Lothlorien Branch

From the Naturally Occurring Objects Series.
Built of one solid, cast sterling silver branch-like object (that I originally sculpted) and 22 karat gold.

…like a small branch, 
pulled loose by the wind,
sifted by the breeze
and clattered into the shock of
stillness on the forest floor.

I am still.
I am calm.
I was there.
I am now not.


  1. Sierra Keylin Jewelry says

    I love it when you get all "Lord of the Rings" with your titles for your pieces…it is so evocative of that "time" and "place"…simply splendid!

  2. Amazing. That is just stunning.



  3. The Noisy Plume: says

    Sierra: Well you know, I am part elf. Sculpting a Lothlorien branch only makes sense…


    Thank you.

    M: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The photos don't do it justice. I'm not saying that to toot my own horn. But this piece…..is just…..so heavy…with something holy.

  4. pencilfox says

    all i can say is:
    i love your work.
    more and more.
    i love you.
    more and more.
    can it get any better?
    can it get any deeper?
    we'll see.
    the holy drew me to your work and to you.
    it only gets holier.


  5. Woweeeeeee! Love this. xo

  6. such devotional thrum, hum and rhythm to your work ~ and sass!

    and I adore the banner ~ singing in the foliage (always the hidden places)