[Because the Methow makes music in the key of blue:  sterling, aquamarine, Arizona turquoise, Bainbridge Island beach glass & lapis lazuli.]

[Because what is more Methow than: sterling,blue, deer & a Methow River rock with the most delicate little black vein?]

I had such a wildly beautiful epiphany while working in the studio today.  I recently told a friend about a silly little fear I have and her response was, quite simply, “Do not be afraid.”  It was such a straightforward response it nearly shocked my boots off.  Let me tell you what I realized!  A good friend does not encourage, nourish or foster your insecurities and fears.  A good friend tears those nasty weeds up by the roots and with a most fractious spirit, she casts them into a burning barrel, pours kerosene all over them and drops a lit match on the mess.  Then she stands there beside you and makes you watch that awful crap* burn away into ash, wind and nothingness.  That’s what a good friend does.  I just thought I’d tell you.  Consider yourself informed.


I had a transportative experience while working.  I was playing Hey Rosetta! on the stereo and was suddenly, mind out of body, spirit out of physicality, transported!  It was the craziest thing.  I grabbed my journal and scribbled the experience down:

I am in the studio listening to Hey Rosetta! while I work and I am suddenly transported to Red Hill in Pocatello — it is winter.  I am running the ridge, an exposed space, the wind is a banshee.  I am listening to music as I run.  The earbuds I’ve stuffed in my ears help dissolve the screech of air that funnels down valley.  It’s tyrannical with its claws and biting teeth.  It makes my ears ache.  My lips are numb.  It is snowing and my shirt is plastered with white.  My face is wet.  The wet is slowly crystalizing.  Later I’ll cross up and over the train yard and look South to Scout Mountain, the peak will be dressed pure as a bride in glancing white.”


It was just a daydream, but at times, my daydreams can come on so fast and strong that I am displaced in the withins of myself and when I come back to the here and now I feel lonesome for the space my imagination took me.  And gosh, am I ever craving a winter run now.

Do you daydream?

What do you daydream about?

*Sorry for writing “crap” — that was rather common of me.  No other word would do.


It’s old, but it’s still so good.


  1. Woman, if “crap” is the nastiest four letter word you use, you’re doing just fine.
    I daydream-I just plain dream-often, and vividly. Whilst daydreaming I have to admit I get carried away enough that I’ve been busted talking to myself.
    Hope you are well.
    LOVE that top ring!

    • GUFFAW!!!

      And I’ve been caught talking to myself too, while daydreaming. Furthermore, I often confuse my daydreams with reality and have to ask Robert and my friends if events really happened or not.

      So well here!

  2. Awesomeness.

  3. Um, yeah, that top ring is STUNNING!

  4. *gasp* that first ring!

    I daydream all the time, oftentimes when I come back I forget where I actually am and what I’m doing 🙂

  5. In my daydream, I’m scrambling around Chaco canyon, barefoot, feathers in my hair, and the women of the village are admiring the ring I’m wearing. It’s sterling, deer, Methow river rock, and it’s exquisite!

  6. some of my best memories are daydreams…

  7. when life is going well, it’s all one big daydream. lovely post, and that RING! to die for…

  8. I love how you capture the essence of places. Just gorgeous!

    Daydreams…it’s perhaps the best part of writing for me. I get to visit those daydreams daily. (And when those daydreams become autonomous, one merely need call oneself ‘writer’ to explain away one’s propensity to talk to oneself! It’s all rather brilliant, really.) =)

    Happy day, beautiful.

    • I think daydreams power invention. Sometimes in the morning, before I get out of bed, I just lay in the blankets and daydream for an hour or so — RW thinks I’m being lazy — but it’s good for the mind to take it slow like that and dip in and out of reality. It’s also really good for the adrenals to wake slowly…and dreamily. 🙂

  9. Hi Jillian,

    Those are some awesome rings, I just love all the blues together!!! Of course I daydream all the time, mostly when I’m at my desk at work wishing I was outside in my garden or at the beach or skiing or ……

  10. MmmmmHhhhmmmmm, ain’t it the truth! I’m staying with a dear friend right now and we balance each other out, strictly by being able to TELL IT LIKE IT IS! “stop making excuses” “Just go for it” etc.

    You, my dear, are making some exquisit pieces, as always…LOVE.

  11. Oh that deer ring….ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    so beautiful
    and a good friend
    that is even better
    nothing like the voice of reason coming form one you love

    you space is always so beautiful to me…thank you
    and about daydreaming
    I do that
    I love to go to places in my mind…my memories, my dreams
    it helps me keep life light
    that is important for me

    love and light

  12. Recently my day dreaming time has been greatly reduced (sigh), but when I do I often day dream about my future, where I want to be, what I want to be doing. Recently though I’ve been day dreaming about the coming of Autumn, of curling up with a mug of hot chocolate and a good book, day dreaming of all the gorgeous colours it brings and the inspiration that follows ahhhhhhhh.

    • Autumn daydreams!
      Are those dreams in hues of mustard, vermillion and crackling sky blue?
      I can’t wait for the chill in the air to put rose in my cheeks.
      I feel so pretty, in my soul, in my skin, when it’s cold outside.

  13. Oh…my. I hope there will be BUCKETS of rings in the shop as we creep towards the holiday season. I am certain one will find it’s way under our tree. Did I miss these in the shop? Exquisite blues….. just exquisite.

  14. just wanted to say i was here, and this is beautiful…and so are you.

  15. Incredible colors in those rings…all shades of blue cheer my eyes…
    Yes, I do day dream, in fact, I am making it a habit these days to do a soul flight mid day to that place…for me it still remains Cook Islands…in the pale blue water…surrounded by water, skies, trees, sand… hugs

  16. I’m not sure if I do. I guess I must. When you asked, I sort of sat here and thought about the last time I remembered having a daydream, like really remembered noticing I was daydreaming. I think it was in 7th grade. Mr. Millet’s class. I can remember where I was sitting. I was looking at a poster of Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting as Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet that my teacher had on the wall. I would stare at that poster constantly. Every day for a year I think I thought about Olivia and Leonard (I wasn’t really thinking about Romeo and Juliet, necessarily). I thought they were the most gorgeous human beings I had ever seen. (Well, aren’t they? Honestly.) I haven’t thought about that in thirty years. And it makes me wonder if I need to be bored more often. Need to find myself with nothing to do and nowhere to be and nowhere to go and no one who needs me, in that moment, to do something other than what I’m doing (awful feeling, and I frequently feel it). I have always thought that boredom was a great gift I no longer get (because I was often so bored in school — I loved school, but it was just so hard to sit where someone wanted me to sit all day, and wait). Now I work for myself, so I am always on my own clock, and every moment feels too important to me, because I have so many things I want to do.

    I don’t know if that makes sense, but something like that. My time now is too much my own, I think (and yet, still not). I would like the idea of enforced “wasted” time: bored in class, sitting on the bus, waiting for a bridge to come down, etc. That’s daydream time, to me. I need (to make) more of it.

    • Alicia,
      I just laughed so hard at your mention of Mr. Millet’s class and the poster of Olivia Hussey and Leonard (yes, they are so beautiful). I know what you mean by needing more space and time to do nothing in — I often feel guilty for being too still instead of working working working. I think this is why I allow myself a daydream hour in the morning while in bed — I sometimes set the alarm clock for a ridiculously early time just so I can shut it off and fall into a waking dream, right there in bed, and not feel guilty about doing it.

      We all need to lay a granny quilt out on the grass under an apple tree from time to time, and do nothing but lay there and watch the way the sun filters through the fruit and leaves and let the shadows and light take our imaginations places.

  17. Oh my! That ring is just amazing! I just found your blog/shop and I am so inspired. Thanks for spreading it around.

  18. oh, hey rosetta do the most wondrous things to a person. they sing your body to life even when you thought it weren’t possible to be any more alive. they make your heart beat hard and your blood swell. i fell in love with them a couple of years ago after hearing “the simplest thing” and we saw them live last april. it was like when you put your hand against a wall and the music vibrates through it, up your arm and into your body, only this time there was no wall, my body was the music and the words and the song.

    time travel is possible.
    through scent
    and music.

    • AHHHHH!!!!!!
      I know.
      I pray to see them live someday.
      I cannot really explain how often I listen to their albums. I work to them, quite regularly.
      Glad to know you love them too!

  19. I used to run up Red Hill at daybreak and greet the town below in the morning light. One of my favorite things to do when I lived there. Thanks for transporting me. Scout Mountain does make for a beautiful bride-doesn’t she?

    The first ring is a beaut!

    • It’s so nice up there! I usually run it in the winter months — it seems to catch less snow than City Creek and if you run it back and forth a few times, the entire ridge line, it’s a nice hill run!

      I love that you know what I’m talking about, when I chatter about Pokey!


  20. LOVE the use of ‘crap’, haha! So necessary!


  1. […] Jillian Lukiwski aka The Motherflippin’ Noisy Plume is a jeweller and a photographer but even if you don’t care about those things, you should read her blog anyway because her writing is formidable. This paragraph on friendship from a recent entry knocked me on my ass, because she is right. My friends astound & revolutionize my life, just like this: I had such a wildly beautiful epiphany while working in the studio today.  I recently told a friend about a silly little fear I have and her response was, quite simply, “Do not be afraid.”  It was such a straightforward response it nearly shocked my boots off.  Let me tell you what I realized!  A good friend does not encourage, nourish or foster your insecurities and fears.  A good friend tears those nasty weeds up by the roots and with a most fractious spirit, she casts them into a burning barrel, pours kerosene all over them and drops a lit match on the mess.  Then she stands there beside you and makes you watch that awful crap burn away into ash, wind and nothingness.  That’s what a good friend does.  I just thought I’d tell you.  Consider yourself informed. […]