Sometimes, a girl needs a little pick-me-up.
I saw this, early this morning:
…and I made it mine.
You KNOW I’ll wear it too.
(photo courtesy of whiteowl)


  1. ah mon dieu, mon amie…
    that's a pick-me-up peacock if i ever did see one! i'm proud of you for knowing what you needed (wanted) and making it yours. i'm proud of you for taking care of yourself. a happily trotting plume is my favorite kind. can't wait to see it on you! remember when you galloped into my car and then we screamed? those poor polish people…


  2. MrsLittleJeans says

    Well, of course…this is so YOU. So glad you treated yourself the way you treat us.


  3. Well it's definitely made for a Plume gal! 😉

    I couldn't comment on the previous blog…but just wanted to say that you are one AMAZING chick! Keep it up with all your amazingness! 🙂

  4. I'll bet that you'll wear it with a magenta dress while driving Tallulah!

    You have a wonderful rainbow life.

  5. thebearaffair says

    It's perfect with T…….:0)

  6. BlueButtonwood says

    How divine…

  7. Shell (aka Songsmith) says

    I am in LOVE with that necklace!

  8. Nancy*McKay says
  9. mme. bookling says

    your photographs have been off the charts beautiful lately.

  10. Dear Plume!

    As Mme. bookling just said. Your fotos are amazing.
    Such a glow and intensity. I love them.
    Thanks for sharing!

    And lucky You!
    Living in such a nature.
    Im just a little bit envious.

    Enjoy jour day!

  11. Willow Branch says

    It's been waiting for you to take it home.


  12. That is sooo Dame Edna! All those sequins. Love it!

  13. The Noisy Plume: says

    Ooh! I'm so glad you approve! And what the heck is a Dame Edna….I'm going to google that name….

  14. The Noisy Plume: says

    AHHHHH!!!! Dame Edna!!!!!!!!!!!