
“The more the outside world tries to reinforce an image of you, the harder it is to continue to be an artist, which is why a lot of times, artists have to say ‘Bye.  I have to go.  I’m going crazy and I’m getting out of here.’  And they go and hibernate somewhere.  Maybe later they re-emerge a little differently.”

[Steve Jobs]IMG_1608I have this quote up on my office wall as well as my studio wall so I read these words fairly often.  They reassure me, they help me stick to my guns and stay true to myself.  They give me permission, when I need it most, to take care of myself and allow myself to disappear, put the real work first, fall into hermit-hood, take days to answer my text messages (if that’s how much time I need), and weeks to answer my emails (if that’s how much time it takes); to re-emerge when I am good and ready, and only then.


  1. I love that quote and may post it as well!! Enjoy the inspiration!!

  2. Oh I love that quote…thank you!

  3. I hear you…
    thank you for sharing this. it’s both timely and important.

  4. Definitely a big part of me is a hermit. I’m so content just being with my man and animals for long stretches. I do get a hankering for socializing…but big groups wear me out. Steve seemed to walk to his own beat….I always admire that. Be well chicka.

  5. This is so perfect and so true. Sometimes we need to turn the outside world down low in order to hear what our own hearts are saying. Happy hermit-ing!

  6. agreed.

  7. Catherine Chandler says

    Bless you, my dear friend.

  8. The world presses on us, a constant barrage. Tweets, Posts, Texts, Instant Gratification!! Anyone with an online presence, like you, is subjected to so much more bearing down on them with demands to produce, produce, produce. I must have my jewelry! my photos! my blogs! my book!…! At my neighborhood post office, one of the now retired clerks had a sign that said: “It takes the time it takes.” Maybe not worthy of being up on the wall with Steve Jobs, but good for us all to remember. Many Blessings and take Your time.

  9. Elizabeth Waggoner says

    You Betcha!

  10. I love what you wrote, but I must admit, the first thing I thought of when I saw this post/picture was: ‘wow….to be able to saw without glasses on. I miss those days:)’. I not only have to wear glasses now, but magnification as well:) But I digress…..

  11. Hello 🙂
    I just recently started reading your blog and following you on Instagram.
    I picked up a copy of artful blogging and you were one of the featured bloggers.
    I enjoyed the article and the photographs. I was the proud owner of a GSP a long time ago.
    I still miss him with my whole heart. Incredible dogs!
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, your art and photographs.

  12. Yes! Exactly!

  13. I know exactly what you mean. I have such a love/hate relationship with the infinite number of ways to stay in touch with people these days. I’m happy that my friends and family understand my communication habits by now.

  14. “A Country Year” in “a country moment”, as needed; thank you for the beautiful photos…xo, Hbb

  15. So happy I stumbled across your blog and insta; AMAZING. May I inquire about what you shoot with? (Camera) 🙂