
RW snapped these images of me today while I was out in the snow.
We had taken the dogs for a walk, played with them in the snow drifts in a nearby park, strolled our way back home again where we shoveled all the walks and patios at The Gables.  Once the shoveling was done, I just sat down in a snowdrift for a while, held Mister Pinkerton there and tossed snowballs for the dogs to chase.  I must had been in that drift for a good hour, cozy and warm; with cheeks stained pink by windburn and snowflakes.  I realized, while out there,  I’m really at home in the snow.  I love playing in it.  I adore walking in it.  Just to be out in the winter weather feels extremely natural to me.

I hear, rather frequently, that it goes against laws of science for me to enjoy winter the way I do — being a small individual who is often cold when standing fully dressed in a heated house.  For some reason, when I’m out and about in the weather, moving around, generating animal heat, I’m unaffected by it (within reason*).

I feel like it’s been snowing here for a week and a half.  I welcome it.  The past two winters in Idaho have felt so mild and my only complaint about Pocatello has been that the winters aren’t severe enough for my liking!  I’m in favor of weather that makes me feel alive!

Here’s hoping we get snowed in!
Nothing could be better for my little soul.
The pantry is stocked.  We’ve plenty of quilts on the bed.
Keep your fingers crossed for me!
I hope your weekending was wonderful in every way
and if you celebrate the Advent Season, I hope you can feel that first flame holding steady in your heart.
Hope, peace and snowflakes,

PS  Have I told you that I’ve had my Christmas tree up for over a week and a half?!!!  The living room smells of douglas fir.  Sigh.

*When the temperatures drop below -30C I find it difficult to stay warm, no matter how much I move and no matter how much I wear.


  1. Desiree Fawn says

    Brrr, I am also cold ALL THE TIME, but I love the snow too! We took G for a walk through the snow just yesterday, before it mostly disappeared. She finally fits into her big snowsuit and it was SO CUTE (and I forgot to take a pic).

  2. finally: someone appreciates winter and snow as i do.
    the race marshall at our local sled dog races once said to me: i watch you get smaller and smaller as you take off each layer of clothing. yes, there's something to be said for layering clothing, and you say it best, j-feather: i get to wear so many of my favourite articles of clothing all at once!

    also, once read a book on beading, mostly about ancient beadwork that was once used in the northlands. [beadwork on animal hide.] colours were believed to be necessary in a land where the landscape is white so many months of the year. that's why i love layering outlandish colours in the winter. anything goes!!

    here's to winter! [raising my tea cup in a toast….]

    stay warm, stay happy. xx

  3. Nancy*McKay says

    …Baby Jesus…is that Mr. PINKERTON…& does he like the snow as much as you & me????
    & time for a photograph of that TREE standing in your cozy, warm & loving farmhouse…for us now…okay?!!!

    ps…i bet my snow angle is bigger an yours…all 5'10" of it!

  4. Can I send you my snow??? We just got several inches and I would love to forward it to you…

  5. I'm with you all the way in snow, J! I knew I was made for it before I ever saw it (at age 18, having grown up in Florida). Yesterday I was out with the dogs for hours, watching Taya gambol in her first snow ever–shoveling it with her nose, pouncing in it, eating it, chasing flying chunks, digging through into earth until she was brown all over…I should have photographed THAT. Here's hoping you get snowed totally in!

  6. I feel the same way about snow!! My husband gets cranky when I start getting excited about the snow. It is late here this year. Rochester gets this magical stuff called "lake effect"! I can't wait for it to start!!

    Stay warm…

  7. bonbons * bijoux says

    Smiling at'chya Puffin Woman!
    Cold hands but warm heart! xo

    I'd rather have a cat inside my coat!!!

  8. bonbons * bijoux says

    Smiling at'chya Puffin Woman!
    Cold hands but warm heart! xo

    I'd rather have a cat inside my coat!!!

  9. bonbons * bijoux says

    Smiling at'chya Puffin Woman!
    Cold hands but warm heart! xo

    I'd rather have a cat inside my coat!!!

  10. jessi sawyer says

    psshhh, -30C isn't so bad, you just need Carhartt overalls and a down coat! Those with the normal winter accompaniements – warm hat, neck warmer, mittens, good boots…that's my feeding horses outfit and it keeps me pretty toasty!

  11. snow…glorious…snow…..nice to come in after sufficient play and sit next to a roaring fire with a hot cup of spiked goodness! yeah!

  12. Good Morning Suga'

    I need a drift or twenty blown my way; I'm hankering for numbing chills on my nose and the need to wear ten layers.

    Kiss the beastie herd for me, ok?

  13. mme. bookling says

    Snow bunny,
    I fucking miss you.

    That is all,
    over and out.

  14. Melissa-Ann says

    oh, I love it, love the pictures of sitting in the snowbank.
    maybe you love the snow because it reminds you of childhood winters back here in Canada.

  15. Mountaindreamers says

    We have 2 feet of the fluffy white stuff , over the knees ! It has been 16 days of nonstop snow , even when the weather channel says it isn't oh my! we will be tunneling soon. besides shoveling keeps you very warm xx

  16. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks for all these lovely comments, sweet sisters!
    AND it was a Hungarian partridge that made the wing track in the snow. I'm going to catch one, tame it and keep it as a wild little buckaroo in the front room.