Today I feel:

-thin, but pretty
-loved and cherished
-elegant and long of limb
-ebullient, but soft
-wound loosely around the soft white bark of turning aspens
-like a chorus of cat call, wolf howl and chickadee song
-here but there, there but not
-forgiving and forgiven
-replete with potential but hinging on promises, promises that will be kept, steady with trust
-so sure of the good work that is being done in me
-positively rich, glad despite my poorness, made merrily thankful by my steady income
-one day older than I was yesterday
-bone young, soul ancient
-strong of spirit and shining smile
-that nothing can ever truly be lost

How about you?


  1. The Sage Leaf says

    Beautiful. Indubitably.

  2. Aw, what a wonderful post today. I feel overwhelmed, but blessed that I have work when so many do not. I feel tired, but grateful that I can get up and exert myself when so many are paralyzed for multiple reasons. I feel free because men and women have paid a sacrifice for my freedom.

    May tomorrow be something we can rejoice in.

  3. Sierra Keylin Jewelry says

    LOVE this…the light, the warmth of caramel leather and dark blues! So beautiful…What a wonderful list! I think "positively rich despite my poorness" is a lovely sentiment and one that I completely identify with. To be rich in spirit, love, full heart, happy soul and yet not feel that I am lacking, this is something I think of, (or try to remind myself of) every single day. Thank you Ms. Plume for such a fine list! Oh, and does that part about being one day older mean that you are celebrating your birthday? If so, I wish you a grand celebration!

  4. I have a difficult day today about my feelings – but this post was giving me a very good feeling. thank you! sunny greetings from germany, geisslein

  5. I've been wondering…. what kind of camera do you use? Your pictures (and words) are always amazing.

  6. Love your posts.
    I feel:
    -frazzled at work, but glad for work
    -hungry, greedy even, for time. More time to hike the bluffs, paddle the river, spend out in the pasture with the horses.
    -loved, and happy in love
    -body sore, but glad for my body
    -just happy, run up and bear-hug-my-hubby happy

  7. MrsLittleJeans says

    Ha ha …you covered it all…and I too wish I could say all those things…this morning while driving I felt happy and yet insufficient, improved and yet not satisfied with my efforts, complimenting and yet demanding….I stacked up reflections for the week and decided that I had fallen short of the mark…but I felt grateful grateful grateful…still wondering how to do that thing that has to be done, how to focus on what matters, how to see only what matters all the time xx

  8. i feel:

    i feel love for you and all things plume gables.
