A Watermelon For Titus

It was just his size, so naturally, I picked it for him.

Tomorrow Titus McFlightus will be spending the day in his cage at the base, getting used to the sights and sounds there, the wind in the trees and the gurgle of the water in the trout pond.  In the days to follow, we’ll begin opening his cage for him, hoping he’ll learn to frolic with the group of cedar waxwings that lives in the trees there — some of those birds are his siblings and original family!  There’s something kind of beautiful and right about placing the wild back out in the wild.  I’ll miss him dearly.  Wish us (and him) luck!


  1. Simone Turner says

    Good luck Mr. Titus….
    Free, free as the wind……

  2. Oh! I will miss hearing about him and seeing his cuteness! It will be bittersweet, for sure. I’ll be thinking of him, and hope he re-adjusts well.
    That watermelon is adorable!!

  3. I’ve been thinking lots about you and Titus lately as I attempted to rescue a newborn mouse found in our firewood stack…sadly, he did not survive, so it makes me even happier to see Titus thriving 🙂 Good luck to you all as he heads home.

  4. I do fear he will miss you fiercely.

  5. How wonderful that you’ll be able to help him find home again. Many hugs to you!

  6. Aw, you helped him find his wings, Mama Plume. He’ll never forget.
    (That mini watermelon is just too cute. And his expression–it kills me!) =)

    I spy a beauteous ring on your finger!

  7. Oh! Good luck little birdie friend! I’ll be thinking of him and wishing him well on his new adventure!

  8. That melon!! for Titus is absolutely adorable! he looks so healthy and strong. 🙂
    What if you made him a teeny ring? so when he comes back to visit you’d know it’s your Titus…

  9. Remember to keep the felines up for a few days…Titus would be far too easy an opportunity!

  10. AAAh, that melon is toooo much! It’s so perfect! Wishing little Titus finds his natural self and flies away to live in complete bird confidence. He’s been really lucky to have a Mama like you! XX

  11. EEP!

  12. That is the smallest watermelon!! I wish him luck…

  13. Good luck to you and to Titus, I hope the transition goes smoothly x

    1. That Ring.
    2. i’m sorry, but all i can think when i look at that photo of him with the watermelon is that it looks like a Barbie watermelon. gross, i know. but i can’t. stop.
    3. i’m going to email you now.

  15. Luck!

  16. mashed potatoes says

    little Mr. McFlitus is just soooo cute and dignified looking.
    Photos are really amazing. That baby watermelon for Titus!!! teeheeee.
    Won’t it be swell when he rejoins his tribe?
    Hope you continue taking photos of him. xo

  17. mashed potatoes says

    p.s. maybe he’ll even make it onto the blog banner????

  18. And the adventures of Titus McFlightus continue. I can just see the other little waxwings taking him under their wings. You’ve been such a perfect, proud Mama. Hate to see him go.

  19. :::UPDATE:::
    Titus McFlightus is officially FREE and flying high in the trees!

  20. Taddyporter says


    You did a great job! Because he was not a wee baby when you found him he will right at home with his Peeps and will integrate perfectly! !! Nice, JSL. Your heart is a warm shade of gold. Love to you and yours.