Green River, Utah

I’m currently writing a personal essay on river travel and water.  It’s not ready for publishing here (and frankly, I may save it for something else I am working on).  However, I think these images tell the story of our Green River trip quite well!  I would love to say that it was a trip of a lifetime, but the fact is, Rob and I are going to run this river over and over and over again.  Sometimes a place changes you, gets in your heart and soul.  Some places are unforgettable, little homes away from home.  The Green River is one of those places for me.  I’m tethered to it now, for all of time.

Please note, any images that I appear in are courtesy of my husband Robert.  I didn’t take a single self portrait on this trip!  Unusual for me!  I must have been in vacation mode or something…