The Big Cocoon

I know.  That’s probably too many images of this necklace around my neck but it’s rather difficult to photograph this piece on a white board because it just winds up looking like a pile of beautiful insanity.

This is The Big Cocoon.  I’ve been working on it every day this week.  It’s built of recycled sari silk, sterling, copper, enamel, resin, coral, silk, and wild rose twigs off the side of my mountain — the copper pods that hang from the cocoon actually slide open to reveal the resin set twigs.

I roughly sketched this idea out and then once I started to make it, I wound up drifting into a huge departure from the original plan.  That large departure drifted into many smaller departures until I wound up with this finished piece.  It’s large and elaborate with my standard textures riding the surfaces of nearly all the components.

It is, of course, inspired by spring, renewal, rebirth, rejuvenation…the fresh unfolding of new wings.
It bears hope for:
the world, my friendships, my summer, my garden

This afternoon whilst working in my open doored studio, two bees blasted through the door and then flirted with each other in the tendrils of hair that framed my face before zipping back outside into Idaho blue skies.  There’s a shadow of green on all I see, even the fields of my soul.


  1. Elizabeth says

    What a beautiful necklace! I fear I lack the perfect complimentary words to describe it, but I adore it very, very much. It is gorgeous. The style of the jewelry you make is amazing and so refreshing, I cannot help but love each and every piece~ Can't wait to see what masterpiece you create next! =3

  2. BrittanButterfly says

    SWOOOOON! this piece is truly amazing! I love that you used the wild rose branches. roses are one of my favorite plants to work with, i use it in many of my medicinals and teas. what an incredible embodiment of spring, plume.


  3. My Art and My Soul says

    Another beauty Ms. P;o)

  4. oh wow, stunning necklace, breathtaking.



  5. I just feel like crying. It's so gorgeous. It's just unbelievable. How is this possible?
    love you tons xo

  6. Bonjour Matey! says

    GASP! …. GASP! …. My goodness! It is SO beautiful. You make my eyes well up. I cannot stop telling you how absolutely wonderful your creations are.

  7. Catherine Chandler says

    It is GORGEOUS! You are amazing. I love the journey to this piece.

  8. marie bell says

    the bees know how special you are:
    they are reminding you of transformation and all the hopes you feel….


  9. oh lordy.
    my heart sings just looking at this.

  10. There can never be too many pictures of your beautiful pieces! I have to say I love the way you discribe the creating process which is so abstract and usually hard to verbalize. And instead of just creating a piece of jewelry, you create a feeling.


  11. Felicia Lynne says

    Beautiful!. This Spring and Summer will be full of great changes. I am excited for you!

  12. C. Tvillingmamma says

    Like the red! 🙂

  13. Wow. I am continually amazed by the inspiration nature contains.

  14. Gabriela H. says

    Beautiful piece Jillian, congratulations!!! Love it!!

  15. Elly Rarg says

    Lady, I do believe you stepped it up a level. You are brilliant, hey 🙂

  16. OMG Jillian! You create the most amazing art jewelry! LOVE it and want it!!!will I be the lucky one who gets this piece??? XOXO Feri

  17. The Noisy Plume: says

    My gosh!

    Thank you all SO SO SO much for these lovely comments! Thank you for really SEEING this piece — I wanted to create something that smacks of hope and growth. To hear that this is what you see in this neck piece really feels….affirming for me.

    As always, thank you so much for supporting me in my work. To hear your thoughts on some of these pieces motivates me to get out of bed in the morning and pour myself out on the metal and rock in my studio…even more than I already do.

    Thank you.
    A million times over!


  18. resolute twig says


  19. Same mood the picture took me fresh ….. have a good weeken .

  20. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks ladies!

  21. Brycetard says

    Hey you. I felt compelled to share my latest blogger writings with you. I often feel inspired by the whimsical way you spin your words and the happiness and beauty you seem to cultivate in this life. My writing can be a little street level and raw, but it's hearty and real. And it is, in part, inspired by awesome folks like yourself who are living a life ideal. If i may be shameless and self promote for a second, i would love it if you gave my latest(or all if you feel it)a look see. Thanks always for your sharing! N

  22. nancycreations says

    Doesn't that always Jillian you have your design sketched out materials listed with little arrows pointing with preferences and somehow along the way everything changing well it's okay life is like that always changing it's what makes us unique. I love the pendant its wonderful and magical just like all your wonderful creations.

  23. Wow, how fantastic! I think it really needs that necklace-to-toe photo to show it off 🙂