Body Cavity Series: The Whale & The Tundra Swan

A swan in the belly of a beast!
Built, from scratch, entirely!  
Crafted from sterling, fine silver, copper and enamel.

I suppose the idea here is:
I am who I am, on the outside.
On the inside, I’m even more who I am.

…or something.

For more on the notions behind this series, please click HERE.


  1. Oh wow. So gorgeous. You constantly astound me with your creations.


  2. Fascinating concept Jillian! as always your creative brilliance shines through!

  3. jessicajane says

    love. i hope i see a swan whale during my boat trip this weekend.

  4. Desiree Fawn says

    THIS makes me so giddy <3

  5. Belinda Saville says

    Your body cavity necklaces become more beautiful with each incarnation, Jillian…a swan and a whale, who would have thought?! Stunningly beautiful ♥

    The highlight of my day has most certainly been snaffling up a pair of your specimen earrings :-))) Happy lobes shall be mine!


  6. dailycoyote says

    so truly weird in the most beautiful sense ~ I LOVE IT!!!
    ` S

  7. dailycoyote says

    i have to comment again ~ this is totally the visual equiv of anne carson's work in words, is it not??? it really is. LOVE!

  8. The Noisy Plume: says

    Nialah: Thank you, doll face.

    Dala: Thank you! xx

    J.Jane: ME TOO! Take pictures! xx

    Fawn: Maybe I'll put a fawn in a whale next time:)

    Belinda: The idea is certainly developing! x

    Shreve: OH MY GOSH.

    Thou mentionest the name ANNE CARSON and I swooneth………… are too kind. x

  9. I'm sending a short prayer to the night time gods to let me stay awake for your update! 🙂 Has there ever been a necklace more wondrous this?

    Just yesterday I took the kiddos to the natural sciences museum, and I had hoped they would be as affected as I have been by the incredible and massive fossils of the whales, and the intact sperm whale fossil that is suspended from the ceiling. As a child, I remember crying at the thought that people could harm these amazing creatures. As I explained how endangered the animals were, my boys wept. And I thought that was okay. In fact, I was proud.

  10. Ps-it's the middle of the night where you are, but if you happen to be awake..ohhh…you can go ahead and list it now. You know, just saying… 🙂

    Okay, off to pack Batman lunch boxes!

  11. So sorry for all the posts, but I just adore these whales! Have you ever considered a manatee piece? I have been obsessed with sea life since…well.. forever.

    The hubby and I went on a rare vacation sans children last year to Key Largo. We were sitting on a pier outside of our hotel, and had the area all to ourselves. Up swims a sweet manatee! He was just feet away from me, and I laid on the pier with my fingertips stretched out. I was so close to him, and he was looking straight into my eyes. I just felt this overwhelming urge to lightly graze his soft skin, even though I knew it wasn’t allowed. Suddenly, I hear a loud squawk and a hotel employee announces over a loud speaker, “You are not allowed to touch the manatees!” So, I went with the next best thing…a manatee “tramp stamp” tattoo!

  12. Gabriela H. says

    What a beautiful piece Jillian!! Congratulations!! Love it!

  13. Gorgeous!
    We love your soul too. xo

  14. this one, too, is so perfect.

    i'm amazed by your creativity and the connectivity you have between you and your work. i love being able to be apart of it.

    thank you.

  15. The Noisy Plume: says

    Laura: You made me choke on my coffee this morning! HA!!! How wonderful you are. As for manatees, we'll I've seen them in captivity but never had an encounter like yours, face to face, mano a flipper… amazing that must have been!

    So glad you are teaching your kids about the animal world and our responsibility for our environments and all they hold. xx

    Gabbie: xx

    M: Thanks for loving mine too. x

    K: I love having you be a part of it. Thanks for being in my world! xx

  16. this is EXTRAORDINARY.