)
    I'll stop now. Please count me in 🙂

  209. I love autumn! I love the colours, the smells, the chilly air. Nothing is prettier than Canada in the fall!

  210. Sand and Stone says

    Yippie Skippy (but not with the plum jam…it should stay beautifully pure!) Fall, my favorite time of year, especially October. Wiley and I were married in the fall, on a harvest moon, my dress was red and accidentally matched the leaves in the park.
    Love and light Sarah

  211. Autumn is my favorite. I always feel like things are crisp and crackling with possibility. Here in Alaska I like the way the Interior bursts into yellow and then – quickly – leaves are down and I'm looking through trees. The moon returns and my mornings are frost lined. Thinking how nicely plum jam would be with my morning coffee & woodstove : )
    I love your blog Jillian.
    (ps) If you ever want to do a jam trade I have Wild Alaskan Blueberry and Strawberry Rhubarb that I made this fall (

  212. The fruits, flowers and friendly weeds in my own ancient garden are stirring to Spring.

  213. autumn is my favorite season. i love to collect nature's treasures and create lovely things.

  214. i am ashamed to say I've never had plum jam before, it sounds amazing.
    i just got home from a small vacation to San Francisco, and the napa area…it is such beautiful place…i would move in a heartbeat. i am looking forward to cooler weather, this heat is making me grumpy and sad. i want my doors and windows open, i want to bake continually so my house always smells like cookies and cake and bread.
    i envy your snow, and rain…and your ancient home.
    thank you for the chance to win your mavelous jam…fingers crossed.


  215. Autumn always makes me feel content and cozy. The crispness in the air, the changing colours, the pace slows and there is a sense of abundance. Love you and your work!

  216. Autumn= an excuse to have a latte daily.

  217. I love autumn! It's so refreshing after suffering through a Georgian summer!

    The jam sounds delicious!!
    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
    Cindy Hudson

  218. Yum! Yay! I didn't win last year but maybe I will this time around? Fingers crossed and a little twirl!

  219. Autumn in Oklahoma was always my favorite season. Now that we're here in Los Angeles, there's less of a difference in the weather so I depend on Starbucks releasing their pumpkin spice syrup to know autumn has really arrived. 😉

    coxhomestead at gmail dot com

  220. Maegan Sara says

    Oh Jill…
    I love reading your blog and often do so! I saw that you did this last year and loved it! I think at about the same time I made 105 small jars of jam for favors for our wedding. It is marvelous to make and I may have to do some more this fall! i think one of my favourite things about fall are the smells… people starting up their wood fireplaces… the smell of leaves (especially when it rains a little) and the smell of apple pie, cause you always need to make a few of those in the fall! Maegan

  221. blackhillsbaby says

    Good evening Plume,

    Autumn has become my favorite season in recent years. It marks the end of fire season, hosts family roadtrips, and cools the morning, my favorite part of the day.

    I do not recall the last time I won something but this would be a prize. A prize not only to me but the bearcub as well. (he's actually a human cub, but there are haunting similarities). He has recently discovered toast is not so bad once covered in jam. And the same goes for eggs, bananas, or whatever else maybe on his breakfast plate. The simple, sweet pleasures in life.

    Thank you for always sharing your beauty.

  222. Autumn…is a curious time of transition. I feel anxious for the coming winter and the winding down of the year, but also calm, more resilient.. The trees begin shedding their leaves, having earned their rest, and our bodies, too, slow down. There's nostalgia and a certain warmth that slowly embraces you despite the chilly air…lively cinnamon and nutmeg, the array of jewel tones, cozy scarves, the taste of candy from your childhood…

    Thanks for sharing these pieces of your life with us, Jillian! Your posts are always a joy to read.

  223. fluttertothesky says

    i sure love the smell of fall. and the farmers markets 😉

  224. Swamp Maples. We had a magnificent one in our front yard growing up, they are always the first to change their leaves to a deep red.

  225. Knitting by a fire with a big ole dog by my feet. Or on my lap…ha! Oooh, and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies in the oven. 🙂

    Thanks so much for your generosity!


  226. I felt alive today! Autumn somehow sweeps all the thistle down out of my mind and pricks my senses. I love steeping outside and feeling the wind sting my cheeks, seeing the sun illuminate every last leaf on every last tree, sucking in the scent of change and striding forward to meet the day.

  227. Kristan Shawgo says

    What's not to love about autumn? Sweater, scarves, pumpkin treats and a nice crisp wind. The trees are starting to look beautiful here in NC. I love to read your blog!

    * Kristan