The Annual Plume Gables Jam Giveaway & The Golden Ticket Contest

It’s that time again, my sweet, gambling, lady lucks!
That’s right.
It’s time for the third annual Plume Gables Jam Giveaway!  
Can I get a yee haw?

Alright.  Firstly, allow me to tell you a bit about our fruit, property and why I like to can:

Plume Gables is situated on the West edge of Pocatello, right where the mountains rise up.  It used to be a fruit orchard built of multiple acres of fruit trees — plum, apple and pear.  Our property holds the original water rights to a spring creek that flows down from the mountains across the street from our home.  We have 6 ancient, fruit bearing grapevines, one peach tree, three prune plum trees and three other plum trees that produce small pink plums ever other year.  We water our fruit trees, vines, rose gardens and vegetable gardens with that little creek we own which involves hiking over to our irrigation box and pulling the gate which diverts water by gravity flow across a field of sage, under a street and into our yard.  It’s pretty magical.
We’re the only individuals who have water rights to our creek before it dumps into the Portneuf River.
The water rights are deeded to this actual property.
This property has had three owners, including us, in the past 102 years.  All three families have used this irrigation, grown this fruit, tasted the goodness that comes from this piece earth and I think that’s a very beautiful thing.
 This year we have focused on making plum jam with our plum fruits because, quite simply, it tastes incredible.  Our fruit is organic.  Watered with fresh spring water from the Rocky Mountains.  Never sprayed with pesticides.  We let our plums ripen ON the tree and when they’re bursting with flavor, nutrients and holy sunshine we pick them, by hand.
We wash them.
We pit them by hand — we cut them in half, pull the pit and then quarter the fruit.
We then turn them into jam.
 This jam is a low sugar recipe.
It’s sweet and it’s slightly tart.  
I love it on freshly baked bread (such as the slice pictured above which is home baked and, yaa hoo, gluten free) with a few slices of extra sharp cheddar cheese.
The color of this jam is incredible!  It’s sort of jewel-magenta-pomegranate-purple-red.  If you care about the chroma of your breakfast, this hue might do the trick.
 We have, at this junction in time, canned over 100 jars of plum jam and I want to share the magic of Plume Gables with you in two ways:

1.  I’m giving 5 jars away.  If you’d like to be entered in the drawing for this giveaway, please leave a comment at the end of this blog post letting me know you were here (please include your email address so I can let you know you’ve won)!  You can say hi, you can tell me why you love autumn, you can tell me about your life, your love, your children, your dog, the carrots you harvested in your garden yesterday…..anything.  There are no strings attached.  Just let me know you were here.  I do these giveaways because I appreciate your support, your friendship and having you in my world.  Easy peasy. Simple dimple.

If, for some reason, the notion of consuming my plum jam makes your skin crawl but you still wish to leave a comment, please do so and simply let me know you aren’t interested in receiving any of my repulsive jam.
 2.  I’m selling some of these jars of jam in my Etsy shop.  Last year, around the jam giveaway time, I had many emails requesting that I make my jam available in my Etsy shop, for individuals to purchase.  I thought about it long and hard.  RW and I crunched numbers, researched shipping costs and pondered on how to make it even MORE fun to get a can of this jam. In the end, we decided we wanted to do a Golden Ticket Giveaway — similar to Mister Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Tours.
It’s a gamble!
We know!
But we think it’s a fun gamble!
And even if your jar of jam doesn’t have the golden ticket, you still have a jar of delcious jam.  Right?  Of course right.

Here’s how it works.  We are selling an undisclosed amount of Plume Gables plum jam in the Etsy shop.  Underneath ONE of the cloth covers is a golden ticket  (or a leather ticket, in this case) which will allow one lucky individual to claim this necklace:
To have a chance at winning this necklace you must purchase a jar of jam.
They will be priced at $8 a jar. 
Starting this afternoon, we’ll be listing them in the Etsy shop.
So there you have it!  Either leave a comment and enter your name in the jam drawing or purchase a jar (and a chance to win that lucky rabbit necklace) from the Etsy shop!
May the luckiest ladies win!

Happy autumn and much love,
The Noisy Plume


We are shipping this jam worldwide.  If you are not in North America PLEASE DO enter the giveaway and please know that we will ship all jam purchases anywhere the postal services of the world deliver.

Because we are officially out of jam!!!
Thank you so much for supporting us today!  We were so thrilled to watch those little jars fly off the interwebular shelves over at the Etsy shop.  You never cease to surprise us and it’s our delight to ship a little piece of our home and love to you.  Also, thank you so much for pushing me up and over the 3000 item sales mark on Etsy!  Wowee!  What a number!

If you missed out on this batch of jam, fret not, the grapes are just starting to ripen here and we might do another Golden Ticket Contest before the season is through.

This said, the giveaway here, for five jars of jam, will be up and running until Friday at midnight!


  1. I would very much love to win some of your plum jam. From your hands magic springs forth – whether in the form of silver, leather or preserves!

    *bats eyelashes*

    pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease (resorts to begging)

    xoxoxox – Em (

  2. Oh your jam is lovely! I have been making jam this year and I do say it tickles me to no end to have jars of homemade jam sitting around (well, in the freezer, for me, I've not yet dared actual canning).

  3. Count me in, I grew up on homemade jams and jellies.

  4. Ohhh I would love your jam but sadly being in the UK I think I am exempt ~ I will go sob onto my plain toast now …. 😉

  5. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! YEE HAW!!!! This is the most exhilarating, exciting and wonderful giveaway ever. I am bursting with anticipation, seriously… I know my odds are low as number 3 or 4 but I simply cannot wait another second to post this comment.

  6. We grew tomatoes this year. Lots and lots of tomatoes. Not as exciting as fruit for jam, that's for sure.
    I shall enter my name to win, but will also buy some jam too.

  7. Jillian,

    I sure I hope I'm one of the luckiest ladies and I get to take home a jar of Jilly's Jam! I've been a blog follower since sometime around here: and I've always enjoyed your giveaways! Thanks so much for always sharing your wonderful works!

    As a report from your Pittsburgh, PA outpost, fall is looking mighty fine here, though it's coming on early. The maple tree outside my office window is burning orange at the top and yellow green at the bottom and the smell of moisture and crushed leaves in the air lets me know that autumn has truly arrived.

    Jamie B.

  8. Angela's Alchemy says

    Good Mountain Morning to you Jillian,
    I am a secret admirer. Only secret because I have never left a comment or been lucky enough to own one of your exceptional pieces of jewelry. I would love to win a jar of your delicious sounding jam. And to "win" a piece of your jewelry sometime.
    I live in the Southern Rockies in NM and have some water rights of my own. It sounds like you get more water than I though and for that I am jealous! Water is life in the desert. This morning I took a wonderful walk under the watchful eye of Taos Mountain. Right after I send this note I am entering my own jewelry shop to make some lovelies.
    Have a beautiful day!!
    Angela (

  9. I would love to win some of your plum jam. I haven't made jam in years, but do remember there is nothing like the taste of homemade jam!

    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  10. Not only is your jam the prettiest in the land, that is the most hansome rabbit ever!

    love you, love your mind!

  11. Jillian!

    This is the BEST idea ever! I love the Golden Ticket idea! And I'd love to adopt some of your chromo-magnificent jam!

    In other news, I ran my very first Pikermi yesterday (for those of you who don't know, Pikermi is a term for half-marathon. It was started as an alternative to "half-marathon" because achieving a 13.1 run is an accomplishment in and of itself and should not be diminished by the thought of it merely being "half" of something else. It is also, coincidentally, the town exactly half the distance between Athens and Marathon, which of course, is what the term Marathon is from.) Whew. that was a long side note.

    Anyway, excited about the contest!

    cathyleetran @

  12. marie bell says

    just because you are leaving soon, j-feather, i want to wish you a happy thanksgiving.
    one of the best memories of my life is arriving in british columbia on canadian thanksgiving in 1980. 83 mile house. arrived at the lodge and they served me elk and potatoes and veggies and pie. by a fireplace. 30 years later. one of the best memories to date.
    because of that day, i still hold a bit of canada in my heart. i still consider myself *that part* canadian.

    have a lovely jammy day.

  13. resolute twig says

    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win your jam 🙂

    You are wonderful.
    have a beautiful day 🙂

  14. This is such a clever, awesome and fun idea, Jillian! Simply delicious!

    Have to share today's word verification (some of them really tickle me) – redifila – love it!

  15. Abigail Jasmine says

    Mmm that jam looks marvelous! The work of your hands show your love!

  16. NinaGibsonDesigns says

    Your property sounds lovely. Love to try your jam. thanks for posting

  17. Please forgive the drooling my Mother would have been shocked!

    BUT, this is Plume Gables goodness at its finest, yum!

    Sunbeams and Moon Shadows,

  18. Heather Fawn says

    I would love to win a jar♥

    How beautiful your blog is always and how yummy your blog is today. I love the story of your property and the care given to the fruit. beautiful! And 3 owners in 102 years, wow!!! That is amazing! I love autumn very much so…I actually have 4 loafs of homemade Pumpkin Bread baking in the oven as I type this. Not only do you get great bread while baking this…you get an awesome room freshener as well…. Eeeeekkkk…this is my favorite season…next being spring. I suppose Autumn is like a second spring where ever leaf is a flower♥

  19. TesoriTrovati says

    Clever, clever girl. I love that you are using what you have, love that it is something handmade – picked, washed, canned, love that it is lovingly packaged and love the idea of winning something. Please put my name in your magic hat. And I will go now and check out the jam-ful offerings on your site.
    Clever, clever girl.

    Enjoy the day!

  20. The only thing better than winning a jar of that oh-so-delicious looking jam would be to have the opportunity to do it on my own someday. First things first–I pickled my first hot peppers and dilly beans this year, woohoo! So, count me in, Miss Jillian!

  21. Yee Haw!

    i would love to be entered in the contest- I love your jewelry but even more I love the way you write and share you life with us!


  22. I would love to win one of your magical jars of jam!

    Now, I am off to wipe the drool from my lips.

    And, this golden ticket contest has got me all giddy!!

  23. You make lovely jam.
    You make lovely art.
    You make lovely Life.
    I would very much like to win some of the delectable jam.
    How did you come to own such a unique and marvelous property? How many acres do you own? I am glad that you appreciate and find wonder in the wonderful space you are in.

  24. jessi sawyer says

    Oh my goodness! What a fantastically wonderfully FUN contest!

    This is the most perfect thing to brighten up my day, which was muchly needed. Thank you, thank you. I will be crossing my fingers I get to taste some of this magically delicious stuff one way or another!

  25. Och! PlumeJAM! The idea makes my skin dance!! Thanks for sharing the history behind your jam (or, rather, the history in your jam)…. magique!

  26. kelleysbeads says

    I was here. I'm not ready for fall. I am holding onto summer tightly, but she is slipping through my fingers. I have a package on my desk that will be sent to Idaho later this week. Perhaps I can pack fall into the package and summer will stay a little longer for me.

  27. reconstructing sarah says

    you're lovely.
    i think im going to need some of that jam 😉


  28. Lilla Jizo says

    Wow! That plum jam would be something! Thank you for your inspiration and your generous heart!
    Love ♥ ⌒ ᴗ ⌒

  29. kagoyahime says

    Hi, Jillian! Quelle coïncidence, I climbed my pear tree sunday and somewhat later made some pear butter. It's brown and homely compared to your jars of jewels!

    Love the rabbit! Love all your rabbits. A secret about cats: they love to be called "bunny". At least mine all have.

  30. fluttertothesky says

    Hello Jello.

  31. My Perfect Sky says

    Hello Mrs. Noisy Plume! Here is my mark to let you know I was here — I have thought about sending you a heartfelt email about how inspirational your blog is but got shy. 😛 Anyway, your plum jam looks amazing! and your art is also amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  32. woowee! JSL! this is exciting, the tiringness of being pregnant slowed down my jam making this summer, so I would love love love to have a jar of plum jam!


  33. Jen Wilson says


    I would love to win some delicious jam to accompany me through my autumn breakfasts. Yum.


  34. I just realized I forgot to include me email address.

  35. I was here! Would love to win some yummy jam! 🙂

  36. Christina J. says

    Plum jam sounds delicious!

  37. Kim Edmiston says

    I love that you have your own little creek to water your fruit trees! How unique! And how did you know that I love plum jam so? Well, I do! I'm crossing my fingers for a delicious jar of your jam.

  38. You blew past 3000 in a blaze of plum-jam glory!! Congratulations!

  39. I love the story of your jam. We've been going "localvore" over here, and I have been trying to attenuate my senses to suss out things like terroir and what not (thusfar our herdshare milk is just really creamy and the local honey is… um honey-ey). So worst case scenario, super jammy jam!

  40. quiltingjewel39 says

    I went to buy some of your delious sounding jam and it was gone 🙁 – so I would love a chance to win some. Your property sounds heavenly. I love to make jam and can things – great satisfaction in that.

  41. Lucid Moon Studio says

    Your jam sounds delicious! I would love a chance to win one, although I also purchased one because the idea of a Golden Ticket was too irresistable for me! Love the idea, sounds like lots of fun!!


  42. bonbons * bijoux says

    Reminds me of my Summers spent in my Babuschka's immense garden chock full of vegetables, fruits, fruit trees and flowers.
    We ate 4 different types of plums all Summer long until the very last ones left on the trees…
    Very sweet, fond memories for me!

  43. bonbons * bijoux says

    Reminds me of my Summers spent in my Babuschka's immense garden chock full of vegetables, fruits, fruit trees and flowers.
    We ate 4 different types of plums all Summer long until the very last ones left on the trees…
    Very sweet, fond memories for me!

  44. bonbons * bijoux says

    Reminds me of my Summers spent in my Babuschka's immense garden chock full of vegetables, fruits, fruit trees and flowers.
    We ate 4 different types of plums all Summer long until the very last ones left on the trees…
    Very sweet, fond memories for me!

  45. bonbons * bijoux says

    Reminds me of my Summers spent in my Babuschka's immense garden chock full of vegetables, fruits, fruit trees and flowers.
    We ate 4 different types of plums all Summer long until the very last ones left on the trees…
    Very sweet, fond memories for me!

  46. bonbons * bijoux says

    Reminds me of my Summers spent in my Babuschka's immense garden chock full of vegetables, fruits, fruit trees and flowers.
    We ate 4 different types of plums all Summer long until the very last ones left on the trees…
    Very sweet, fond memories for me!

  47. bonbons * bijoux says

    Reminds me of my Summers spent in my Babuschka's immense garden chock full of vegetables, fruits, fruit trees and flowers.
    We ate 4 different types of plums all Summer long until the very last ones left on the trees…
    Very sweet, fond memories for me!

  48. How delightful! I think part of the reason I read your blog is because I get to take in a little part of all the things I wish I were doing at this point in my life…but since I am unable to live at the edge of the mountain surrounded by fruit trees, I am happy to be in my little row house with many exceptional farmers markets nearby!

    I would love to trade you a bowl of my homemade chili for some tasty jam!! (Canning equipment is on my xmas list this year!!)

    emily.dziubek @

  49. YEEEEE-HAW!!!! Jam-a-jam-a-lim-lam! 😛

    I think the history of your property & house is pretty cool! There are very few water rights owners these days…and sure to be less so in the future with all the water drama going on in NA today…it would be cool to keep that house forever and keep it in your family(s)!!! It would sure to be a great story told (not to mention a great treasure to share) for many years to come! 🙂

  50. HouseThatCrowBuilt says

    I had that last jar of jam in my etsy cart but someone claimed it before I could check out 🙁 I want some of that jam! Email is whenday(dot)renay(at)gmail(dot)com

  51. Lizzy Derksen says

    So, I bought some jam, but frankly, I need some more to give to my mother-in-law for Christmas. I need it. I really do.

  52. Lizzy Derksen says

    I'm at (Sorry!)

  53. YOU GO! My muscadines gave me one large jar of jam this year – pruning helps up that amount but I STILL can't trade yet.


  54. jilly beans
    you know i'd love to win some jammy jam, but I may just buy one too! my mum and steve and i spent the whole day canning yesterday and our efforts yielded the following:
    2 dozen 500ml jars of pickled beets (grown nearby, not sure where but purchased at the farmer's market); 4 small jars of pickled carrots (local as well); several jars of a beautiful apple onion sage chutney (sage from mum's garden, apples and onions grown locally); and several more of a spicy peach jam (peaches obviously not local, but from BC). so, a very productive day needless to say!! As i type this, mini-flegel is kicking up a storm, something i've been getting a lot of and loving to bits 😉

    talk to you soon, lovely lady!

  55. well, i have been stalking your blog all day and somehow missed out on the jam in your shop.
    i will still keep my fingers crossed to be the lucky winner of the jam giveaway.

  56. This is fantastic! Thank you, thank sharing all of this with us!

  57. i love preserves so much! especially jams and jellies of the homemade and organic nature. in august i was in montana and bought a homemade jar of cherry jam from a roadside stand beside flathead lake. i polished it off in a few weeks. and today i opened my last jar of crabapple jelly, which i made while living in southeastern british columbia two summers ago. they were the most amazing little crabs, full of natural pectin (so i didn't have to add any). anyways, that is my jam/jelly story! i hope, hope, hope i win!!! <3 jody
    p.s. contact me at : )

  58. Oh <3! Love this idea – I'm glad the golden ticket jars flew off the shelf! That's amazing!

  59. Sunny Rising Leather says


    And I love you.


  60. You two have such a wonderful property! And, of all people, you deserve such a home and make good use of every inch of it and appreciate every bit of it. Not having our own orchard trees to harvest we made use of the crab apple trees in our neighborhood this Fall and made crab apple jelly. Tortillas, cream cheese and crab apple jelly were what the cupboards afforded the four ladies of this house for lunch today, and quite scrumdidilyumptious it was, too! We would love to enjoy some of your jam made by your own four hands. Give that RW a big happy birthday on Friday from us.
    We're loving Fall here, the leaves just beginning to change colors, the crispness in the air, cozying in, feeling like we get to go into hibernation sometime soon and change the rhythm of our outdoor life. I loved your Sawtooth stories. With such little ones in our house we haven't made any treks like that recently and I do miss it awefully. Someday soon they'll be able to carry a little bit of their own gear. Until then, thanks for sharing your own views, and for sharing the seasonal labors of your hands in your own garden. Here's to hoping we'll get to enjoy some of your jam!

  61. Oh my Jillian. That jam looks delish.

    Sending you hugs from across the ocean.


    Michele (moonlight.lotus[at]

  62. Cinder says says

    Jillian, I am having a little tantrum here!!! I was out all day running errands and such for my Mom and missed out on a chance at the golden ticket. Boo Hoo 🙁

    Would you be so kind as to enter my name in the Jam give-away?

    Thank you ever so much.

    Someday, yes , someday I will be purchasing one of your beautiful necklaces. I LOVE your work!


  63. j-bird, I was here!

    loved hearing about the little slice of loveliness that you call home. here's to hoping I get my jar 🙂

    xox.mas (melissasantos[at]gmail[dot]com)

  64. I would love to win your repulsive jam!

    I just had a wedding last week, and the favors were supposed to be organic strawberry jam jars made with love by my husband's mother. She made 120 jars,but they were tragically damaged en route…..

    May all your jam travel safely!

    Thank you for your beautiful blog & jewels and thanks in advance for the book you will write 🙂

  65. The Noisy Plume: says


    Thanks for all these comments, chickadees!

    And to those birds who missed out on a Golden Ticket Jar, I am sorry!!! I didn't think I'd sell thirty jars, let alone almost one hundred! And I didn't think I'd sell them all in a 45 minute time period! It was all rather shocking, to be frank.


  66. Jenn-with-2-n's says

    Blast – missed the jam sale! Hopefully I'll be lucky and win some cause I luuuuurrrrvvvee jam!!!

  67. Yippee!! I'll be crossing my fingers because I've never tried plum jam and it sounds divine!

    thanks for being such an amazing, spectacular gal, and most importantly for sharing that with all of us!

    Rebekah (

  68. Oh no, I missed my chance to claim some jam in your shop! I'd love a shot at the drawing though.

    I'm in the mood for some tart jam on a hot piece of toast today — it's raining in the valley and my tootsies are a bit cool in my purple ballet flats 🙂

    – Jen

  69. I would love some jam! I would love to put it on some of my own homemade bread!

  70. Oh DRATS! Just read this delicious post this afternoon and now I MUST win a jar of plum jam since I can no longer appease my palate craving by purchasing a jar. Drats drats!
    Here's hoping I win and get a delightful little email at!
    Jam jam jam oh how I love!
    Autumn is my favorite time and Jam is one of the reasons. Thanks for such fun!

  71. Felicia Lynne says

    Jam!!! I love jam! And homemade jam would make my life as a poor college student who misses home.
    Love your blog!

    Loves, Felicia

  72. calamityjane(t) says

    well OF COURSE you get a YEE HAW, along with a slap to the thigh and the stomp of a boot heel! giiirrrrrrl, you are a creative whirlwind! looks like having RW at home agrees with you.
    this afternoon the winds began blowing down the slopes of the front range, and they’re teasing the golden leaves right off of the trees. our still green lawn looks polka-dotted now, and it won’t be any time at all before a walk down the street will yield that satisfying fall crunch underfoot. truly looking forward to bundling up in sweaters and boots and coming downstairs to the aroma of fresh-ground coffee and homemade bread. some plum jam would be mighty fine with that, I must say.
    the postcards arrived today and are quite divine. made me happy.

  73. I am heading to Boston in a couple weeks to meet my boyfriend's parents…it would be the joy of a lifetime to bring some of your jam with me!

  74. Homemade Jam? Yes please ! Pretty please with sugar on top!
    I drove through Pocatello the other day. Utah to the Crowsnest Pass Alberta. It isn't the first time (I happen to have a thing for NM) but it is the first time I have noticed how extremely beautiful it is there. I owe that to you and your beautiful writing about this place that is such a piece of you. I didn't have time to stop and linger but next time I will, and I will be sure to stop and smell the conifers!

  75. VisionQuest says

    i would lOVE to be able to have my kids taste a bit of the freshest., most lovingest, plum jam ever!

    smiles!! kim :o)

  76. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win one of your jars of homemade goodness. Canning reminds me of autumn on the prairies and tailgate suppers in the middle of the field with family and combines. xoxo jamie

  77. Nancy*McKay says

    …just goes to show ya, YOU could sell anything 🙂 …even swamp land! xo

  78. The jam looks heavenly… my mouth is watering. If I win the jam, I will be sure to only use it on fresh baked bread made in my own kitchen.

  79. Well, that jam grew wings and flew to parts unkown, fantastic!

    Here's hoping the vines are looking down on me tonight!

    xoxo, J.

  80. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    wow wow wee wow! and a yee haw!!!

    just got in from work… no chance of buying a delicious jar, so i'll have to take my best chances here

    your home sounds always. full of history and magic 🙂

  81. Edwards Hayslett Fine Art says

    I've enjoyed reading your blog off and on for several months. Iowa, like Idaho, is a gorgeous state and I am happy to be here. I am a curator in an art museum, but I also make jewlery. I guess my work is more like jewelry design because I use artisan's components, and nice beads too. I'm gearing up to experiment with hammering and twisting metal this winter–mostly brass–at least at first. I like jam too!

    Here's my email address:

  82. DreadedRed says

    I heart jam, sunshine, and brisk mornings. kal3_3[at]yahoo[dot]com

  83. genie marie says

    Well dang it! I have been laid up with the most wretched cold of my adult life and missed buying a jar or ten!!!Soooo…please pick MEEEE!!! I need the TLC.

  84. Oh – for the chance.

  85. The Noisy Plume: says

    Oh my goodness!
    All of these bright and shining new faces make me want to whip up a new batch of the jammies……….good thing the grapevines are coming ripe this week!!!

    Thank you all, so much, for your comments.

  86. I'd love a chance to win some plum jam.. it sounds so heavenly!

  87. My grandaddy always made red plum jelly!Thanks for reminding me of that.

  88. nancycreations says

    Heck yeah I want some of that jam girlie I know it's great I think you love to cook as much as make jewelry, isn't fun when you combine both at the same time makes my mind spin when I do bet yours does too! haha your trip looks like it was great, wow what scenery, nancycreations aka nancyjewelrydesigns

  89. Jillian, remember me? Just want you to know you became my friend since the day I purchased your necklace for my daughter Lindsay. Reading your blog is part of my daily routine now. You are such a talented young lady and I want to thank you for sharing your life with us 🙂

    There were already 82 comments left plus I have never win anything in my life. However, may be I will be lucky this time? 🙂


  90. beth & cody says

    Dear Plume,

    I bet your jam is bliss on toast.
    If I am the luckiest duck, I promise to enjoy every last drop! It would bring some of the sweet stickiness of summer into the grey depths of a Northwest winter.

    Crossing my fingers, toes and tailfeathers–


  91. beth & cody says

    Dear Plume,

    I bet your jam is bliss on toast.
    If I am the luckiest duck, I promise to enjoy every last drop! It would bring some of the sweet stickiness of summer into the grey depths of a Northwest winter.

    Crossing my fingers, toes and tailfeathers–


  92. beth & cody says

    Dear Plume,

    I bet your jam is bliss on toast.
    If I am the luckiest duck, I promise to enjoy every last drop! It would bring some of the sweet stickiness of summer into the grey depths of a Northwest winter.

    Crossing my fingers, toes and tailfeathers–


  93. Desiree Fawn says

    Oh drat! I missed the boat on this one, but I'll hold out for the hopes of winning some jammy jam ^_^

    <3 Lots of love!

  94. YEE HAW!

    Tales of Autumn.

    Crisp air, Hot Chai Tea, a pile of Books, music, and thick knit socks and warm sweaters.

    After 2 years of WONDER, plume gables jam would be a savory dream come true!

  95. susan heggestad says

    What a jam-boree!

    How about a swap? Some jalapeno jelly for plum?
    Fun fun!

  96. R. M. Preston says

    Sweet and tart plum jam sounds amazing! I would lovelovelove to try the Plume Gables jam…..

  97. Hi Jillian, How fun to leave a comment and find that my Katie left one too. What a way to celebrate RW's birthday. You are always stirring up some fun. Thanks for cheering up my days here so far from home. I love reading blog posts. Yours and my kids. I make my own bread and would love to smother it with your lovely plum jam. Thanks for telling us more of the Plume Gables history.

    Blessings from far away,
    Jo Miller

  98. I decided to share my favorite fall quote with you

    Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.
    Stanley Horowitz

    You would pass this chance up!

  99. you are the most amazingest.

  100. Buffalo Lucy says

    Congrats on 3000+ hard-earned sales!! And heck yeah I want to be entered in the giveaway (your "repulsive jam comment made me giggle).

    Sad that I missed the golden ticket contest but at least I still have a chance at some jam…

    buffalolucy at gmail dot com

  101. I am feeling a little lucky today…missed my chance to purchase your jam but I hope I can win some!

    Jackie (

  102. I am feeling a little lucky today…missed my chance to purchase your jam but I hope I can win some!

    Jackie (

  103. buttercup caren says

    Oh what pretty jam you make! I'm entering this giveaway on behalf of my mom, who is a fan of jam. It would make a wonderful gift! I didn't realize you had any to sell on your Etsy shop; I would've snapped one up there. 🙂

  104. Blackberryz says

    Hello Jillian,

    Love the hue of your jam, polka dots, and the plate on which it leaves crumbs. We make blackberry, raspberry, apricot, and fig-pear, but I like it best when it's made with glee and sunshine and comes from someone else's nimble hands.

    Today – our little boy turns 2, so we harvested fresh carrots to make 6 dozen morning glory muffins.

    A bouquet of mountain ash leaves and berries, and gf muffin to you,


  105. I love you.

    The end.


  106. Woo! It's a long shot!

    This is cool because growing up in the Creston Valley (just north of ID!), it was an orcharding town, and we spent a lot of time canning, freezing, and jamming (?) fruit. 🙂

    You can get my email from facebook 🙂

  107. Katy @ Rose Lake Jewelry says

    Hi Jillian! I would love to try some of this plum jam on fresh bread with a few slices of extra sharp cheddar cheese. Sounds yum!

  108. thebearaffair says

    Wowee – I was just getting caught up on my friends after my spectacular vacation to Pagosa, Durango (where I not only left my heart, but much of my $$$ as well) and Silverton when I came across this wonderful giveaway!!!! I was sooooooo sad that I missed the Golden Ticket Contest but this will help ease the pain if I can only win one jar of this delish, homemade, cared for and loved jam. Count me in and I will be waiting for the results soon:O) Hugs, Sal

  109. Plums are magnificent. I am quite certain one day I will up and throw away this city life and grow groves of plum trees…

  110. Suzy ~ lorenzstudio says

    Plumalicious Plums in a jam. Mmmmmm!

  111. Justine Urbikas says

    I'd love some homemade jam! If only I lived in a gable instead of a city apartment I'd grow many more things than I currently do in my little community garden plot! How kind of you to share your bounty with us!

  112. bonbons * bijoux says

    Love Heidi's post !!!!

  113. bonbons * bijoux says

    Love Heidi's post !!!!

  114. bonbons * bijoux says

    Love Heidi's post !!!!

  115. Linda Minou says

    Miam miam, please send some this way…. I may not make it through the winter without some jam!!


  116. Of all the jams, I've yet to try plum. I trust your plum would be an excellent beginning :o)

  117. Jaime/Bella-Bijou Jewellery says

    It looks almost too pretty to eat. Almost. 🙂

  118. Michaela Dawn says

    HOW did I not overlook THIS!

    My sweet-tooth is crying, pouting, and sending up a loud fuss…

    You will make great fans of this jam ma'am


    b.t.w. safe travels:)

  119. Willow Branch says

    LOL. I forget to check in for a couple of days & you've run Smuckers out of business. Heck yeah, put me in the pot to win some lovely jam.


  120. homespunangela says

    In this little corner of Florida the week has had a teasing dry air that lets you wear a light sweater without breaking a sweat! Which made for a pleasant Sunday picnic. Hope to win a bit of your harvest! ; )

  121. The plums in your hand remind me of the plums I ate off the trees in the western parts of Romania. In the village where I was raised every street is lined with plum trees, and everyone is welcomed to eat of them- although most turn the bounty into whiskey!!!!
    If I had any of this libation left I would trade you bottle for jar- but alas, they've made their way around several campfires already this fall 😉

  122. Magic_Girl says

    Here a is wish of some jam (and good vibes) coming my way!!

    super_star_elise @

  123. Hey Plume,
    I am commenting while visiting a friend in England. Usually, I am commenting from Western NY. 🙂 I want some jam, please may I win some jam?!?

  124. Hey Jillian,

    I would love to try a jar of your lovely plum jam! I've made lots jellies so far – grape, elderberry and crabapple (like 50 of these – what a bumper crop!, but I've never tried plum before.

    I must say your fall pics are just gorgeous out there, but here in Upstate NY it's also been an amazing fall so far, the colors are brilliant and the farm stands are overflowing with all good things from the earth, and the flowers still going strong too. My favorite time of year! Feeling lucky! Have a great trip and have fun!

    Katy (

  125. dailycoyote says

    yum yum yum yum yum yum yuuuum yummmm,
    yum yum yum yumyumyum yummmmmmm
    yum yum yum yumyumyum yummmmmyummmmm
    yum yum yum yum yum yum yum!

    bonus points if you can figure out what song I'm yumming 🙂

  126. Our baby blueberry, grape, currant, raspberry and strawberry plants are not yet matured to the point where jam is a possibility but I hope that next summer will bring jar upon jar of jewel-toned goodness. Until then, it would be an absolute delight to have a taste of yours!

  127. Well, I gotta put my name in here since the jam sold out too quickly!! Holy heck!

  128. Lara Lewis says

    Oh, bother! I missed the jam sale! Well I am happy for those who were able to purchase a jar (and most excited to see who wins!)

    If it isn't too late, I would love to add my name to the list to win 1 of the 5 extra jars.

    You've reminded me it's time to start making my pumpkin butter! 🙂


  129. oh noisy plume! I rushed home from work on jam day but missed it! bummer. so many organic plum jam lovers! I would love to enter the jam contest…

    great idea, great fun!
    let the food revival continue/begin/strengthen!
    three cheers for plums!!

    much love,
    alicia (

  130. Chloe C. Marty says

    Bummed I missed out on the Golden Ticket contest, but glad that I can make it in to win some JAM!

  131. i am already spoiled with homemade goodies- my source for homemade jams & juices this year has been my 83 year old recently widowed father in law. he drops them off at random. i just found a jar of homemade tomato juice in my fridge. is that the sweetest, or what? he is usually so cantankerous. maybe the fruit makes him sweet.

    if i win the jar of jam, i will have a toast party for the girls, with homemade bread.

    i hope you have a fine time in portland!!! enjoy!!! you deserve it.

  132. The smells, Jillian, are my favorite part of autumn. First there's that crisp, cool smell at the end of summer- let's you know fall's around the corner. Then there's the pumpkin (pie, custard, lattes, omy!) The apple cinnamon. The dry leaf and other detritus aromas. The yummy soups and warm hearty dinners. Thanksgiving! o how could you not love fall?

    Brittany (

  133. Hello!
    Your jam looks gorgeous! I missed the thrill of the chance at the Golden Ticket though!
    Currently I am loving the change of season and the coziness of fall, the crisp, sunny days and changing of the leaves. I'm busy harvesting carrots and beets from the garden and canning pickled peppers! 🙂 And on walks collecting acorns and such fragments of autumn.
    Hope you have a lovely (Canadian) Thanksgiving weekend!
    Aimee (

  134. I have been tempted out of my secret admiring by your lovely jam: I've been following your blog for several years now, but never commented. I think your blog, and your work are magical, truly– they feed the soul. I'm a city girl at the moment, but I was born a country girl, and whenever I'm feeling particularly homesick for mountains and fields and acres of growing things, your blog warms my heart. thank you. 🙂