
I’m just in from a twirl about town.
I traveled by bicyclette and my oh my, the breeze was brisk and the sun was pooling like young amber, musky and musty, light and bright.  The wavering flex of spring shift is falling all around like chandelier crystals on white marble — so pretty and smashing and the delicate light spinning through and through.   
The daffodils hold their holy rows.
The world is tossing itself about in shades of green…

I went on a solo date.  The rules for a solo date usually include food, coffee (green tea, in this case), antique or second hand stores, book stores and a camera.

 1.  The sushi was delicious (my pot of green tea overflowed=eth),
as was the pillaging of my favorite antique shop, right across the street.
 2.  Walrus and Carpenter, my favorite used bookstore, held more treasures than usual.
 3.  Will gave me a start from his century old jade tree (it belonged to his mother and her mother before her, before it became his…).  I’ve been begging for a piece of this plant for a year and a half…..most politely.  You’ve never seen a jade tree like this.  The trunk of it is at least as round as my leg, just above the knee.  How lucky am I to own a small piece of such a fantastic chloroplastic dynasty?
4.  My trusty steed was heavy with bits and bobs but we cruised the sidewalks and greenbelts with utter grace.

This was my first time out and about in my little community on the South end of town in roughly two months.
How did I get so busy?
How did life get so wild?
Well I’m simmering down now and taking my time.  I was supposed to take one day off…but it has turned into three.  You’ll have to forgive me that!  I thank you in advance!!!

I love it here.
And I think here loves me too.

Post Scriptus:
Lots of This


  1. calamityjane(t) says

    congratulations on a string of wonderful choices! today has been a good day here, too. isn't it lovely? xoxo

  2. Wow …the phrase 'you are a wonderful writer' doesn't do you justice my dear!

    Thanks for the swirling, whirring bike ride… ahhhh:D

  3. I'm glad to hear your soul had a play date with your body, albeit a touch envious of sushi.

    It's one of THOSE moments…

  4. pencilfox says

    drooling over your panniers. blue's handlebar basket is just too small for my travels out and about this little burg.

    am happy beyond belief you gave yourself THREE whole days off!
    you look blessedly relaxed and joyfull.


  5. Maile (My-lee) Ann says

    Curious…what type/model of bike is that? I am looking for a cruiser like my grandmother's old Schwinn…and that pic reminds me of her bike.

    Sounds like a wonderful day. Love sushi. Love used bookstores. Love being solo. Love jade.

  6. Catherine Chandler says

    what a wonderful outing! I love solo dates…haven't had one in a long time but they usually involve long, lingering strolls, window shopping, and yummy eats and drinks. You are an incredible writer! I love your descriptions. I feel as if I need to brush up on my descriptive words 🙂

  7. Geisslein says

    I should have a solo date too the coming weekend, love this.
    And thank you, I´m hungry for sushi now – and NOW it is 9 o´clock in the MORNING here in germany… ;o)
    Have a lovely weekend. Sunny greetings, geisslein

  8. i have recently discovered a love of sushi- but of course the vegetarian kind

    some humble photographs, nice

  9. Desiree Fawn says

    Mmmmm solo bikey trips are just so lovely. Looking forward to a whole summersfull.

  10. The Noisy Plume: says

    Hey! Thanks for these lovely comments, you sweets!

    Maile: The bike I was riding is a Pacemaker — it's about 30 years old or so…I don't think they're available new anymore!

  11. Love this post! You've inspired me to take solo date days and explore my neighborhood. Thank you for sharing peeks into life in Idaho- it feels like such a treat!