Les Bijoux!

Firstly, I must let you know that RHONDA LAID AN EGG THIS MORNING!!!!!!  But I discovered it while moving the ark and it rolled right out of the nesting box and onto a pine cone where it shattered.  It was still warm.  Beautiful and brown.  And a little bit pointy.  YAY!  I knew she was going to lay an egg!  I’m the chicken whisperer!!!

Next.  The work of this week!  I didn’t feel like I was able to get much done in the studio these past five days but now that I’m looking at the collection on the jewelry platter by my right elbow, there’s a heck of a lot of stuff there!  I accomplished a lot!  That feels good to say.  Here.  Take a peek!
A Picking Pods Bliss Necklace built of sterling, resin, poppy pods, and some flowers I picked off a weed that was growing on the street.
Perfectly sultry.
Galadriel Earrings built of sterling  and tiffany stone!
These earrings make me crazy.  Not only did I use one of my FAVORITE stones in this design but because these pretties are double jointed the movement is like a musical dream filled with hummingbirds and dark chocolate.
Simply delicious.

Gosh.  I know.  I haven’t made post earrings in ages.
These are little Specimen Earrings.  Dainty.  Pure sterling.  I think I have five pairs ready to go to good homes.  
I don’t even know what to say about this piece except it’s beautiful.  It’s really beautiful.  It’s large but it’s so delicately built of sterling, roughly cut amethyst and 14 karat gold.
This piece is hollow formed and is replete with fantastic detailing including a wee butterfly that perches on one flank of the pendant. Pure magic.  I’ll chit chat with you, next week, all about why my favorite things to create and wear are hollow in one way or another.  I’d keep this for myself except I’ve been doing so much of that lately that it’s not particularly justifiable at the moment.
May she go to a good good home.
This jangly little beauty is positively symphonic.  It’s built of sterling & parral dendritic agate.
The stone itself is a wonder. It looks like a northern winter scape — perhaps it’s meant for a woman who’s heart is somewhat boreal?  Positively wonderful.  And while I’m showing this necklace in a low cut dress I tried it on yesterday over a crew neck t-shirt and it looks fabulous against fabric OR skin.  Mind those draping jingling chains, they’re going to draw some glances…
I used some of the detritus I found on the beaches of Hawaii whilst honeymooning with RW last Christmas!  HOORAY!  This necklace has such spirit, such soul.
It’s built of sterling, resin and a small piece of coral I found on one of our favorite beaches on The Big Island.  Funny enough, the coral sort of looks like an anatomical heart forever preserved in an electric swath of resin. This piece is romantic and was built with even more love than usual.  The toggle clasp also hosts a hallmark charm and one of my Memento Mori sterling bones.  Special special.
I’d keep this one too, for myself, forever…..but I shouldn’t.  And I have plenty more coral in my beach combing box!

Lastly, another Bliss Necklace built of sterling resin, poppy pods, a section of aspen branch and some flowers I picked off a weed that was growing out in the street.  This piece has such a gorgeously organic lilt to it, like I picked the entire thing off a tree trunk while out walking in the forest.  Meant for elves, fairies and women who like to canoe.

Now.  About the update.  I was going to try to do the entire thing today but I have run right out of time.  I must clean my home before I leave to pick up She at the airport.  Seriously.  If she walked into the house right now she would turn around and take up residence in a hotel for the week.  It’s not nice.  Not nice at all.  But the wait isn’t a bad thing.  Is it?  It gives us all time to ponder a bit, and it takes the furious rush out of things AND if I decide last minute that I can’t part with one of these pieces I have plenty of time to think about it!

So.  I plan to pop the Specimen Earrings in the shop right now and the rest will have to wait until later this evening or tomorrow!
Thanks for your patience and thanks for considering these pieces for your personal jewelry collection!

Have a blissful Saturday!
Lawn croquet, mint juleps and all that….


PS This is a poll:  If I wrote a book, would you want to read it?

I’m going to update the shop on Monday morning at 9AM MST.


  1. A book? Why yes, I'd love to read your book.
    And your new jewels are delightful!

  2. Lovely Jewelry..

    sad that the egg broke, and YES I would love to read the book you write!

    Have a lovely weekend! 🙂

  3. Good Girls Studio says

    You accomplished a ton this week! {swoon}butterfly!

    Housecleaning can always wait, true friends ignore the dust bunnies hopping about 😉

    Big duck quacking YES to the book!


  4. I would read your book:)

  5. Desiree Fawn says

    Beautiful new beauties ^_^ And I'm so excited about those earrings that I plucked out of your shop yesterday!

    (Also, I remember writing a comment a year.. or more?? ago, saying that you should write a book. So yes. Yes I would read it!)

  6. beth & cody says

    I would certainly read it. I love books. Especially by lovely and creative ladies like yourself.

    (Just finished Shreve Stockton's book and I loved it.)

    Write on, sista.

  7. beth & cody says

    I would certainly read it. I love books. Especially by lovely and creative ladies like yourself.

    (Just finished Shreve Stockton's book and I loved it.)

    Write on, sista.

  8. beth & cody says

    I would certainly read it. I love books. Especially by lovely and creative ladies like yourself.

    (Just finished Shreve Stockton's book and I loved it.)

    Write on, sista.

  9. I can't believe I went to check in on you and bought your Galadriel Earrings! This, at a time when I'm trying to sell my own precious things.

    Take a look. http://www.etsy.com/shop/denese?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=PageTools&utm_campaign=Share

    I guess the things is that I like the things you make, sometimes more than the things that have been in my family for generations. That's a huge compliment.

    I hope you're doing well this summer. I know summers are odd/hard for you.



  10. Yes, I would read it… 🙂

    …………..I shalt not covet…………

    I wish I were rich and super-fast with my mouse on Etsy. Then I would be the sole person putting food on the Plume's table.

  11. Snailentina says

    beautiful work as usual lady, you are a crazy for feeling you didn't do much, glad you recognized that 🙂

    YES to the book!

  12. thebearaffair says

    Beautiful beauties and Rhonda, I'm so sorry about your first egg – it will be alright because there are many more to come!! Book, BOOK, Book you say, why yes, I would read you book. I feel like you write a book every day in your blog and love every minute of it. Hugs, Sal

  13. Shell (aka Songsmith) says

    I love sharing your pieces, and these pieces of your life, I cannot wait to read about your adventures with She. I need to buy some earrings from you, I think you're such a beauty – oh and YES I would so read your book!!!!


  14. 姿吟 says


  15. Lizzy Derksen says

    Write the book, autograph it, and send it this way, along with a bill for all it's worth!

  16. Nancy*McKay says

    read it?… why over & over & over again…but then YOU knew that…

    …bliss = monday is my day off…

    …more eggs are coming your way…

  17. Jaccalyn says

    I have often thought you should write a book, what type were you thinking? Short stories, poems, random thoughts? all would be amazing. there are some books you can just read over and over, a couple for me are. A knight without armor by 'Jewel' and Gift from the sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Yours im sure would be added to that list.

    Yeah for the first of many many eggs

  18. stregata says

    Your pieces are – again – pure poetry. And I would read anything you write!

  19. Your creativity, personality, and talent are inspiring and brightening. I would love to have a whole book of them!

  20. I always love reading anything you write. 🙂 Dip your pen into the ink and scrawl your sentiments across the stars, dear Plume. We share and we come together. We come together to share.


  21. kagoyahime says

    Yes of course I would want to read your book– in my favorite way, propped up in bed on a weekend morning, with the cat kneading my hair, a drink on a tray, and the radio on. See you in my little paradise! (Because I'm certain you will write it.)

  22. Brenda McGowan says

    Yes, I would definately read a book by you!

  23. I think you know my answer to the book question!

    I feel like your pieces lately have reached another level. Seriously. The other day I went through the evolution of The Plume. I started with page one of your sold items and skipped every few pages, reminiscing over particular pieces. It's quite amazing.

  24. i already told you i'd read/look at a book of you/your work. so yeah! do it….

    ps have i told you lately how much i love you? and your new resin stuff is incredible – wouldn't it be amazing if you could resin-set a dandelion when it's gone to seed? all that fragile beauty preserved forever?

  25. i most definitely would read a book written by you! …and probably send it as a gift to everyone i know 🙂

  26. #1 LOVE all those dangles. Sexy.

    #2 ABSOLUTELY would purchase/read a book of yours. Memoir, fiction – doesn't matter, but your style of writing and designing and photography would be captivating!

  27. I would read absolutely ANYTHING that you have written….!! Doesn't have to be in book form :-D. (We're talking pamphlets, fliers, scribbles on receipts, old napkins, etc.) (!!!!!!)

  28. Elly Rarg says

    If you wrote a book, yes I would read it. I would buy it from amazon and wait anxiously till it got here. Also? Yay for your first little egg! 🙂

  29. mme. bookling says

    Poll Question:


  30. mme. bookling says

    I would also buy like 100 copies to keep for commemoration and gifts.

  31. mme. bookling says

    hug the asian for me.
    and then pour gin down her gullet for me.

    then tell yourself how much i love you.

  32. dailycoyote says

    But of course we will read your book! Now that you know that, the key to getting the book written is to make believe that no one will ever read it. That way you write it for you and only you.

    To think of all the readers (and, inherent in that, how we all vary) is to get on the fast track to paralysis.

    I'm sure you know all this from your metalwork. Sometimes it's good to hear it again ~ I am reminding myself here and now as I type it to you!

  33. of course i would read your book. i'm actually getting quite excited thinking about the potential…

    and, as per usual, your jewels are delectable.

  34. MrsLittleJeans says

    I missed your shop update and what silly questions you ask Miss Plume when you know the answer!!!


  35. YES – I would buy your book and read it and tell all my friends about it!!

  36. Oh absolutely I would read your book! I find your work both in jewels and blogging so inspiring and refreshing and original, I can't imagine a book being any less so.

  37. The Noisy Plume: says

    A book it IS then!
    Hang on to your boots!

  38. bonbons * bijoux says

    Sigh, beautiful work.

    I so often have tears in my tea while I'm browsing your work. Only you know and my tea.

    You look beautiful in feathers.
    They suit you so well. xo

  39. bonbons * bijoux says

    Sigh, beautiful work.

    I so often have tears in my tea while I'm browsing your work. Only you know and my tea.

    You look beautiful in feathers.
    They suit you so well. xo