STILL, eventually forthcoming.

IMG_5103 IMG_5108 IMG_5116 IMG_5118 IMG_5125A continuaton, in sterling silver.


  1. on the ground near the bookshed, there’s a skull, much like this one, split by hinterland grasses and sans horns.

    so very much enjoying this series. it’s so….prairie….if you will….

  2. Lawdhavemercy! Your jewelry along with the beaded belt buckle that I covet. Such beauty, Jillian.

  3. Space, interconnection, balance. Quiet lovely – thank you.

  4. The things you manage do with metal & with light are nothing short of magic. Magic I tell ya! <3

  5. There was a day, some years back when we lived in a little rental duplex just a stone’s throw from privately owned woods and some cornfields, where we went for a walk and saw a pile of bleached bones just off the road. Not really bleached, of course, but they had been in the sun long enough to start going pale. We had to look for a while before we recognized it was a deer – the cattle skull on your bracelet makes me think of the deer skull ew saw, broken open in half, with grass growing through one eye socket.

    I love this series so much!

  6. Beautiful collection you are creating. I love this series of photographs as well. The red sure does pop!

  7. What a interesting woman you are!
    The world is sooooooooo in need of people with this level of perception..

  8. Beautiful photos! Beautiful jewelry! Thank you for your amazing posts!
    And I love your shirt . . . where did you get that from?