Big Beast & Baby Beast

I already have this image up on Flickr and Facebook and many of you have already commented on it! I love it so much that I want it here on my blog as well.  Farley and Plumbelina’s expressions are utterly hilarious to me.  He looks so wise and mature in this shot and she looks so bewildered and about to go berserkers — I love the contrast!
Now back to the studio!  
I’m finishing up some earrings for you.


  1. Farley is just the handsomest gentlewoof I've ever seen. I adore him and I've never even met him.

    Your little Plumbellina is the cutest. I want to snorgle her leetle nose and kiss her velvet ears. Will you do the honors for me?

    I'm so excited for your new little one. SO EXCITED!

  2. The Noisy Plume: says

    Of COURSE, Rina! I've been doing those honors for you from the very get go! x

  3. adorable!

  4. resolute twig says

    That photo really is perfect 🙂

  5. From our pointer to yours…Bella Dillon Fletcher loves Montana's Plumbelina's name and knows she will represent female pointers from Montana with pride.

    They are too cute for words. I know you are busy with her ALL the time!

    Love her,

  6. Plumeria-Ah….a Wegman moment….and i will get pics out to you soon!…..i'm in stagnant mode!

  7. MrsLittleJeans says

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha…I would not be able to work with all this cuteness! Little beast needs a knitted hat! xx

  8. you landed quite a perfect moment! what characters 😉

    by the bye, Farley may just be the coolest.

  9. Capricioustraveler says


  10. paw STOMP!

    kiss her for me, ok? and the mister F too, as well as a penie pie.

  11. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    oh how this warms my heart! 🙂

  12. Oh my goodness they are adorable 🙂

  13. C. Tvillingmamma says


  14. So sweet!

    But do tell: how on earth did you get both of them to sit so still for the pic?

  15. Oh <3, look at her little nose! I love this, and the way their characters just shine right on through. 🙂

  16. a butterfly in my hair says

    love them both, adorable!:)

    nice to hear that you liked obels music. heavenly voice…

    enjoying the sunny sky here in norway today,

  17. Gabriela H. says

    I love this picture!! The baby beast face is just lovely!!! Want to kiss it!

  18. The Noisy Plume: says

    I knew you'd all enjoy this shot!!!

    Merja: I think it was luckily captured! I told Farley to sit and Plum ran over and sat down beside him for all of two seconds. I pressed the shutter somewhere in that two second time period before she jumped up and chased the cat across the living room!

  19. Snailentina says

    hahaha! i love it, Farley is sort of looking like "Oh! This child" and the Plum just doesn't care… These pups melt hearts, I want to run around with them 🙂

  20. The Noisy Plume: says

    Snail: Well please DO come on over this morning! Plum is ricocheting off every surface in the house and she bit my foot twice while I was putting on socks! It would be better for this household if there were five of me to entertain her! Your help is welcome:)

  21. she is the most beautiful little creature imaginable.

  22. such a great picture! love it! have a great and creative day!

  23. Life among Rocks says

    She is perfection. You have made me desperate for one of my own. I maintain there is nothing cuter than a german short hair puppy.

  24. The Noisy Plume: says

    I maintain that same opinion….we don't have GSPs because they're nice to look at — we have them because we work their natural hunting instincts in the field. But I must be honest, they really are, quite simply, gorgeous dogs. 🙂

  25. so…are blue eyes the exception in such doggies? The big guy has brown eyes. They're quite an adorable duo.

  26. The Noisy Plume: says

    Her eyes will slowly change to an amber color, like Farley. Though, when Farley was a puppy, his eyes were NEVER power blue…her eyes might turn to a lighter amber…lighter than the hue of Farley's eyes. They're quite striking right now, aren't they?

  27. What a adorable little puppy!!! <3