Snippets From My Journal:

IMG_3496Every morning we wake up and choose.  There are always things to be:

Courageous or cowardly.

Free or enslaved.

Unique or generic.

Truthful or false.

Hardworking or lazy.

Celebratory or covetous.

Supportive or envious.

This list continues to the horizon and wraps itself around the earth infinitely.  We are always choosing.  How you choose to be will follow you no matter where you go, no matter how far you run.  We make our beds and then we lay in them;   we sleep soundly on the smooth spots and feel our hip bones dig into the rumples as our legs stretch and cramp to span the rifts.

We sow our seeds and watch what grows.

And each of us lives with consequence and we all bear the burden and bliss of lessons in our hearts.


So much murk is coming clear for me in work, in my relationships, in my conscience.  I am learning.  Slowly and surely.  I’m old enough now to recognize there is a lesson in everything if you root through the details enough, if you take the time to earnestly seek the truth.  I’m not so much a coward to disown my wrong living and wrongdoing in this life.  I try to turn around and face it as courageously as I can, fix it if I might, forsake the actions and thoughts that led me to a bad place or to hurt others.  I do my best not to run, not from anything.


I have a firm grip on the concepts of justice and compassion right now.  These two things are vastly different from revenge and pity.  I’m thankful I chose one path and not the other, as hard as that choice was, at times.


A notion that surfaces daily here is the idea that we are all responsible for the state of our own souls.  We all have a metallic compass spinning round in our hearts and minds, we act according to our conscience, or against our conscience, every moment of every day.

People cry out, “Do not judge me!”  But the truth is, we have already judged ourselves; the guilt and shame lays waste to our hearts and minds.  Why not be free of it?  Why not own it all, your successes and your failures as a human, so that you can move forward and do your very best once more?

Is there something about yourself you cannot stand, something you feel shameful about?  Own it.  Fully.  Walk away from it every moment of every day.  Choose to be differently.  Watch yourself change and feel yourself grow.


I want to cloak myself in light which means I must peel myself away from the darkness, again and again.


Big things happen in life, in work.  Sometimes I feel afraid, I wonder if I am in over my head, I wonder if I am worthy of  it all, I wonder if I am capable of excelling brilliantly at the jobs given to me.  I never pretend to know what I am doing.  More often than not, I say yes and then I wing it — figure it out as I go along.  I’m never too proud to ask for help.  I’m never insecure about the degree of my experience, I am upfront about it, believing with all my heart that if I wasn’t truly wanted for the work, I would not have been chosen.  I trust myself to find my way and when I feel lost, I look to the light, walk out in the dark of morning to remember the North Star where it sits spinning on the just fingertip of God.

I tell my friends my fears and they remind me of everything I know I am, deep in my heart.

We all know what we are, deep in our hearts.  Sometimes we aren’t able to voice the truth of the matter yet, or we have forgotten ourselves, or if it’s an awful part of ourselves, we’ve repressed the thorny truth in some dank corner of our minds, but it’s always there, the knowing.

We improve ourselves or we don’t; we grow, or we don’t.


I trust in the work of my hands, in the place it comes from.

I trust myself.

I will never feel the need to wake up in the morning and crawl into the skin of another, to proceed pretendingly, to waste myself.  There is no meaning for me in any of this if it doesn’t truly come from me.

I will use my own sight, I will use my own thoughts, I will use my own words.

Even when I feel scared, I will work my truest and hardest, clear my throat, lift my chin and allow that bright thing that is only mine to share to rise up from me, ride through the tunnel of my chest and mouth into the sky and rest there like a constellation and not fade away.


  1. so much wisdom, truth, and poetry in this post.

    i like the thought of the north star spinning on the just fingertip of God.
    i really like that….

    so glad you are brave, that you speak what is in your heart.
    you are one of the most true-to-thine-own-self people i know….


  2. Delectable words and deliberate truths- thoughtful, not harsh and yet, solid. Thank you for sharing this glimpse. And, hey, lovely metalsmith, when can I get a ring of yours? I so want one and never can snatch one up…you are just that gifted. <3

  3. Going back through the ‘ol journal is a good practice. Though, I admit, I sometimes find things that are cringe-worthy, I ultimately find it to be a good map to how I got “here”. Thanks for sharing your snippets. Good things to contemplate in the studio this cold day.

    • Ah yes…the cringe-worthy entries, I have some of those too. You know what though, better those moments be on paper than made real, in a face to face situation.

      Paper is a good and safe place to exercise your demons, say the things that no one else needs to hear, to shed your insecurities…to be downright doggone ugly.

  4. Simone Turner says

    WoW! Thank you, thank you for these words this day. Ringing so very loud and true to me at this present moment. So…thank you much lady plume.
    “own IT”
    I’m trying, I’m trying!!

  5. As much poetry as journal snippets. Turning away from greed and anger, living interdependence, staying awake to the choices, wonderful reminders of what daily life is about. Simple but never easy. Thank you for sharing these.

  6. Beautiful words all of them. “We sow our seeds and watch what grows.”… that is a notion I remind myself of every moment. In this garden of life, what do I want to be surrounded by?

  7. Just beautiful! I’m glad you share your heart and your words. Really like this post. Choosing light and life!

  8. always feel blessed when I land here.

  9. I think we can choose not only very morning, but moment to moment…not only that, I beleive we can go back and ” un choose” in some situation…follow our tracks back and make it right…fill that space with love…right choices, y’know?…I love this journal snippets+your wild filly self….beautiful…xo

    • I totally agree with you — un-choosing is always an available option, it doesn’t mean we can escape all consequence, but we can make right our path. I completely agree. Always love to see you here, K. X

  10. “Every” not very…urg!

  11. Oh Plume, such words of wisdom…I admire your ability to write and LIVE with such strength and conviction! You have it right.
    Learning, trying, working, living, growing.
    Love you, oodles.
    -Lu xx

  12. Oh Jillian, as ever, your words reach me right as I need them to most. This is a post I will print out and keep with me. We’re all a work in progress and I love that you own up to every decision, every turning point.

    Best to you and the Mister, Plume.


    • Realizing it helps us have compassionate hearts, too. It’s just a good thing to remember that we’re all in the middle of being broken and being healed.

      I try to own every decision. Sometimes I fail. Sometimes I succeed. It’s the trying that matters.

      Love to have you here.


  13. There you have it. Straight from the heart.
    There are some lessons to learn, here. It’s the juicy truth.
    I’m loving today. Thank you.
    x MS

  14. Oh my – so needed to read this today. I just stumbled onto your blog last week and am trying to both catch up on all the reading from years past but still read the current posts! What beautiful words you have and the sentiments you share are wonderful.
    I also adore all your creations. I was upset to have missed your upload, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be (yet) 🙂 I will have to keep an eye for a fish ring to represent my beautiful little girl born under the Northern Lights of the Northwest Territories!

    • Oh Bridget, you’re in for a treat! I’ve been following Jillian since 2008 (my goodness, nearly 7 years now!) and her writing and photography has never failed to inspire or create community. Enjoy!

  15. Hi Plume. As usual, you never cease to amaze me with your words. I have been having these same thoughts as of late. And here you corraled them all into one powerful post of pure perfection. 🙂 Just like that! Thank you for this. I too, will refer back to it in the future to remind myself… I need constant “reminding”. Sometimes I wake up on autopilot and completely forget that we are such an active participant in life and that we have choices. I have a feeling i’m not alone in this though!

    • Humanity is a collective kind of thing. I think we all think about this stuff unless we have completely shut our minds off or are without conscience (and there are some who are without conscience…it’s a frightening phenomenon).

      I’m always the person in the room to say aloud the thing that everyone else is thinking but not saying. It’s my blessing and my curse. 🙂

      Delighted to have you here!

  16. All of this is SO good, but the bit about the choices.. I just copied that in my own journal. You have such a gift in words and conviction. Thank you for sharing it with us. xo

  17. Thank you!
    I need these words right now.

  18. Elizabeth Waggoner says

    Lovely, Jillian. These are the words that we might hear all our lives – and then one day, miracle of miracles, some or all of them finally sink in – down deep where the changes happen and the truth settles in to stay. Hopefully, sooner than later – but no matter when – in our 20’s or in our 80’s, it’s a comfort – like fitting in puzzle pieces. You offer so much to the readers here on your blog. Your honest perspective is refreshing. With so many changes coming in your life, I hope you will be able to keep sharing. See all the people that you impact in such a good way?

    • I know!

      How many times do we have to learn the lesson before we take it into our hearts!!!???

      I hope to keep sharing, too. Finding time to write for the blog these days is difficult. I appreciate you being here, so much.


  19. Very wise words, I’ve been trying my best not to fall into that pit of negativity lately. I’ve recently opened up shop on etsy and am feeling quite alone in the whole process, I keep re reading your old posts(and new, always) as a source of inspiration! Did you struggle in the beginning when you first opened up your shop, sale wise?

    • It’s good to begin small, start slow, and build yourself and your work and your business as you go. Don’t be in a hurry. Do work you can be proud of.

      There are two kinds of successful people in the art world:
      1. Those who are successful because of who they know.
      2. Those who are successful because of the quality and soul of their work.

      One usually takes a little longer…but it’s a success that is slower to burn out. 🙂

      Hang in there.
      Work your little tail off.

  20. “DO YOUR VERY BEST EVERYTHING ELSE IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS” — thank you for saying this…

  21. amen, sister. Amen.

  22. Beautiful post silver sister.
    It’s been to long. I’ll write soon.

  23. A million thanks for writing what’s on my heart.
    You are a true talent in your words!

  24. Oh Jillian … thank you so very much for your words. They have touched my heart and soul profoundly. If you don’t mind, I’ll be printing out this post to tape it next to my desk so that I can remind myself daily to ‘own it’. You are one beautiful being, dear Plume! XX

  25. This is exquisite. Thank you for sharing so courageously and with such vulnerability.


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